The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1915 Practicing Swordsmanship

After Du Yu went aside, he began to practice his sword skills.

Du Yu first opened the sword manual and read it a few times, reading the beginning to get a general understanding.

The beginning of the entire book on swordsmanship probably talks about how this swordsmanship must be coordinated with the Heavenly Sword.

But now that the Yutian Sword is in the hands of the master, Du Yu cannot get it, so he may have to use an ordinary sword.

"What should we do? This sword manual says that it must be coordinated with the Heavenly Sword."

Du Yu was a little worried about this matter for a while.

"I also guessed that you must be a little troubled. Now you should practice the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect and the Thirteen Dark Formations first."

At this time, Xue Ling walked out from the side. Xue Ling walked towards Du Yu while talking.

After Du Yu was slightly stunned, he understood what Xue Ling meant and put away the sword manual.

"Follow your orders, master. I don't know what master's plans are now."

After listening to Du Yu's words, Beiyuan on the side naturally started chatting up each other. He didn't like watching Du Yu chatting with his Ling'er.

"You practice yours, no matter what Ling'er does, she will naturally have me here."

After Beiyuan said that, he hugged Xue Ling and walked away.

It seemed that Beiyuan himself didn't realize how childish his behavior was, but that's what Du Yu felt anyway.

Du Yu looked helplessly at the distance between the two, and then took out the black and red.

Although Xue Ling told him to practice Wan Jian Gui Zong, he had no idea how to do Wan Jian Gui Zong.

So Du Yu had to practice the Thirteen Black Formations.

Before Du Yu had practiced for long, the grass beside him moved.

"Who? Come out!"

At this time, Du Yu had achieved some success and directly controlled a dagger to fly towards the grass.

I saw a man in white rolling out of the grass, and this man in white was Wushuang.

"Is that you? What are you doing here?"

Du Yu withdrew the black and red and looked at Wushuang warily.

He didn't think the other party came here accidentally.

Wushuang looked at Du Yu with fear on his face, "Don't hit me, I didn't mean to do it. Really, I just wanted to go out for a walk. I didn't expect to see you. I was hiding because I was afraid of disturbing you, but I didn't expect it." …”

Of course Wushuang can guess that if he insists on fighting with this man now, both sides will suffer a loss, which will be of no benefit to either party.

"Forget it, why don't you take a good rest in your room? Why are you hanging out?"

Du Yu was suspicious of this Wushuang from the beginning. After all, according to the information he had received from the Nine-tailed Fox before, this person was not a simple person, so he had to be wary.

Wushuang could naturally see Du Yu's vigilance, but now he didn't have so many ideas.

"I just woke up, so I came out to take a look out of curiosity. It was really unintentional."

This time Wushuang not only just explained, but also kept shaking his head and waving his hands.

Du Yu looked straight at Wushuang. Seeing that the clarity in the other person's eyes was still there, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"Okay, then go and look around by yourself, don't walk around."

Du Yu, not to mention Wu Shuang, knew that he couldn't walk around. Maybe the group of people were still tracking him outside. If he just went out, he might be exposed.

"I understand, thank you for reminding me."

Wushuang's face changed after he turned around.

This person looks very simple. For example, the sword technique he just practiced looks very complicated. I am afraid that his power will be greatly increased after he is practiced.

Wushuang bit his lip, a hint of calculation flashed in his eyes.

Now it depends on whether you can win over the other party. If you can't win over, don't blame yourself. After all, if you don't get it, you can't let others get it.

Thinking of this, a trace of fierceness flashed in Silent's eyes, but he quickly returned to his original appearance, the one who didn't know the world.

After Du Yu saw Wushuang gradually leaving, he focused on practicing his sword again.

Du Yu began to calm down slowly, and then began to spread his spiritual power, giving every ounce of spiritual power to the dagger.

After the daggers were covered with a layer of light blue light, Du Yu began to mobilize his spiritual power.

Thirteen black and red weapons gradually began to move according to Du Yu's thoughts.

"The Thirteenth Formation of Yuhei!"

Following Du Yu's loud roar, thirteen black and red weapons formed a formation.

However, Du Yu couldn't hold on for long, and Heihong returned to Du Yu's hands.

"It seems that I still need to practice more. This thing consumes my own spiritual power too much."

Du Yu had a trace of sweat on his face, but his eyes were staring straight at the black and red on his hands.

Wushuang didn't walk long before he encountered the nine-tailed fox.

At this time, the nine-tailed fox came back with a large bag of things.

"It turns out to be Wushuang. Why did you come out? Why don't you just lie down and recuperate."

The nine-tailed fox saw Wushuang from a distance and stretched out a hand to say hello.

Wushuang originally had his head lowered, but when he heard the voice of the nine-tailed fox, he immediately raised his head.

"So it's you. By the way, what should I call you?"

Wushuang came to the nine-tailed fox bouncing around like a child and looked at the nine-tailed fox with curiosity. His main focus was on what the nine-tailed fox was holding.

"Well, you can call me Kyuubi."

The nine-tailed fox hesitated for a moment before speaking.

After all, the Nine-Tailed Clan has a clan rule, and their real names cannot be told to others casually.

Of course Wushuang could hear the name, it was not a real name, just like his name, but he didn't say anything.

"Okay then, Kyuubi, what are you holding in your hands?"

Wushuang said this, looking curiously at the big bundle in the Nine-tailed Fox's hand.

Seeing that Wushuang was focusing on the package in his hand, Jiuweihu was very happy to explain without any hindrance.

"These things are all prepared for those little brats. Why do you want them too?"

The nine-tailed fox said with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and then turned to look at Wushuang.

But before Wushuang could answer, the nine-tailed fox directly interrupted the other party's answer.

"Forget it, it's useless to ask. I don't have anyone suitable for you. Maybe when you have memories and go back to your place, there will be a group of people suitable for you."

Wushuang felt a little grateful in her heart for this very handsome man in front of her.

Although it was the man named Du Yu who saved him, it was this man who really saved him.

Wushuang was not the kind of person who would not repay a favor, so he decided in his heart to repay this man with a bunch of things when he went back. Of course, the prerequisite was that the other person would return to his side.

To put it bluntly, if you really want to get some benefits from Wushuang, the most important condition is to be from Wushuang's side. *

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