Not long after, Mr. Wushuang's eyelashes fluttered slightly and his eyes opened.

"Who are you? Why are you looking at me here."

Wushuang's eyes were clear, like a child who didn't know the world.

"Don't look at them, I saved you, you have to thank me!"

The nine-tailed fox was the first to rush out. He didn't want to waste a good elixir of his and gain nothing.

Wushuang lowered his head slightly, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and when he raised his head, it was still so clear.

"Did you save me? Then I have to thank you very much, but who are you? Why did you save me?"

This actually made the Nine-tailed Fox a little confused about what to say, but after a pause, Du Yu on the side spoke up first.

"It's like this. We just came to this place, so we are not very familiar with it. When we saw you, we rushed over and then fell. We saved you smoothly, but you still have to thank your seniors, yes He gave you pills and you took them and woke up.”

Du Yu still knew some workarounds. They came here and were not familiar with the place, so it was good to make more friends.

"Do you remember who you are?"

Du Yu asked, but the answer was a shake of his head.

After Wushuang shook his head, he looked very sad, "I don't know what happened before. I only know that someone chased me, and then I got injured. I don't remember anything after that, but I still remember me." Called Wushuang."

After listening to Wushuang's words, Du Yu looked at his master, waiting for his answer.

Wushuang also followed Du Yu's gaze and looked at Xue Ling.

"Please take me in, I don't know what to do."

Wushuang said bitterly, and even wanted to get up and kneel down, but was supported by the nine-tailed fox on the side.

"It's okay. This house is mine. If I let you live here, you will definitely be able to live there. Why should you beg her?"

Although the nine-tailed fox has lived for tens of thousands of years, he has only a little contact with the world, and he only sucked some souls when he couldn't bear it.

But under normal circumstances, the nine-tailed fox would not suck souls.

Not to mention three people like Yue'er Hongying and Xingyuzu. They were locked up almost most of the day, let alone understood.

I'm afraid only Xue Ling and Beiyuan knew about it.

Xue Ling just kept staring at Wushuangbin without saying a word.

For a moment, Wu Shuang looked a little uneasy, and almost felt guilty and didn't dare to look at him.

"Okay, then you can stay."

After Xue Ling finished speaking, she left Beiyuan and followed behind him, but before leaving, she took a special look at Wushuang.

Wu Shuang was frightened by the smiling eyes.

"Okay, let me help you go to the room first, and then you can recover well."

The nine-tailed fox has always been absolutely enthusiastic about things that pay off.

Wushuang was helped back to the room and lay down. After seeing the nine-tailed fox going out, he removed the mask from his face.

"I never knew there was such a house in this place before, and these people don't look like mortals. Some of them are as strong as me, and others even look more powerful than me. Who are they? But I’m afraid I have to stay here temporarily during this period, and I’ll go back when it’s almost done.”

Wushuang looked at the door and murmured to himself, thinking deep down in his heart what to do next.

"Okay, okay, don't look at it anymore. Just practice what you have to do. I'll give you all your stuff in a few days when I get it together. Now, practice yours first."

After the nine-tailed fox exited the room, he saw Du Yu and others gathered outside.

After the nine-tailed fox finished speaking, Du Yu and the others went to do whatever they were supposed to do.

Watching Du Yu and the others go away, the nine-tailed fox sighed and went to do his own thing.

"Ling'er, that man has a problem, why don't you tell them."

Beiyuan followed Xue Ling and asked with some confusion. He didn't think Xue Ling was that kind of person.

"Didn't I say that? Everything has a cause and a result. This man planted the cause, so let's wait for the result."

Xue Ling answered the question without even looking at Beiyuan, with an indifferent expression on her face, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

In fact, Beiyuan had already guessed how Xue Ling would answer him, but he didn't expect that the other party would really use this answer.

"Well, since you said so, I won't interfere any more. After all, they are all a group of young people."

Beiyuan shrugged, and then he thought of another thing.

"Ling'er you didn't accompany me on our honeymoon this time, how long will it take next time?"

Beiyuan said and pressed against Xue Ling again.

Xue Ling was really annoyed by Beiyuan's behavior, so she thought about pushing Beiyuan away, but she didn't know what she thought of, and in the end she didn't push Beiyuan away.

"Sure enough, Ling'er still loves me."

Seeing that Xue Ling didn't push him away, Beiyuan naturally took advantage of it, hugged Xue Ling directly, and then spun around.

During the whole process, Xue Ling only frowned, but said nothing else.

Let’s talk about Du Yu.

Of course Du Yu knew that his constitution could not be seen by others, so he gave a reason and went aside to train.

Of course, Shen Yunxi could immediately tell that Du Yu was hiding something from them, but in the end he hesitated and did not ask.

Hongying thought of how Shen Yunxi comforted her before, and now that she saw Shen Yunxi feeling sad, she was naturally not the kind of ungrateful person, so she went up to comfort him.

"Okay, don't think so much. What if the other party is true? Even if he can't tell us, one day he will tell us all this. It's just a matter of time."

Hongying is not very good at comforting people, and even the words she says sound very clumsy.

But it was precisely because of this poor comfort that made Shen Yunxi laugh successfully.

"Okay, thank you for comforting me, I will think about it."

Shen Yunxi pursed her lips and smiled, looking very gentle and generous.

Xingyu on the side glanced at them and then turned his head.

"I didn't listen to advice before, but now I didn't expect that I could comfort others."

Because Yue'er was snatched away, Xue Ling was naturally unhappy. Now she couldn't stand seeing the two of them so happy.

Hongying was definitely not the kind of person who would suffer a loss, so she fought back.

"I think it's because someone has no one to accompany him, so he's so sad."

War of words between women is very scary, like now.

The fuse has been lit, and naturally this war cannot be extinguished easily. *

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