"Master, what exactly is that thing you just talked about?"

After Du Yu finished dealing with this, he asked Xue Ling. He started to care about it from the first time Xue Ling mentioned it.

"Let's not talk about this first. Find a place first. If you swim forward for a while and then to the left, you will see a cave entrance."

Xue Ling naturally avoided the question and then told Du Yu the direction.

Seeing that Xue Ling was avoiding this question, Du Yu stopped asking any more questions.

After all, Xue Ling said that he would take him to find him, so it was only a matter of time whether he would know or not.

"As you command, master."

Du Yu nodded and took Shen Yunxi away in the direction Xue Ling said.

Sure enough, not long after, the two of them saw the entrance of a cave. Just as they were about to go in, Xue Ling stopped them.

"Why are you so reckless? Do you think the bottom of the water is safe? You can enter wherever you want."

When Du Yu heard Xue Ling's words, he also realized that he was too careless and stopped quickly.

"Then what does the master say the disciple should do?"

Shen Yunxi couldn't hear the conversation between Du Yu and Xue Ling, so from her perspective, she saw that Du Yu suddenly stopped and then became lost in thought.

"What's wrong with Du Yu? Didn't you find a safe place with great difficulty? Why can't you stop and go in?"

Du Yu only realized when he heard Shen Yunxi's voice. The other party couldn't hear the conversation between him and Xue Ling, so he was confused about everything.

"Wait a moment, master said there is a problem here."

This sentence aroused Shen Yunxi's dissatisfaction.

Shen Yunxi felt that since having Xue Ling, Du Yu would listen to Xue Ling in everything.

For example, now that I have finally found a place, I still say there is a problem. Who knows if some piranha or that disgusting monster will suddenly appear outside.

Xue Ling unknowingly attracted a lot of hatred.

"Do you think this cave is so easy to enter? Didn't you notice the seal outside?"

Du Yu was reminded by Xueling. He took a closer look and saw the seal at the entrance of the cave.

And this seal is not an ordinary seal, it is definitely a very terrifying seal.

Du Yu had seen this kind of seal before, but luckily the thing sealed inside was no match for him at that time, but that might not be the case in this crisis-ridden Nebula Sea.

"I brought you here just to let you unlock this seal and then go in and get that thing."

After hearing these words, Du Yu finally understood why Xue Ling had avoided that question before. It turned out to be because Xue Ling would take him to find this thing next.

But what makes Du Yu curious is what kind of terrible thing can use such a seal.

"Don't worry, although this thing is scary, as long as you know the owner, everything will be easy to handle. This is also a test for you. You will encounter more of this in the future."

Seeing Du Yu's hesitant movements and eyes, Xue Ling felt a little jealous.

When he thought that he would take Du Yu to find so many good things in the future, Du Yu couldn't help but hesitate.

After listening to Xue Ling's words, Du Yu felt confident.

It is possible for Du Yu to break this seal, but it will only take a little more time.

Shen Yunxi just watched Du Yu in a state of concentration, occasionally showing a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

"Hey, Du Yu, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking about? Or did your master tell you something?"

Shen Yunxi did not follow Du Yu after seeing Du Yu's actions, so he did not know that there was a seal in this cave.

Du Yu was not angry when he saw Shen Yunxi like this. After all, he was the one who ignored him first.

"It's okay, there's just something in here, let me take it out."

Shen Yunxi stopped as soon as she heard this, "Why should I let you take it out? She won't come and get it herself."

Du Yu frowned slightly after hearing Shen Yunxi's words, but didn't say anything.

He knew that Shen Yunxi was worried about him and didn't know the cause of the matter, so he said such things.

"Yunxi, it's okay. Master said the things in here are what I need and are not harmful to me."

Du Yu tried his best to comfort Shen Yunxi and let Shen Yunxi calm down.

Fortunately, Shen Yunxi was still rational, so he was quickly calmed down by Du Yu.

"In that case, then be careful. If anything happens, call me right away. I'll always be here."

Shen Yunxi said this and stepped aside.

Du Yu felt very warm when he saw Shen Yunxi like this, so sometimes Shen Yunxi would have her eldest lady temper, but many times Shen Yunxi still thought about and worried about herself.

How could he let the other person down so casually?

"Can you stop thinking about those romantic things? It won't waste much of your time if you get the things first and then think about them!"

Xue Ling saw that Du Yu was thinking about other things but didn't make any move, and she suddenly became angry.

After hearing Xue Ling's roar, Du Yu quickly came to the seal and covered it with one hand.

As Du Yu mobilized the spiritual power in his body, bursts of golden light covered the seal, and then began to gradually fragment.

"Click" "Bang"

After two sounds, the seal disappeared.

As soon as the seal disappeared, the things inside could no longer cover up their own light, and red rays of light shot out from the cave.

"Master, what is this?"

The red light looked really weird, so Du Yu didn't dare to go forward to get it for a while, fearing that there might be some dangerous creature inside.

Xue Ling also noticed Du Yu's thoughts and immediately wanted to show up and kick Du Yu into the cave.

Xue Ling thought so and did so.

Du Yu only felt a kick from behind, and he rolled directly into the cave.

When Du Yu rolled in and opened his eyes, what he saw was a black dagger emitting red light.

But there is not just one black dagger, but multiple daggers.

The dagger is made of thousand-year-old black iron, with red words engraved on it.

"Black and red"

Just these two words are enough to show how straightforward the maker of the dagger is.

"Master, what are these daggers for?"

Xue Ling was looking at these black daggers from behind Du Yu, with unclear emotions in her eyes as she thought about something.

Du Yu, who didn't get the answer right away, turned to look at Xue Ling curiously.

Xue Ling was very vigilant and reflected the moment Du Yu turned his head.

"Keep it for now. I'll teach you how to use it later. I'll introduce it to you later. Also, call your Yunxi in quickly. Just rest in this cave."

After some advice from his master, Du Yu quickly called Shen Yunxi in from outside.

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