Xue Ling glanced at Du Yu and said nothing, but nodded.

When Du Yu saw Xue Ling nodded, he also knew that the other party had agreed to it and quickly stood up.

Shen Yunxi on the side felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the two people ignoring him so much, so he intervened in the conversation.

"Du Yu, since you have already become my disciple, what should we do now? We can't just stay in this water in a daze all the time."

Du Yu nodded in agreement after hearing this. Indeed, they couldn't stay like this forever.

Then Du Yu took a look at Xue Ling and felt that the other party should know something.

"Master, you must have been underwater for a while. Do you know what we should do after we get out now?"

Xue Ling sneered after hearing Du Yu's question, "You ask me, how do I know? You didn't tell me what you were going to do."

Hearing this, Du Yu scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Master, we came here to search for the Nebula Sea, but it's been so many days and we've been going around and around without any clue."

There was a trace of embarrassment on Du Yu's face. There were too many things happening these days, and he couldn't sort them out even if he had time.

Xue Ling glanced at Du Yu, then turned her head away.

Seeing this opportunity, Shen Yunxi also spoke.

"Your master has probably been trapped for a long time, and I'm afraid he doesn't know the situation. We might as well rely on ourselves."

After hearing this, Du Yu frowned and glanced at Shen Yunxi, but in the end he remained silent.

These words obviously have some thorns in them.

However, these words did not make Xue Ling frown, nor did the emotions on her face fluctuate at all.

"I can only tell you that you are looking at the wrong place. This place is thousands of miles away from the Nebula Sea Area."

When he first heard this, Du Yu thought he was looking in the wrong direction, but Xue Ling's next words suddenly made him realize.

"Don't you feel that someone has been guiding you from the beginning? Do you really think that this is all a coincidence?"

Saying this, Xue Ling showed a look of pity on her face.

I don't know what I'm regretting.

"I remembered what the master said. I have indeed felt strange these past few days."

Du Yu said this, and then clapped his palms with a look of enlightenment on his face.

Seeing how Du Yu cooperated with Xue Ling, Shen Yunxi certainly felt uncomfortable.

"Huh, since you said that, then tell me what is wrong."

These words were obviously directed at Xue Ling, but Xue Ling didn't answer anything, which made Shen Yunxi a little angry.

But before Shen Yunxi got angry, Du Yu opened his mouth to come to the rescue.

"Yunxi, don't you think it's a little strange? Not to mention the piranhas that forced us into the cave entrance at the beginning, and the memory of you disappearing inexplicably."

After Du Yu explained this to Shen Yunxi, he then turned to look at Xue Ling and asked Xue Ling.

"Master, who is behind this? I think this person must not be simple."

Du Yu really wanted to know who was behind the scenes. If he found out, he would definitely not let him go.

"Isn't it obvious enough, idiot?"

Xue Ling only said such a word without beginning or end, which made Du Yu a little stunned for a moment.

On the other hand, Shen Yunxi on the side felt that what Xue Ling said was wrong.

"What do you mean? He didn't know it in the first place, and you still said that to him."

Looking at Shen Yunxi's arrogant appearance, Du Yu felt a little uncomfortable for a moment. How long ago had the snow lotus on the iceberg become so arrogant?

Shen Yunxi also noticed Du Yu's appraising eyes and instantly put away his appearance.

When Du Yu saw that Shen Yunxi had changed back to his original appearance, he turned to look at Xue Ling.

"I hope Master won't forgive me. Yunxi has always been more protective of me. But I still want Master to give me some pointers as to who is causing trouble behind the scenes."

Du Yu bowed respectfully and said sincerely.

Xue Ling didn't care about Shen Yunxi's attitude at first, but when she saw Du Yu acting like this, she told him the answer.

"Do you really think that those two people are looking for the lost treasure left by this great power? How is it possible? This is the Nebula Sea. What's not more attractive than this?"

Xue Ling took two steps, looked up at the ceiling, and continued.

"There are more treasure legends in the Nebula Sea, as well as elixirs that can bring people back to life and instantly increase their skills. What's more, you can also obtain the Heavenly Sword on the way."

As Xue Ling said this, she couldn't help but show a trace of emotion in her eyes, but Du Yu didn't understand what it was.

"I see."

Du Yu nodded in understanding, but his heart was the same as Ming Jing's.

"Now that you understand, there's no need for me to say any more. I'll go back to the sword to rest. If you need anything, come back to me."

After Xue Ling finished speaking, she disappeared.

Du Yu has been a little thoughtful, while Shen Yunxi is watching from the side.

After a while, Du Yu looked up at Shen Yunxi and said seriously.

"Yunxi, you are no longer a child. You can't act like you used to. What's wrong with you? Why are you so coquettish?"

When Shen Yunxi heard what Du Yu said to him, she felt very sad, as if a knife was stabbing her heart.

"You still ask me why I am like this. Suddenly a woman who is much better than me appears next to you. How can you not worry about you being snatched away by her?"

Shen Yunxi's eyes turned red as she spoke, looking like she was about to cry.

What Du Yu didn't understand about Shen Yunxi's words was that he was obviously jealous.

Du Yu thought it was a bit funny, but he comforted Shen Yunxi first.

"Yunxi, how can you say that? The relationship between me and my master is a master-disciple relationship. Besides, even if I have this intention, she cannot have it."

Although Du Yu's words to comfort Shen Yunxi were very straightforward, they did have a comforting effect.

Shen Yunxi calmed down and thought about it, and found that it was indeed the case.

From the beginning, Xue Ling always looked indifferent, as if he didn't care about the existence of anything in the world.

How could such a cold-hearted person have feelings?

Thinking like this, Shen Yunxi felt much more at ease.

"Then what should we do next? We can't stay in this cave forever, and I don't want to."

Du Yu pondered for a while and quickly came up with the answer.

"Let's get out of here first. We can't keep it with us forever, but we have to find a safe place immediately after we get out. There are too many dangerous things on the seabed."

Shen Yunxi nodded, and the two of them left the place together.

The two of them returned to the original track again, but the difference was that this time there was an exception with them.

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