Everything that should be searched has been searched, but people have not found what they want in their hearts.

Hongying was a little discouraged for a moment, but Xingyu patted her shoulder.

Of course Hongying knew the meaning of this action and looked at Xingyu with some shock in her eyes.

"Xingyu, do you know what this means to you? You just don't care at all.?"

Obviously Hongying did not accept this result.

For a moment, she looked a little ferocious.

"A thousand years, a thousand years, we have been trapped here for so many years, and finally we have a chance to get out, but you don't care at all! If we can't find that thing this time, we really won't be able to get out. went!"

Hongying roared in a hoarse voice, with veins protruding on his forehead.

Xingyu pursed his lips and wanted to open his mouth to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

It was the first time that Du Yu saw the two of them arguing like this. He was curious for a while and came over to ask about the situation.

"Why are you quarreling? What are you arguing about? What makes you lose your temper?"

After hearing Du Yu's words, Hongying did not answer the other party. Instead, she snorted coldly and turned her head to the side.

"Fellow Daoist Du, remember what I told you before. Now we only need to find one specific thing so that we can leave this seabed, but..."

Xingyu is cold, but he will still explain it when this happens.

And the unfinished words were enough for Du Yu to understand what was going on.

"Oh, I see. Then tell me what it is. Maybe I will see it suddenly. Besides, this space is not big, so the thing can't escape."

Du Yu said it a bit easily, after all, this is not his business.

Hongying saw how relaxed Du Yu said it, and she felt angry for a moment and yelled at Du Yu.

"You look quite leisurely. I'm afraid it's nothing to you, but you don't know what this thing is to us!"

He didn't pay attention to Hongying's cynicism. After all, he had received less cynicism along the way?

"Then thank you Daoist Du, all we want is something in the shape of a key. There were rumors before that it is in this cave."

Xingyu had a cold face but said what a peacemaker would say.

Next, Xingyu and Du Yu searched for things together.

Time passed bit by bit. Seeing the persistence of the two people, Hongying couldn't bear to stand by and watch, so she joined the searching team.

"Hey, are you sure this is what you are talking about? Isn't this just an ordinary key?"

Du Yu said as he picked up a key in his hand.

The key had a lot of rust on it and looked like it had been there for many years.

"Yes, yes, this is it!"

Hongying was the most excited after seeing it, and her whole attitude towards Du Yu became different.

Seeing all this, Xingyu from behind also showed a rare smile.

"Humph, it's not fast. Thank you. Thank you."

Du Yu smiled and snorted, looking proud.

In Hongying's eyes, Du Yu looked like he didn't deserve a beating, and for a moment she wanted to fight with Du Yu, but seeing that Du Yu had found what they were looking for, she endured it.

"I won't argue with you this time. Don't show me your appearance. I want to give you a few whips when I see it."

But Du Yu suddenly became shocked and asked seriously.

"The cave came with you, and the mechanism was found for you. Now that you have found everything, when are you going to return Yunxi to me!"

Hongying looked at the key in her hand happily and didn't pay much attention to Du Yu's words, just casually perfunctory.

"Isn't he just a person? Could it be that I still make things difficult for him? I will give her to you when I get out."

Hongying was a person who did what he said. Sure enough, after the three of them went out, Hongying directly drew a space in the void and vacated it, and walked out of Shen Yunxi.

When Shen Yunxi walked out, her eyes were still hazy about the world.

"What's wrong with me? I'm remembering one piece after another. Why am I here now when I wake up? I felt like I slept for a long time before."

Shen Yunxi patted his head slightly and said confusedly.

Looking at Shen Yunxi, whom he hadn't seen for a while, Du Yu missed him very much.

"It's okay, nothing happened. It's all just because you were overthinking it. It's just because you were too sleepy and we went to get things ready when you fell asleep."

He walked up to Shen Yunxi and patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

At this time, Shen Yunxi couldn't remember the memory of admiration at all, so he didn't realize who the two good-looking people in front of him were for a moment.

"Then who are these two? And where is Uncle Li?"

Seeing Shen Yunxi's confused look, Du Yu knew that Shen Yunxi had forgotten almost everything, and his memory only stayed at the time when he just came out of the cave.

Xingyu's mind worked very quickly and he came up with an answer in no time.

"We are Uncle Li's children. He suddenly wasn't in good health, so he asked us to come on his behalf."

Xingyu's explanation made Du Yu instantly hate iron.

It seems that Xingyu has really never experienced anything, and even making excuses for lies is so lame.


As expected, Shen Yunxi looked at Du Yu with disbelief.

Du Yu gave in with a headache and had no choice but to put this lie down.

"Yes, yes, just like he said."

Shen Yunxi still trusts Du Yu very much, but the only doubt is...

"Uncle Li never said that he has children. Besides, where is Uncle Li?"

Xingyu wanted to continue to answer, but was interrupted by Du Yu, who was afraid that Xingyu would give some strange answers.

"How can such a thing be said so casually? As for why, don't worry about it. He is probably recuperating in the cave before, so you don't have to worry too much."

Du Yu kept saying this, and Shen Yunxi finally believed it.

After all, she already had a high level of trust in Du Yu.

"Oh, well, what should we do now? You found everything you were looking for."

This time, without waiting for Du Yu to answer, Hongying on the side immediately answered Shen Yunxi's question impatiently.

"Of course we parted ways. You have your things to do, and we have ours to do."

Hongying said that she took Xingyu's hand and wanted to leave here.

What he was looking for had been found, and there was no need for Xingyu to stay here any longer, so he wanted to go along with Hongying.

"They just left?"

Shen Yunxi looked at Du Yu in disbelief.

Du Yu didn't answer, just kept staring at the backs of the two people as they left.

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