After a few days passed, Du Yu's body had almost recovered.

"Our main goal now is to enter the Nebula Sea."

Du Yu pursed his lips and thought deeply, his brows furrowed and he never relaxed.

When Shen Yunxi saw Du Yu like this, she knew what Du Yu was upset about, so she opened her mouth, but she didn't know where to start, so she closed her mouth again.

Li Bo stood aside and watched the two people think of something after hearing Du Yu's words.

"Are you talking about the Nebula Sea Area?" Li Bo took a step forward.

Du Yu heard Li Bo's voice, raised his head and looked at him and nodded.

"I have heard a little bit about this, but I only heard what those who came in said. They all came for this sea area."

Uncle Li pursed his lips and hesitated, then continued after a while.

"But none of them have passed the level of Meteor Grass. In fact, a long time ago, the person who imprisoned me here told me that many people will come here in the future to look for a place called Nebula Sea Area. When the time comes, my first One mission is to take them to taste Meteor Grass. If they have not passed it, then there is no way to go to the next step. If they have passed it, then I can be liberated and that person can continue to search."

Uncle Li didn't need to say much, Shen Yunxi and Du Yu also understood the story that followed.

Du Yu sat on the edge of the bed and lowered his head slightly in thought.

Shen Yunxi nodded after hearing this, with a hint of knowingness on his face.

"That is to say, now that we have obtained the Meteor Grass, which means that we have passed the first level, doesn't it mean that there are still many relationships for us to explore?"

Shen Yunxi looked at Du Yu, thinking that Du Yu could come to a conclusion, and Du Yu had lived up to her expectations.

"That's true, but my ability has improved now. Although I can't tell for a while which state I have reached, I believe it is definitely more than a small step."

Du Yu's face was filled with confidence, which also made Shen Yunxi smile.

It has been a long time since Du Yu was so confident because of these things, and Shen Yunxi was so worried that he never smiled.

Li Bo felt relieved when he saw the two of them like this, and nodded secretly, not disturbing the two of them and continuing to get along.

"If you wait until tomorrow, I will send you out. I will follow you until then."

Uncle Li has never been out of this place, so if he wants to truly escape from here, he still has to rely on Du Yu and others.

Du Yu nodded.

The next day, the three of them packed up their things and came to the entrance of the cave at the beginning.

"I have used a lot of my spiritual power to maintain this cave these days, and now I can finally withdraw."

Just when Li Bo wanted to remove the barrier with a wave of his hand, he was stopped by Shen Yunxi.

"Wait, what about those piranhas outside? Those piranhas are not just one or two, they are a group."

Shen Yunxi suddenly thought of the hidden danger of piranhas outside, and quickly stopped Li Bo. She didn't want to become fish feed as soon as she went out.

Du Yu was reminded of this hidden danger, but Li Bo looked calm.

"Actually, to be honest with Miss Shen, those piranhas are all trying to force you into this hole. Now that Fellow Daoist Du has taken Meteor Grass, the piranhas can naturally feel it and won't hurt us."

Uncle Li comforted Shen Yunxi and removed the barrier with a wave of his hand.

As soon as the barrier was removed, a lot of seawater poured in.

Li Bo, Chen Yunxi and Du Yu quickly set up their own small barriers to protect themselves from the influence of the sea water.

It turns out that the entrance to the realm has been closed.

When the three of them were completely out of the cave entrance, the cave entrance suddenly collapsed, and the entire seabed seemed to be shaken.

Not yet. When Uncle Li was thinking about where to go next, he heard a melodious, empty voice.

The sound was like the cry of a whale, but it felt different.

"No, this is a shark!"

Li Bo immediately analyzed who the voice came from, his face suddenly turned pale, and he shouted.

Shen Yunxi and Du Yu also reacted quickly and covered their ears.

Li Bo slowly approached Shen Yunxi and Du Yu, letting his barrier merge with those of Shen Yunxi and Du Yu.

After confirming that the barrier was not affected by the sound, Li Bo signaled Shen Yunxi and Du Yu to put down their hands.

"What kind of species is this that makes you so scared?"

Du Yu looked at Uncle Li with some doubts, and Uncle Li's expression had never looked better from the beginning.

"Don't you know about sharks?"

Shen Yunxi had heard something about it, but what she heard was not this one, but another one.

"Isn't it a mermaid? I heard in the book that a mermaid has a good voice and a beautiful face. If you eat its flesh, you can live forever, and the tears left behind will turn into pearls."

Shen Yunxi said this with a look of yearning on his face, but this fantasy was quickly interrupted by Uncle Li's next words.

"Mermaids did exist in the past.

But later, after a series of changes, the mermaid was replaced by the mermaid. If there is any similarity between the mermaid and the mermaid, I am afraid it is only the human body and the tail of the fish. "

Hearing what Uncle Li said, Du Yu suddenly felt a little confused in his heart. After all, it seemed that this shark had very terrifying power.

Li Bo naturally noticed Du Yu's doubts and continued to explain.

"This mermaid looks very ugly, with long and sharp fingernails, shark teeth, and a steel fork in his hand. His body is blue-green, and the sound he makes is not as moving as a mermaid, but it is charming and attractive. People then eat each other, and the reason why they live forever is probably because they ate the flesh of the last generation of mermaids.”

Uncle Li calmly recounted the bloody past, which made Shen Yunxi feel a little frightened.

After listening to Li Bo's words, Du Yu nodded understandingly. In fact, he had heard a little bit about this a long time ago, but he had forgotten it. After what Li Bo said, he still remembered part of it.

"Why is the bottom of the water so unstable? First there was the piranha, and then there was this shark."

A series of life-threatening underwater creatures made Shen Yunxi feel irritable.

Du Yu patted Shen Yunxi's shoulder reassuringly, "Okay, since we are already here, we can't say to go back."

After saying that, Du Yu turned to look at Uncle Li, "Is there a place where we can live stably now?"

Du Yu's question stumped Li Bo. This was the bottom of the sea, not land. It was very difficult to find a place to live.

"Well... if you walk a little way here, you can probably find a cave. I remember that cave. If it's true, it seems to be a place where great energy can settle."

Li Bo thought for a long time and finally found this useful thing from the ground.

But when Shen Yunxi and Du Yu heard this, their eyes glowed with gold.

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