Seeing that Du Yu had said this, Shen Yunxi was too embarrassed to continue persuading him, so he let go.

"Then you must pay attention to your own safety and don't get into trouble."

Even though he let go of Du Yu's hand, the worry in Shen Yunxi's eyes remained.

Du Yu smiled. He naturally knew how worried Shen Yunxi was, and this gave him the idea of ​​returning safely.

"Don't worry, it's because you are here that I dare to say this."

As soon as these words came out, Shen Yunxi blushed, and then lowered his head shyly.

Du Yu glanced at Shen Yunxi and then flew up and reached the edge of the water.

"Hey, you must be careful, this kind of thing will rush out and eat you if it smells the slightest smell of blood!"

Yue'er saw that Du Yu and Xue Ling were related, so she paid great attention to each other and also told him how to attract the shark.

"I see."

Du Yu nodded, and then cut his arm hard with his sword.

The sword was very sharp, and with just one stroke, a long gash appeared.

The blood slowly dripped into the water along with the arm, and then spread out.

The bright red blood adds some distinctive color to the blue water.

Shen Yunxi felt very heartbroken when she saw Du Yu like this. She almost couldn't help but stepped forward to grab Du Yu's hand and bandage it.

"Du Yu, even if you want to attract the sharks, you don't have to do this!"

Shen Yunxi was a little excited and wanted to move, but was stopped by Hongying on the side.

Hongying glared at Shen Yunxi with disdain in her eyes.

"What? Do you think you can do anything to help him if you go there now? You will only cause more trouble if you go there now."

Hongying's words made Shen Yunxi suddenly realize.

Right, now even if she rushes over and there is something she can do, can't she still just watch like this? Maybe the shark will notice him by then and he won't be able to defeat him, which will cause more trouble for Du Yu.

"I was reckless. I'm sorry. Thank you for reminding me."

At this moment, Shen Yunxi was particularly pleased with Hongying. After all, it was the other party who reminded her, otherwise she might have made a mistake.

The movement here also attracted Du Yu's attention. He turned his head and took a look. He turned his head when he realized that there was nothing serious.

Sure enough, as soon as the blood merged into the water, the water surface began to surge and became no longer calm.

"Ho! Who are you? How dare you come to covet our treasure!"

As soon as Du Yu heard the voice, he took a few steps back.

As soon as Du Yu took a few steps back, several sharks jumped out of the water.

These sharks were different from those encountered before. They looked very terrifying, and their fangs were longer and their claws were sharper.

"Are you the sharks guarding the key?"

Du Yu looked at the mermaids in front of him with a hint of dark and unclear emotions flashing in their eyes, and swung the sword a few times in his hand.

Seeing that Du Yu's aura was extraordinary, those sharks flinched a little, but after hearing Du Yu's words, their courage also increased.

"Human, how dare you want the key? It seems you are impatient. Do you think you alone can defeat us? Ridiculous!"

One of the sharks holding a steel fork said mockingly.

But the shark looks very ugly, so when he shows a mocking look, he looks very scary.

Shen Yunxi couldn't bear to see such a terrifying look, so he hid behind Hongying.

When Hongying saw Shen Yunxi like this, she felt resentful, but in the end she just sighed and said nothing else.

However, Hongying vaguely blocked her body in front of Shen Yunxi, and she didn't know whether it was accidental or intentional.

Seeing that the shark's momentum was not low, Du Yu had no guarantee that he could beat the opponent.

"I believe you also feel that you can't beat me. I hope you don't have any other ideas. I don't want both sides to be hurt by then, but you may be the ones hurt the most!"

Du Yu felt confident, so his tone did not lower.

The shark naturally knew in his heart that he could not defeat Du Yu, so when he heard that Du Yu was going to confront them head-on, he flinched for a while.

But when they thought about what they were guarding behind them, the only flinch in their hearts was completely thrown out of the sky.

"Come here, you're just a human. Do you really think we're afraid of you?"

The shark said and shook the steel fork in his hand.

Du Yu naturally rushed forward first, and Xingyu on the side rushed forward not to be outdone.

There are five sharks in total, and it is very easy to deal with them at once.

Du Yu dealt with three, and Xingyu dealt with two.

"Is it possible that we just watch them like this?"

At this time, Shen Yunxi was no longer afraid of the shark's terrifying face. She clutched her sleeves tightly and stared at Du Yu who was fighting.

Shen Yunxi's eyes were full of nervousness. She was afraid that something would go wrong with Du Yu.

The same goes for Hongying on the side. She is also nervous about Xingyu's situation.

Xingyu finally got out of the cave. Now he can completely escape from this place as long as he enters the Nebula Sea. The fight now is the most important.

But Hongying knew that Xingyu didn't need their help now, but wanted them to stay here well.

Hongying shook her head and answered Shen Yunxi.

"They are all pouring all their energy into dealing with the sharks now. Let's not disturb them. Maybe we will go up and cause trouble for them when the time comes. From now on, don't ask questions like this again."

Hongying is not the kind of patient person, so he doesn't want to hear Shen Yunxi ask this kind of question for the second time.

Shen Yunxi pursed her lips, her eyes were a little dim, and her head hung slightly.

She also knew that her current question was a bit redundant, but she really couldn't let go of Du Yu.

But Shen Yunxi never said anything else after that, but kept looking at Du Yu.

Du Yu and the others were naturally aware of what happened to Shen Yunxi and the others.

Shen Yunxi and the two didn't make any moves, so they could deal with these sharks here.

Du Yu could beat these sharks, and Xingyu's strength was not bad, so it didn't take long for several sharks to be defeated.

"Ahem, we can't beat you, and we have to watch you take the key away. We can't stand this anger, so..."

The shark didn't finish the last sentence, but he used his actions to prove what the last sentence was.

I saw five sharks turning into tiny pieces and disappearing.

Du Yu walked to the box and opened it, and found a small key lying inside.

The key is made of crystal with several dark blue gems on it.

The gems are very beautiful and as deep as the ocean.

Next, they will enter the real Nebula Sea! *

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