The three of them walked very quickly and soon arrived at the place where the treasure was stored.

And Xingyu and Hongying are both there.

Hongying's reaction was very big the moment she saw Du Yu.

"You also said that you don't covet this treasure like us!"

Hongying was originally a girl with a bad temper, so her first reaction was to pull out the whip from her waist.

How could Shen Yunxi let Du Yu be treated like this by a woman? She also drew out her sword and pointed it at Hongying.

"We don't want to have anything to do with you, huh."

The temperaments of Shen Yunxi and Hongying destined that nothing good would happen when they met.

Du Yu didn't expect anything big. Actually, he, Xingyu and others had the same purpose. Why not cooperate together? There was no need to make such a big fuss.

"I know what you want to do as a treasure. Our purpose is the same as yours, so I want to work with you so that we each have our own interests and don't disturb each other. How about it?"

Du Yu took a step forward with a very firm look on his face. Most people couldn't help but believe Du Yu.

But Xingyu was not such a person. He just looked at Du Yu with no wavering in his eyes. To be precise, he had no emotion at all.

"Who wants to cooperate with you? We have got all the profits we want, why should we share them equally with you?"

Hongying stood in front of Xingyu holding a whip.

Xingyu just stood there without saying a word, but kept looking at Du Yu. I wonder if he was also thinking about whether this method was feasible.

"Think about it for yourself, this way we don't have to fight to get this key. You want this key because you want to leave here. We are looking for something. We don't have any conflict at all. Instead, we still There is one thing in common, that is, they all enter the Nebula Sea, right?"

Du Yu said a lot, and at the same time, what he said was very confusing and seductive. If it were someone else, he would have agreed directly.

Du Yu felt that after he said so much, Xingyu on the opposite side should also be shaken, but when he saw that the other party was still expressionless, he felt a little frustrated when he looked at him.

How incompetent is this Xingyu? After saying so much, and not affecting his own interests at all, and one less fight, why hasn't he wavered yet?

But no one spoke after that, and the atmosphere became tense. They thought they were going to start a fight, but Xingyu spoke.

"so be it."

Now Du Yu didn't know whether it was because Xingyu was thinking of other things or because Xingyu's mind was moving too slowly.

The agreement between the few people was reached in this way, but Yue'er next to her couldn't help laughing.

"Can you be more serious? This is something that our mermaid clan protects after all. As long as I don't stop you, do you really think this thing is so easy to get?"

Yue'er said this, looking at the grass in the middle of the water.

It's strange to say that there is a piece of grassland that looks very dreamy in this kind of cave with only stones.

There was a box made of pure gold in the middle, with a few diamonds placed on it, and some small butterflies surrounding it, flying around.

The whole picture looks very unreal.

Du Yu calmed down and thought about this problem.

Indeed, this seems so easy to achieve, but how could it be like this in reality? There is definitely something fishy in it.

Thinking of this, Du Yu turned his attention to Yue'er.

"Why are you looking at me? Didn't you all reach an agreement? Go get it yourself and see what use I have."

In fact, Yue'er was still angry. Just now, several people were talking to each other, leaving her alone.

Du Yu felt a little embarrassed after hearing this. He was a man after all, and he really didn't know how to coax a woman.

Shen Yunxi couldn't put away the sword and glanced at Du Yu with some embarrassment, then looked at Yue'er.

After a stalemate like this, Shen Yunxi still put on a smile and walked to Yue'er's side.

"Hao Yue'er, don't lose your temper at this time. Tell us what's going on."

As she spoke, Shen Yunxi rubbed the shark's shoulders with a flattering look on her face.

This kind of flattery is not the kind of flattery among the philistines.

"You must all know about the Sharks. He and our clan have a master-subordinate relationship. We are the masters and they are the subordinates. If this is the case, the most elite among the Sharks must be sent to protect them. They are all hiding under the water. It’s not as peaceful as it seems.”

After Yue'er finished speaking, she felt a little thirsty but swallowed her saliva before continuing.

"If you really act rashly, maybe as soon as you charge forward, all those sharks will jump out and eat you one by one!"

As Yue'er spoke, she made a gesture of opening her mouth wide to eat someone, which seemed very scary to her.

But this scene looked very cute to others, but no one expressed it.

"I see, then what should we do? I've seen the sharks before. They are very powerful just in ordinary form, let alone the genes in them. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to deal with..."

Even if Du Yu's skills have greatly increased now, he is not sure whether he can get the key.

After all, there is Shen Yunxi and the others. What if they don't realize that those sharks are going to hurt Shen Yunxi and they don't find out?

The atmosphere became silent for a while. Hongying stood beside Xingyu and looked at Xingyu. Xingyu looked at Du Yu, while Du Yu looked thoughtful.

"How about you let me attract these sharks, and then you can take advantage of the time to get the key."

As soon as he heard this proposal, how could Shen Yunxi be willing? He quickly grabbed Du Yu's hand and said anxiously.

"The key is certainly important, but how can you think of sacrificing yourself to get that key? I don't agree! If you have to, let me go!"

Shen Yunxi knew that Du Yu would never let her go, so she was also betting on whether Du Yu would listen to her.

But in this situation, although Du Yu was worried about Shen Yunxi, he also thought that if he didn't seduce those sharks, no one would be able to go.

Although Xingyu and Hongying are indeed not in the same lineup as him, after all, they helped him in the first place.

Not to mention Yue'er. After all, the other person is also the master's friend. How could he not take good care of the other person?

"Okay, no need to say any more, I have made up my mind and let me go. Otherwise, if the rest of you are injured, I will feel uncomfortable inside. I promise that I will be safe and sound."

In order not to worry Shen Yunxi, Du Yu made a special oath. *

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