"In the end what happened?"

Shen Yunxi tugged on Du Yu's sleeves. She always felt that all this was not that simple.

Du Yu naturally came back to his senses after being pulled by this, and shook his head.

"What's wrong with this? If it was true, would I not tell you?"

Du Yu said with slightly lowered eyes, and patted Shen Yunxi on the shoulder to comfort him.

Shen Yunxi knew that since Du Yu didn't want to talk, there was nothing he could do, so he had to give up.

"By the way, Yunxi, I have something to tell you, but don't tell anyone."

Du Yu suddenly turned around, held Shen Yunxi's shoulders with both hands, and said solemnly.

In fact, he has noticed something different about his body for a long time, but he has never been able to confirm it.

Shen Yunxi was a little confused by Du Yu's sudden seriousness, and just stared at Du Yu blankly.

As soon as Du Yu thought, a golden light flew out directly from Du Yu's eyebrows.

Finally, the golden light gradually gathered into a golden sword.

This is a sword with golden light all over its body, and it has no form, as if it is just a golden light of nothingness.

But when Du Yu's hand grasped the hilt of the sword, he actually felt this touch.

Shen Yunxi stared blankly at the scene in front of him, his mouth slightly open.

"This is?"

Du Yu's hand held the hilt of the sword, but he did not lift the sword.

"This is probably what they call the Heavenly Sword, but I can feel his abusive spiritual power."

Du Yu said this while still looking at the sword.

When Shen Yunxi heard what Du Yu said, he squatted down and looked at the sword carefully.

"This sword is a peerless sword. I have also heard of the Yutian Sword. It is said to be the first of the top ten weapons. But it is said that only by combining it with the Yutian Sword Technique can he show his true strength. However, the Yutian Sword Technique Has been missing for hundreds of years.”

Saying this, Shen Yunxi's tone contained a hint of regret and pity.

Du Yu, on the other hand, stared at the sword in his hand attentively, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I don't think so. After all, the Heavenly Sword has not been destroyed. How could the Heavenly Sword Technique disappear... I'm afraid it was hidden by some people."

Du Yu thought for a while and came to this conclusion.

After hearing this, Shen Yunxi nodded seriously and agreed with this idea.

"Then what should we do now? Judging from your situation, you probably haven't recognized your master yet, right?"

Shen Yunxi stood up as he spoke, and looked at Du Yu and Yu Tianjian.

When Du Yu heard this, he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment like a child who had been exposed.

"It's true as you said. I didn't have time to recognize the Lord just now, so now that you are here, I feel more at ease."

At this time, Du Yu and Shen Yunxi were talking about such ambiguous words, which made Shen Yunxi feel a little moved.

Looking at Shen Yunxi's little face that slowly turned rosy, Du Yu knew what the other person was thinking in his heart, and he was helpless about it.

"Okay then, you recognize the master yourself, and I'll help you guard it."

Du Yu nodded, then stretched out an index finger and bit it.

Blood dripped on the sword and slid down the sword's tip, and on this sword that was covered in golden light, this drop of blood was particularly dazzling.

"Are you my master?"

A clear and ethereal voice sounded.

Just listening to this voice is enough to tell that the owner of this voice is very beautiful.

Sure enough, a golden light burst out from the building and floated in the air, and this golden light gradually formed a human shape.

Du Yu was quite surprised as he looked at a woman whose truth was gradually revealed in front of him.

The woman is very beautiful, with fair skin, a small cherry mouth, eyes slightly closed, and skin as smooth and tender as a peeled egg.

This woman can be said to be even more beautiful than Shen Yunxi.

When Shen Yunxi saw this woman, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart for some reason.


It took Du Yu a while to react, and then he answered with some hesitation.

"My name is Xue Ling, and you are too weak."

The four words at the end directly brought Du Yu back to reality.

And Shen Yunxi didn't like the person named Xueling in front of him, so Du Yu was naturally unwilling to hear what the other person said.

"You said I'm not powerful, so how can you be so powerful? Aren't you just a weapon spirit?"

Shen Yunxi was indeed Shen Yunxi. When he came up and spoke, he directly targeted the other person's pain.

But Xue Ling didn't frown at all because of this.

He just continued calmly.

"You are weaker than him, and I am not the weapon spirit of this sword. I am just entrusted by others."

This aroused Du Yu's idea, but Du Yu knew that if he asked the other party at this time, the other party would definitely not answer him, but would instead treat him with the reason that he was too weak.

Du Yu kept his mouth pursed and said nothing. Shen Yunxi also felt a little angry, but seeing that Du Yu didn't speak, he had no choice but to take a few steps back and stomp his feet angrily.

"Since the girl said so, can you help me in any way?"

Du Yu felt that the other party must be a calm person. If he didn't have certain strength, he wouldn't dare to say such things.

"Of course I have ways to help you, but first you have to recognize me as your master."

Du Yu was a little stunned when he heard this request, but Shen Yunxi reacted quickly.

"I'm afraid you just want to take advantage. You don't have any real ability, but you just say such big words."

Du Yu glanced at the sharp-tongued Shen Yunxi and suddenly felt ashamed.

It seems that the meekness in the previous paragraph was all an illusion. Sure enough, Shen Yunxi is Shen Yunxi.

"It's okay if you think so. I can let this sword recognize him as its master, or not."

Xue Ling floated in the sky, eyes slightly lowered, looking at Du Yu and Shen Yunxi with a feeling of contempt.

This feeling made both Shen Yunxi and Du Yu unhappy, but the other person was just like a soul at this time. They couldn't touch it and could only see each other talking to each other.

"Then you've said so, what's the benefit of me recognizing you as my master?"

Du Yu was also testing the other party. Although the other party seemed to be unfathomable, he was probably lying.

Xue Ling glanced at Du Yu but said nothing.

When Du Yu thought that the other party was going to show off his skills, he suddenly felt a strong aura suppressing him.

This feeling made Du Yu's pupils shrink, with a look of disbelief on his face.

If it were the previous Xingyu, he would still know what was going on, but if it were based on his current strength, then Xingyu would never be able to suppress himself, after all, he had already integrated that power.

But now this kind of strong suppression made Du Yu unable to move at all, and he even felt that the blood in his body was flowing backwards.

This immediately gave Du Yu a sense of powerlessness, but the pressure was quickly put away.

"How? Are you qualified?"

As soon as Du Yu heard this, he knelt down and said, "Master, please bow to me, disciple!"

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