"I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time, and those guys always beat me to it."

The shark smiled ferociously, and his mouth opened wide.

Shen Yunxi usually saw such terrifying situations. For a moment, he didn't even dare to look at the shark, and shrank towards Du Yu's arms.

"Don't be afraid."

Du Yu noticed Shen Yunxi's movements and patted her shoulder, comforting her softly.

"Du Yu, this is a good opportunity for you to practice."

Hearing Xue Ling's voice, Du Yu felt a little calmer.

But what he didn't know was that Xue Ling didn't tell him all the news at all.

Du Yu nodded secretly, then raised his head and stared at the shark.

"Let's fight over there. If you lose, just leave me."

Du Yu originally wanted to randomly pull out a spiritual weapon from the space and use it, but before he could take it out, he heard Xue Ling's voice.

"Just open your palms."

Du Yu was still a little confused, but he still obeyed.

After Du Yu opened his palm, a lightsaber appeared directly in his hand.

This sword is the Heavenly Sword. The Heavenly Sword is covered in golden light and has Sanskrit characters engraved on it.

Du Yu originally wanted to rush forward with his sword in hand, but he didn't expect the shark to look at him in surprise.

"Yu Tianjian? What is your relationship with that woman? Or have you met that woman?"

The shark looked at Du Yu in astonishment. He was originally very arrogant, but now he can only be said to be like a lost dog.

"What did you say?"

Du Yu didn't react for a moment after hearing what the shark said.

Du Yu frowned and felt a little hesitant.

"Who else could it be? Isn't it the woman who owns the Heavenly Sword? Don't you know that woman is a god in the sky? I heard that another god spent a lot of energy chasing her..."

The shark twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled as he spoke.

But he looked like an evil spirit trying to eat people.

Du Yu also became interested when he heard that the shark knew his master so well.

"But that woman was emotionless. In the end, the god came down to the mortal world in order to pursue that woman, but... I won't talk about those things."

The shark's words were enough to arouse Du Yu's thoughts.

Du Yu couldn't help but ask Xue Ling in his mind.

"Master, I didn't expect that you would do something like this before. Please tell me what happened next."

Du Yu is usually not a gossipy person, but when he encounters his aloof master doing such things, he can't help it.

But there was no response from Du Yu.

Du Yu curled his lips, knowing in his heart that Xue Ling would not respond to him, so he focused on the shark again.

"Then you now..."

Du Yu didn't finish his words, but the shark also knew what the other party meant.

"I don't have to do anything to you, but there are people like me in this sea. I can talk to you. I have IQ, but they may not be able to tell. You'd better take care of yourself."

After the shark finished speaking, he left.

Seeing the shark turn around and disappear, Du Yu was about to let down his guard.

"The sea is so dangerous, how dare you let down your guard?"

Before Du Yu could completely put down his guard, he remembered Xue Ling's voice.

Hearing Xue Ling's words, Du Yu was alert again.

However, Shen Yunxi felt that if the shark left, there would be nothing else to do. Looking at Du Yu, who was still on guard, he felt a little confused for a moment.

"What happened to Du Yu? He's gone."

Saying this, Shen Yunxi also tugged on Du Yu's sleeves.

But Du Yu didn't pay attention to Shen Yunxi's voice. Instead, he looked at the surrounding situation very vigilantly.

Seeing Du Yu's dull look, Xue Ling in Du Yu's consciousness couldn't help but hold her forehead.

"Stupid apprentice, if you stay here all the time, you are just waiting to become a meal for the piranhas and the others..."

After hearing what his master said, Du Yu also felt that his behavior at this time was a bit inappropriate, and he felt a little embarrassed.

"Yunxi, let's find a place now, take a short rest and make a plan."

Du Yu put the sword away as he spoke, but before the two of them could leave, a new thing appeared.

A piranha rushed towards them recklessly, and the whole fish was coming fiercely, with its mouth wide open.

"See, this is what will happen if you don't leave in time."

Du Yu didn't have time to pay attention to Xue Ling's helpless voice and directly took out a spiritual weapon from the space.

After all, Du Yu has not yet completely integrated with Yutianjian, so he will not summon Yutianjian casually.

Fortunately there was only one piranha, so Du Yu didn't have to worry too much.

"Don't come out if you're in here. Remember to call me if anything happens."

Du Yu patted Shen Yunxi's shoulder and warned, then he rushed towards the piranha with his sword.

Shen Yunxi was a little stunned by the piranha that suddenly rushed out, but then he couldn't help but feel worried when he saw Du Yu rushing out.

"be safe!"

Du Yu originally thought that this piranha was easy to deal with, so he stabbed the piranha directly between the eyebrows with his sword.

Unexpectedly, this piranha was not easy to deal with at all. When he saw the sword thrust by Du Yu, he reacted with a flick of his tail.

Du Yu was also frightened by the sudden tail flick and managed to avoid it.

This scene made Shen Yunxi feel excited.

The piranha seems to be intelligent, moving its head and tail very flexibly.

Du Yu almost wondered if this piranha had opened up its spiritual intelligence. Normal piranhas would act recklessly, and how could they be so flexible and calculating?

Soon one man and one fish were fighting, and Shen Yunxi was frightened when he saw them.

Du Yu repeatedly tried to stab the piranha at its fatal spot, but was flexibly avoided by the opponent.


Du Yu was already a little impatient. Now a piranha was costing him so much. If he encountered another more powerful one in the future, wouldn't it cost him half his life?

When Du Yu got angry, he no longer used an ordinary sword, and directly wanted to kill the piranha with sword energy.

In order to directly kill the piranha, Du Yu quickly threw out dozens of sword energy.

No matter how flexible the piranha is, his only fatal point is that his body is too big, so he was hit.

After the piranha was hit, blood began to spread from the wound.

Du Yu also realized that it was time to leave immediately, so he came directly to Shen Yunxi and pulled Shen Yunxi away.

After all, the blood will spread throughout the sea very quickly, and it will be bad if it causes other troubles.

"It seems that I still have to lead you to find the thing."

Xue Ling came to this point after watching Du Yu's battle.

Although Du Yu concentrated on leaving this place, he did not ignore Xue Ling's words.

While leaving, she was also wondering what that thing Xue Ling was talking about was.

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