No one fell asleep that night, except Yue'er and the nine-tailed fox of course.

Perhaps only the Nine-tailed Fox himself knows that Yue'er is not as weak as she appears on the surface.

After all, mermaids are a rare breed, so how could they not have some skills of their own?

When Du Yu woke up the next morning, he saw an unexpected person.

"Master, why are you here?"

Du Yu thought that Xueling had appeared a long time ago, but he didn't expect to see him the next day. He was very curious for a while. He didn't think Beiyuan was the kind of person who could let people go voluntarily.

"You still dare to ask, if it wasn't because you were too weak and your master was worried, how could you have abandoned our sweet moonlight by staying here alone!"

Beiyuan emerged from the side and looked at Du Yu with a resentful look.

Originally, she finally took Xue Ling to another world, but halfway through, Xue Ling suddenly felt uneasy. Du Yu and the others were back again, and it was impossible for her to go alone, so she followed them back.

Now Beiyuan can be said to hate Du Yu, but he has nothing to do to him.

"I see. Thanks to Master for your concern, I'm living a pretty good life now. Senior specially found a place for us to live."

Du Yu said with gratitude in his eyes.

Xue Ling glanced at Du Yu, then looked at Beiyuan.

Beiyuan naturally guessed what this meant, so he took out a shabby book from his arms and gave it to Du Yu.

"Here, practice Yutian Sword Technique on your own and don't bother your master!"

Du Yu looked at the Yutian Sword Technique in his hand and didn't react for a while.

When he came to his senses, he said a little awkwardly.

"Master...Master, are you really giving this to me?"

Xue Ling just nodded, but Du Yu almost jumped up with joy, but in the end he calmed down his emotions.

"Thank you very much, master!"

After Du Yu thanked him, he went to find a place to practice by himself.

After Du Yu left, Shen Yunxi and the others woke up one by one and came out.

"Why are you here? I thought you would have to wait a long time before coming back."

The nine-tailed fox said sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"If you don't come back, will you see them like this if you don't come back?"

Xue Ling raised her eyelids and said.

Xue Ling's tone was really not that good, and the nine-tailed fox was frightened into spirit.

"How can you think like this? I will definitely take good care of them?"

The nine-tailed fox said with some flattery.

Originally, the nine-tailed fox thought that the two of them would come back after a while, and she could just let Du Yu and the others practice during this period, but she didn't expect that the two of them would come back so quickly.

"You guys came back so quickly, why don't you have more fun?"

The nine-tailed fox is considered a mythical beast after all, so it naturally understands where they usually go for fun and some general content.

It's okay not to mention this. As soon as Beiyuan is mentioned, he starts to become resentful. The outlet for this resentment naturally changes from Du Yu to the nine-tailed fox.

"You still dare to ask me, if it weren't for you not being able to take good care of them, would my Ling'er have come back?"

The nine-tailed fox suddenly became the target of venting. Naturally, he was a little stunned and did not fully react.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's quickly talk about what to do next. We can't keep going like this, right?"

The nine-tailed fox quickly changed the topic away, she didn't want to continue to be vented.

Xue Ling glanced at the nine-tailed fox and then turned her head away.

"You find a suitable thing for each of them to cultivate, and the rest depends on their own destiny."

Before they could continue talking, Du Yu's voice came from outside.

"Come out quickly, I just picked up a person when I went out to practice."

After Xueling and the others went out, the nine-tailed fox was stunned when he saw the man Du Yu was carrying.

"Do you know what a big trouble you came back with?"

The nine-tailed fox took a few steps back and looked at Du Yu in surprise.

Of course Du Yu didn't know what he had picked up, and he looked at the nine-tailed fox with a puzzled expression, wanting the other party to give him an answer.

Xue Ling, on the other hand, glanced at the man Du Yu was carrying with a deep look on his face, and then also looked at the nine-tailed fox.

Not to mention Shen Yunxi and the others, they didn't know anything, so they were naturally more confused as to why the nine-tailed fox was so surprised.

"Do you still remember the four overlords I told you about last night? This man is Mr. Wushuang."

Seeing them like this, the nine-tailed fox felt helpless and had no choice but to tell them the answer.

Du Yu was startled when he heard the answer, but he never shook the man off his shoulders.

The man on Du Yu's shoulders was dressed in white, with loose black hair covering his face, and the white clothes were also a little bit muddy.

But what was more eye-catching than these was the blood on the man's back.

"By the way, why are you so lucky? Where did you pick it up?"

The nine-tailed fox looked at the unparalleled young master carefully.

"My master just gave me a swordsmanship book and asked me to go out and practice swordsmanship. But not far after I walked out, this man rushed towards me and fell down. I had no choice but to carry it back. "

Du Yu always carried Young Master Wushuang and did not dare to put him down.

"Okay, don't talk so much. Let's put him down and leave him alone. Otherwise, I'm afraid his injury will get worse in a while."

Shen Yunxi couldn't help but said as the blood gradually expanded after seeing Master Wushuang.

It seemed that this unparalleled young master had been injured not long ago, so he had the strength to run in front of Du Yun.

"It's okay, just put him on the bench."

The nine-tailed fox on the side said this because he disliked the blood on Mr. Wushuang's body.

But Beiyuan spoke.

"Nine-tailed fox, please change back to your original form. Don't always act like a woman."

After Beiyuan looked at her for a long time, he really couldn't stand the appearance of the nine-tailed fox woman.

When everyone heard what Beiyuan said, they thought that the nine-tailed fox turned into a fox, but they didn't expect that after a burst of white smoke, it turned into a man.

After the nine-tailed fox became a man, he was still as beautiful as before, with a hint of coquettishness in the corners of his eyes.

"Is this okay?"

The nine-tailed fox shook the fan in his hand and said.

Beiyuan looked at it for a few times and nodded affirmatively to express his satisfaction.

The nine-tailed fox felt very helpless about this, but did not say anything and walked to Master Wushuang.

After looking at Mr. Wushuang for a few times, the nine-tailed fox took out a small pill from his pocket, fed it to Mr. Wushuang, and then stepped aside.

"Okay, just give him the medicine."

Then everyone waited quietly for Mr. Wushuang to wake up. *

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