Unknowingly, after walking for a long time, when he saw a glimmer of light, the Peacock God stopped.

"Okay, now you have to rely on yourself. Once this section of road is out, you will be where you want to go."

After the Peacock God finished speaking, he disappeared without saying anything else.

Du Yu glanced at the place where the Peacock God disappeared, and then walked forward.

As the light gradually expanded, when it finally came out, it was full of trees.

From this it can be estimated that they came to a jungle.

"This place is similar to where you were before. If you have any specific questions, just ask. Your master and I will go and play first. I believe you can handle it!"

Beiyuan also felt that he and Xue Ling could relax after being brought to such a place.

After Beiyuan said that, he picked up Xueling and disappeared.

Before Du Yu could say anything, the other Beiyuan and the others had already disappeared.

"This man is real, why did he take your master away too?"

Of course Hongying knew that Xue Ling was Du Yu's master, and also knew that Xue Ling's strength was extraordinary, so she also complained a little.

Among them, the one who reacted the most was probably Yue'er. She finally saw Xue Ling, but soon she had to be separated from her again.

"This man is really annoying. Why would he drag Linger along? What qualifications does he have?"

Yue'er jumped a few times angrily as she spoke, but finally sighed helplessly.

"Since we are all here, we might as well find someone to ask about the specific situation. This will also be convenient for us."

Shen Yunxi didn't feel anything at all. Her temperament had changed now, and she felt that this was a good opportunity for her to gain experience, so she said this.

"Yun Xi is right, let's quickly find someone to ask."

Du Yu is now used to his master following that person anytime and anywhere, so now he doesn't feel anything else.

Xingyu nodded in agreement, but still looked as indifferent as before.

Xingyu nodded, but Hongying had nothing else to say, so she had to shut her mouth and sulk.

But the nine-tailed fox had other ideas.

"I've been to this place before. It can be said that more than half of the people here are better than you, and the other half are probably on the same level as you. Are you sure you want to try this place? I'm afraid the reputation will be better by then. If you don't save a life, you're lost. I don't think the people here are very charitable."

The nine-tailed fox looked at Dan Kou in his hand and said indifferently, as if even if Du Yu and the others died, it would have nothing to do with him.

Du Yu fell into deep thought after listening to Jiuweihu's words. He didn't think Jiuweihu would lie to him.

"Then what do you think we should do, senior?"

The nine-tailed fox didn't tell them their names, so for a while they had to refer to each other as senior.

The nine-tailed fox slightly raised the corners of its mouth with a smile on its face, as if it had some bad idea.

"Why don't you stay here first? This place will help you practice, and maybe you will encounter something else."

The nine-tailed fox has been here before, so he naturally knows the good places here.

After Du Yu thought for a while, he still chose to listen to the nine-tailed fox's idea.

"Well, since you said so, then I'll listen to you, but that's what I said, but what should we do now?"

Although they decided to live here, it would be best for them to live there. It all depends on what the nine-tailed fox says.

"Come with me. I used to live in this place when I came here. If you walk a little further, you should be able to see a small house that I built by myself. It should be enough for you."

The nine-tailed fox finished speaking and led the way.

When they followed the nine-tailed fox to that place, they realized that this was not a hut, it was simply a house.

"Are you sure this is a cabin? I think there's something wrong with what you said."

Hongying curled up her lips speechlessly and pointed at the small house in front of her.

The nine-tailed fox turned his head in confusion.

"What's wrong? Can't it be called a small house? How small is the place you humans live in to call this a small house?"

In the eyes of Jiuweihu, this small house can only be said to be a small house, but in the eyes of Du Yu and the others, it has become a house.

Du Yu shook his head. He didn't want to dwell on this matter anymore.

"It's really baffling. Come in quickly. This place is the best place I chose. It's convenient for absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon. I always liked living here before."

When Nine-Tailed Fox opens the door, what comes into view is a rockery, fake water, and a small pond.

Everyone was very surprised for a while. They thought it looked like a small house from the outside, but they didn't expect that the inside was like a big house.

"Okay, don't act like you have never seen the world. Come in quickly and I will tell you about the situation on this continent."

After the Nine-tailed Fox finished speaking, he took the lead from the front, and Du Yu and the others followed. The Nine-tailed Fox was observing the place from behind.

A group of people came to the hall, and the nine-tailed fox, as the most powerful one, took the main seat.

"It was easier to live in that place before this place. This continent is larger than your previous continent, so there are naturally more treasures and secret realms, and there are also many capable people and strangers. Therefore, some neighboring continents often like to come over to provoke. Although we all lose in the end, the strong is respected here. As long as you are strong enough, what you say will be good unless the wall falls and everyone pushes you away, but this rarely happens."

After the Nine-tailed Fox talked a lot, he took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued to explain to Du Yu and the others.

After all, it was the first time for Du Yu and the others to come to this place. If he didn't explain it clearly to them, he might be blamed for something that happened.

"After you wait for a long time, you will realize how terrifying this place is. I left here because I thought there were too many battles here. The people who dominate here include Young Master Wushuang, Young Master Hunan, Miss Xiang, and Chi Ghost Face, they are the leader, palace leader, pavilion leader and sect leader of Wushuang Sect, Caihua Palace, Xiangshui Pavilion and Ghost Face Sect respectively. They can be said to be the strongest. They usually don’t have much friction, but the people below But that’s not the case. They often set each other up to hurt each other, but the people above didn’t say anything, and they just suffered for the people below.”

The nine-tailed fox said all the last things and then concentrated on eating the snacks on the table.

Let Du Yu and the others think about what they should do next.

The nine-tailed fox ate and occasionally glanced at them. *

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