After Yue'er muttered about it for a long time, she remembered Du Yu and Shen Yunxi.

"By the way, you haven't said what you are here for yet. Are you really looking for the treasure? I'd better advise you to give up."

Yue'er swam in the water twice and reminded.

Although Du Yu didn't come here to find the treasure, when he heard what Yue'er said, doubts arose in his heart, so he didn't answer Yue'er's question directly, but instead asked.

"Why is it better to advise us to give up?"

Yue'er shook her fish tail, and Yu Wei looked a little reflective against the firelight.

"This treasure is also called the mermaid's treasure. It is the family property of the mermaid family. Do you think this thing will be taken away by you casually? And at first I felt two unusual auras."

After Du Yu listened, he knew that the two unusual smells in Yue'er's mouth probably referred to Xingyu and Hongying.

"If it's like what you say, then what exactly is this place?"

Du Yu always feels that mermaids are related to this place, so only mermaids know the real answer to this place.

"This place was originally called the Mermaid Cave, but later, I don't know what happened, but it was changed to the Crescent Cave. But as far as I know, the treasure is actually the key to the Nebula Sea."

When the Nebula Sea was mentioned, Du Yu and Shen Yunxi once again recalled the mission they had forgotten.

"What did you say? Nebula Sea Area?"

Shen Yunxi couldn't help but said excitedly, her voice rising a little.

Yue'er didn't like such loud talking, so she frowned, but didn't say anything bad.

"Of course, as a mermaid, how can I not understand the situation here, but you'd better not provoke those two people just now. Although you may be able to beat each other, but..."

Yue'er hesitated at the end and didn't say anything.

Du Yu immediately understood that there was definitely something bad going on.

And he must get this key.

"It's okay. Just tell me if you have anything."

Yue'er glanced at Du Yu and thought for a moment, feeling a little hesitant in her heart, but finally became firm again.

"Well, since you are Ling'er's friends, I will tell you. Those two people are actually very famous on this seabed. They are called the protectors of the seabed. However, the timing is not like this. They are not at all. They were willing to protect the seabed, but they were actually captured and used as hard labor."

After Yue'er said it, she felt that what she said was a little inappropriate, so she opened her mouth to explain again.

"Actually, the two of them are quite good, but they have been locked up here for too long, so they want to get out too much, so they can only get out when they find the Nebula Sea Area."

Yue'er shook her fish tail, paused, suddenly thought of something, and added.

"By the way, I don't know who spread the news that it was in a certain cave. That's probably why they searched everywhere."

After listening to Yue'er's words, Du Yu felt a little missing in his heart.

Now these two people are the protectors of the seabed. Even if they can't defeat him, the combination of their years of familiarity and friendship with those other things on the seabed will still be a bit troublesome.

The combination of these questions made Du Yu couldn't help but frown.

Shen Yunxi on the side saw Du Yu frowning again because of trouble, and felt very powerless for a moment.

The current self might be just a drag on Du Yu.

Shen Yunxi was also a little depressed for a while.

However, Yue'er didn't know anything, so she was a little confused as she watched the two people's emotions getting lower than the other.

"Okay, don't think so much. After all, I am a mermaid. I must know this place best. Those two people took the wrong path. In order to prevent anyone from getting the key, the fairy clan has set up many paths. I I don’t know which way is right, but that way is definitely wrong.”

Seeing Yue'er's determined look, Du Yu couldn't help but believe him.

But now it seems that there are many paths to choose from. Even Yue'er doesn't know which path to choose, so it is still very troublesome.

"It's okay, we still have to thank you a lot for letting us know so many things."

Du Yu smiled softly, like the spring breeze blowing.

Yue'er is a very nervous person. If a normal girl saw Du Yu like this, she would be fascinated, but Yue'er would not.

When Du Yu was thinking about what he should do, a paper crane suddenly flew over.

The paper crane was folded from a piece of yellow paper. When the paper crane rested on Du Yu's shoulder, he began to speak.

"I knew you were in trouble again, so follow this paper crane."

The voice that spoke was Xue Ling's, and it was still as clear and sweet as before.

Upon hearing this, Yue'er recognized Xue Ling's voice and was very excited.

"Take me, take me. I know this place. Although I don't know which way it is, I still know some little things."

Yue'er raised her hands and kept jumping up, trying to attract Du Yu's attention.

Of course Du Yu noticed Yue'er, after all, water splashed everywhere due to Yue'er's fish-tailed splash.

Du Yu doesn't mind Yue'er joining, after all, one more person brings more strength, but...

Du Yu seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Yue'er's lower body with vague eyes.

Yue'er was very nervous, but it didn't mean that she had no IQ. She immediately guessed what Du Yu was thinking.

Yue'er raised a big smile and said very proudly.

"Do you think this is all I have? Huh, I'm the last mermaid, how can I not transform?"

As Yue'er spoke, she swam to the shore. When he slowly touched the shore, the fish tail she gave birth to gradually turned into a pair of white and slender legs.

Shen Yunxi's first reaction was to cover Du Yu's eyes.

Who knows this month whether he will be wearing clothes when he changes into human form?

But Yue'er's common sense still knows that the moment the legs appear, the clothes also exist.

Seeing that the others were almost ready, the paper crane left Du Yu's shoulders and flew towards a road.

The three of them followed the purple crane and kept walking forward.

This road is very dark, there is no torch light like before, and this road is very narrow.

Du Yutong always walked with his back hunched over.

After walking for a while, Du Yu felt that his back hurt terribly, and he didn't know if it was because he had bowed for too long.

Yue'er, on the other hand, looks very relaxed because she is short, and Shen Yunxi is similar.

It was probably the home of two girls, and the two of them had several similar situations, so they actually started chatting for a while.

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