The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1903 Yue’er’s dilemma

Now that he got the key, Du Yu was not as happy as he imagined.

"What's wrong? Shouldn't we be happy now that we get the key?"

Shen Yunxi glanced at Du Yu, who was hesitating, and was a little confused for a moment as to what the other person was thinking.

Now that I have got the key at this time, why am I not happy? Instead, I am more embarrassed than before I got the key.

Du Yu glanced at Shen Yunxi and understood what Shen Yunxi was thinking, and just sighed slightly.

"Although we have obtained the key, we have no idea how to open this nebula sea."

Du Yu said, looking at the key in his hand, his eyes were dark and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It would be great if there was a master here at this time. Maybe the master could give him this direction.

But Du Yu gave up the idea as soon as he had it. Why did he always think about relying on his master?

Seeing Du Yu's struggle, Shen Yunxi couldn't bear it for a moment, so she walked to Du Yu and patted Du Yu on the shoulder, hinting that he was still there.

Hongying looked at Du Yu and Shen Yunxi and felt jealous for a moment. Neither she nor Xingyu had ever been like this.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Since you already have the key, why are you still hanging there?"

Hongying, who was in a bad mood, was looking for trouble all the time.

Xingyu glanced at Hongying and didn't say anything. He was not a person who was good at solving such things.

"Actually, this is very simple. The entrance to the Nebula Sea is right here, but you have to find it. After all, I don't know where it is."

Yue'er glanced at the embarrassed Du Yu and couldn't help but speak out.

But even so, Yue'er still didn't tell the real situation.

She always remembered what Xue Ling told her.

Thinking of this, Yue'er glanced at Du Yu, with some unknown emotions in her eyes.

These emotions left Du Yu a little confused.

"Now that this woman has told you, you should quickly find where the entrance is. Don't waste time here. You can afford it, but we can't."

Hongying said and glanced at Du Yu. She didn't want to stay here with them anymore. The most important thing now was to enter this sea area and then leave here.

The only thing she cares about is Xingyu's situation. They have been waiting for so long. The opportunity is right in front of them and they must not give up.

The certainty in her heart made Hongying turn around and look for anything strange around her so that she could find the exit.

Seeing Hongying so impatient, Du Yu knew how much Hongying loved Xingyu.

Xingyu glanced at it, and Du Yu turned around and followed Hongying to look for it.

Since Xingyu and Hongying had already started searching, Du Yu and Shen Yunxi naturally couldn't let go and turned around to search.

But Yue'er still stood motionless and looked at the four people, as if she couldn't interfere in this matter, but that was exactly the case.

Hongying felt very unhappy when she saw that she and Xingyu had worked so hard to search, but Yue'er was still standing there.

"What are you doing standing there? Being a piece of wood?"

Yue'er gave Hongying a very embarrassed look. She also had her own difficulties in her heart.

"I really can't help you because we have regulations. If we help you find the sea area, then we will lose our lives and even pay a heavier price. Forgive me for my incompetence."

Yue'er said, bowing with a regretful expression.

In Hongying's eyes, all this was just pretentiousness. Hongying couldn't stand it anymore and turned her head in disdain.

"Don't act like this. If you don't want to help, you won't help. There is no need to act like we are making things difficult for you."

Yue'er also felt a little sad. After all, she really wanted to help them, but she really couldn't.

Therefore, Yue'er lowered her head sadly, and Shen Yunxi on the side felt a little pitiful for the other party.

Although Shen Yunxi was also very suspicious of why Yue'er didn't help them, the other party didn't do anything bad to them, and instead kept helping them.

"Don't be sad. Since you don't really want to help us, as long as your heart is there, it's fine. Besides, it's enough for you to tell us so much before."

Shen Yunxi is gradually changing her personality, and her whole person feels as comfortable as the breeze and the bright moon.

Yue'er glanced at Shen Yunxi, and she didn't know why she always felt that the other person had changed a lot. Although there was not much change in appearance, she always felt that the other person had become sublimated.

"Thank you, I can only tell you that the entrance is in this space. If you really can't find it, there is nothing I can do."

Yue'er could only squeeze out the last of her role.

Shen Yunxi smiled and continued to look for the entrance.

After a while, Shen Yunxi suddenly felt a little soft under his hands.

But in this kind of cave made entirely of stones, how could there be something soft and soft to the touch? Shen Yun Xiyi couldn't believe it in her heart. She always felt that there was definitely something important hidden under this softness.

"What's wrong?"

Du Yu turned his head and saw Shen Yunxi stopped there. He was very curious for a moment and asked the other party what happened.

Shen Yunxi was brought back to consciousness by Du Yu's voice, and then turned her head to look at Du Yu.

"It's okay, it's just that I touched something here. I don't know what it is. Come and have a look."

There was always a voice talking in Shen Yunxi's heart, but Shen Yunxi didn't pay much attention to it.

Yue'er glanced at Shen Yunxi's side and raised her lips, but she was quickly suppressed again.

This scene was captured by Xingyu on the side, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

It seems that this month is not simple, she definitely knows something.

Xingyu pursed his lips and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Hongying beside him.

"found it?"

Hongying heard there was a lot of movement over there, so she turned her head and looked at Shen Yunxi and Du Yu.

Shen Yunxi shook his head and said that he had not found it, although he was not very sure.

Seeing Shen Yunxi's answer, Hongying curled her lips, and a trace of irritation appeared on her face.

If I had known better, I shouldn't have given the key to the two of them. If they had the key alone, they might have found it long ago.

After Du Yu walked to Shen Yunxi, he felt something was wrong when he touched the position Shen Yunxi told him.

Du Yu pressed hard on the soft spot, and sure enough, the soft spot collapsed directly.

Then a crack appeared in the wall, gradually splitting apart.

In order to prevent other accidents, Du Yu pulled Shen Yunxi back and the two jumped to the side. *

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