The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1896 The Thirteen Black Formations

After Shen Yunxi walked in, Xue Ling also came out of Du Yu's sea of ​​consciousness.

"What are these knives for?"

Du Yu looked at the black knives in his hand and couldn't help but be confused.

Xue Ling reached out and took the dagger into her hand.

I saw the black dagger gradually floating in the air.

"These knives are one of the top ten short weapons. I didn't expect them to appear here. I just felt them suddenly."

Xue Ling stared at the dagger in her hand and said slowly.

After hearing Xue Ling's words, Du Yu looked at the dagger left in his hand in surprise.

There are thirteen daggers in total. Du Yu doesn't understand why he has to make thirteen daggers. Isn't it good to just make one?

Of course, Xue Ling saw the doubts in Du Yu's eyes and acted as the teacher to explain Du Yu's doubts.

"Because there is a special formation for this dagger, just like the Heavenly Sword. The difference is that the sword of the Heavenly Sword has been lost for a long time, but I have the formation for this dagger."

Xue Ling still had a sense of pride when she said this.

Du Yu also felt a little funny because of this.

"I see, then I have to ask Master to teach me how to use it."

Shen Yunxi didn't know anything, so he had no choice but to stay there, feeling a little sad for a moment.

Xue Ling glanced at Shen Yunxi, thought for a moment and said.

"What's right for you? I don't know you that well."

Xue Ling's words were obviously addressed to Shen Yunxi.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Yunxi and Du Yu both looked at Xue Ling in disbelief.

"I... I usually use a sword. I haven't tried it yet."

Shen Yunxi said a little embarrassed.

She rarely goes down the mountain and doesn't know much about these things.

"Let's do this. I have a lot of weapons that you can try out. If it works, I'll help you find another one."

Xue Ling said this, and with a wave of her hand, several weapons appeared on the ground, but they were all suitable for girls.

Seeing that the weapons Xue Ling conjured out of thin air were all high-quality weapons, Du Yu and Shen Yunxi both opened their mouths in surprise.

"Master, your weapon..."

In the Xueling camp, it seemed that these weapons were just tools for daily practice. Seeing Du Yu and Shen Yunxi react so strongly, they were a little baffled for a while.

"What's wrong? It's just a few weapons for practice..."

Seeing how several good weapons turned into practice tools in Xue Ling's mouth, Du Yu and Shen Yunxi suddenly felt that their vision was too low.

Shen Yunxi then tried every weapon, and finally found that the soft sword was more suitable for her.

After seeing this, Xue Ling took back all the weapons, but left only the soft sword.

"Use this one first, and you will find a better one later."

Xue Ling glanced at Shen Yunxi and said.

If it were seen by others, then Xue Ling looked down on Shen Yunxi, but only Shen Yunxi and Du Yu knew that Xue Ling was not like this.

"Thank you very much, senior."

Shen Yun Xijiao is afraid that he will have to change his view of Xue Ling.

Xue Ling nodded to express her frustration, then looked at Du Yu, and her eyes became serious.

"Du Yu, now I am going to teach you the Thirteen Black Formations. You must study hard."

Seeing that Xue Ling was so serious, Du Yu also straightened up his expression if he had other emotions.

"As you command, master."

Du Yu took all the daggers from Xueling's hands.

"This formation is not easy to master. He is not like Wan Jian Guizong."

Du Yu was confused after hearing Xue Ling's words. He had never heard of the Wan Jian Guizong mentioned by Xue Ling.

"Master, what is the return of Wan Jian to the clan?"

Xue Ling paused for a moment, not knowing what she was thinking, but quickly answered Du Yu's question.

"This Ten Thousand Swords Guizong is not something you can learn now. The main reason is that you don't have the ability yet. Although these two are similar, there are differences. Ten Thousand Swords Guizong divides a sword into tens of thousands. A sword, and the Yuhei Thirteen Formation Envoys directly control thirteen daggers."

After listening to Xue Ling explain so much to him, Du Yu also understood a little bit.

These two constitutions look very powerful, and they are also extremely difficult to practice.

After hearing what Xue Ling said, Shen Yunxi looked at Xue Ling in horror.

"What happened to Yunxi?"

Du Yu saw Shen Yunxi so surprised and felt that Shen Yunxi knew what it was, so he asked Shen Yunxi.

"These two sword techniques only existed in ancient times. I saw them by chance in the Library Pavilion. Moreover, my father gave me a special license so that I could only go to that level to see them. It is recorded above. These two sword techniques were handed down from ancient gods, how could you know about them?"

Shen Yunxi felt that Xue Ling had always lived under the sea. No matter how powerful she was, she could not know things from ancient times. However, the woman in front of her not only knew about it, but she was also very familiar with it.

Of course Xue Ling heard what Shen Yunxi meant and didn't want to explain too much. Now her identity was not something they could just accept.

"No matter how I know, you just need to remember that I will not harm you."

After saying this, Xue Ling turned around and looked at Du Yu, "So you haven't learned yet. There will be no next village after this store."

Du Yu was a little stunned by this sudden incident. Even when he heard Xue Ling's voice, he didn't react in time.

After reacting, he found that Xue Ling had been staring at him.

"Disciple is willing, please trouble master."

In this world of the weak and the strong, it is impossible for Du Yu to miss any opportunity to experience himself and make himself stronger.

Xue Ling looked at the firmness in Du Yu's eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that children can be taught. I thought that the other party would alienate me because of this, but this is human nature.

"This Thirteenth Formation of Darkness cannot be practiced casually. What it wants to test is your distribution and control of spiritual power. These days, you have to exercise your spiritual power control through the small stones around here."

Xue Lingzhan said and gave a demonstration to Du Yu.

All the small stones on the ground were seen floating, and each one was surrounded by golden light.

And these little stones were very obedient, and they would do whatever Xue Ling did to them.

Sometimes these small stones are even assembled into a small person or other shaped things.

Seeing Xue Ling using her spiritual power so flexibly, Du Yu admired him from the bottom of his heart.

If it is normal to control some stones, it is very simple, but to control so many stones and make the opponent so flexible, it is not simple.

When Shen Yunxi saw this scene, she admired Xue Ling from the bottom of her heart, and also learned that Xue Ling was definitely a master who was not easy to mess with.

Xue Ling's true identity has yet to be investigated, but she believes that one day she will discover Xue Ling's true identity.

I just hope this day doesn't come too late.

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