The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1916 Yue’er’s strength

When evening came, everyone gathered in the hall to have dinner.

"How was your practice today?"

Xue Ling looked at Du Yu after taking a bite of the food.

Naturally, Du Yu quickly put down his bowl and chopsticks and replied, "You're practicing pretty well. Thank you, Master, for your guidance."

Although Xue Ling did not watch Du Yu practice, for Du Yu, as long as the master teaches him, it is equivalent to giving him guidance.

"I feel that my body has a special power, but I don't know how to use it. I wonder if senior can give me some guidance?"

Wushuang suddenly spoke at this moment.

Just from today's observations, it can be seen that Xue Ling is their main focus, and this Xue Ling's strength is extraordinary. If he can learn something from it, it will not be a disadvantage to him.

Everyone looked at Wushuang in shock.

Wushuang was also a little stunned by the shocked look, but then he realized why.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? If senior feels embarrassed, forget it."

After Wu Shuang finished speaking, he looked sad, very pitiful.

Yue'er has always been a simple girl, so she was directly deceived by Wushuang's appearance, and she quickly stood up and spoke out.

"Let me teach you. Ling'er is usually not free, and she is quite cold, so she doesn't like to teach others."

In fact, Wu Shuang was pitiful on one side, but on the other, it was entirely because of Yue'er's selfishness that she didn't want Ling'er to make friends with this stranger.

Wushuang was still a little hesitant when he heard what Yue'er said. Although he couldn't see the depth of the other party, this woman seemed very innocent at first glance. He didn't trust this woman to teach him well.

"That's it, girl."

But at this juncture Wushuang has no right to refuse.

"Since you are so enthusiastic, you can practice with Yue'er after dinner soon."

Xue Ling said directly without raising her eyelids.

Wushuang was slightly stiff, but quickly turned around and thanked her quickly.

Time always flies by, and soon everyone has finished their meal.

"First of all, I want to teach you how to control the power in your body. You first learn to sense it, and then slowly control it."

Although Yue'er has never been a tutor, she is still very keen on teaching others, so she talks in great detail.

Although Wushuang didn't care very much, he felt that this would give him an excuse to practice in the future, and he wouldn't have to hide and practice.

In order to speed up the pace, Wushuang showed great talent, which made Yue'er very happy.

"I didn't expect you to be so talented, so I'll teach you to be faster. I'm not the kind of person who wastes talents."

After Yue'er finished speaking, she raised her hand and saw a faint blue light flashing in her hand.

"This thing is called spiritual power. It can attack people. Now let me teach you how to control it."

Yue'er's index finger gently touched a huge stone, but there was no movement on the stone.

Seeing this, Wushuang felt a little sarcastic in his heart.

Du Yu on the side felt that this was appropriate. After all, Yue'er seemed to be relatively weak in his eyes.

Yue'er didn't notice the emotions of the two people, but turned around and continued to explain to Wushuang.

"Look at this stone, there is no change at all. This is the most powerful thing!"

Yue'er said nothing, and touched it with her index finger again. This time the stone was no longer its original appearance, but turned directly into dust.

It's amazing how a huge stone turned into dust with just one click.

"How's it going? It's awesome, I've been learning this for several days."

Yue'er had a smile on her face and looked very proud.

Because this move reminded him of the time when she and Xue Ling were together, because this was what Xue Ling taught her.

It's easy to guess Yue'er's thoughts. Just from her facial expression, it's enough to tell that she is recalling some good things in the past.

"Actually, it depends on how you control it. After all, it's not easy to become like this."

Although Yue'er has a heart to teach others, heart alone is not enough. The main thing is action. It is obvious that Yue'er does not have such action.

This move also made Wushuang redefine Yue'er in his heart.

The nine-tailed fox on the side held his forehead and was speechless.

"Yue'er, what can people learn by teaching you like this? Is it just that they can understand that you are great? The question is, what can people learn?"

The nine-tailed fox that turned into a man no longer had the femininity like before. Instead, he became very rude and spoke more directly.

This sentence made Yue'er touch the back of her head in embarrassment with a silly smile on her face.

"Even if you say this, I have no experience. Ling'er was like this back then."

Well, after listening to these words, it seems that they all came from a senior teacher.

Xue Ling thought it was nothing, and looked at it all calmly.

Beiyuan looked at Xue Ling beside him and felt a little helpless, but it would be fine if he got used to it. After all, Ling'er had this kind of character.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Now we can see that there is no way to be unparalleled in parenting. How about you, Nine-tailed Fox?"

At this time, Beiyuan came in handy. Beiyuan always came out to smooth things over in such situations.

The nine-tailed fox froze immediately after hearing these words, because he himself had no experience.

Although I had felt it before when I was the leader of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, I don’t know how long ago it was, so how could I still have memories of it.

"Come on, please don't embarrass me. It's impossible for me."

The nine-tailed fox waved his hand, strongly expressing his unwillingness.

Now, no one can teach Wushuang, which makes Wushuang feel a little embarrassed.

Yue'er scratched her head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

After all, he was the one who said he wanted to teach others at the beginning, but now he is not even qualified to teach others, and he is too embarrassed to stand up and say he wants to teach others.

"How about I do it? I have some experience when I was the clan leader, but most of it still depends on him."

The nine-tailed fox saw that no one stood up, so he stood up on his own.

If other people see it, they will think that the Nine-tailed Fox is kind-hearted, but I am afraid that only the Nine-tailed Fox himself knows what he is doing.

As soon as the nine-tailed fox finished saying this, Xue Ling raised her eyelids, glanced at the nine-tailed fox, and then closed her eyes again.

This glance really made the Nine-tailed Fox a little creepy. After all, he also knew the power of Xue Ling.

Through this series, it was finally determined that the nine-tailed fox would be Wushuang's future mentor. *

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