Now that everything is decided, it's time to set off.

"Okay, since you are all willing to follow me, let's go."

Du Yu smiled and then said.

The Peacock God on the side really couldn't help laughing.

"Just saying that, do you know where to go to the new continent?"

Saying this, they still really don’t know.

"Um, master, how should we go from here?"

Du Yu blushed a little and couldn't help turning his head to look at his master.

Xue Ling shook her head helplessly, and then fell in love with the Peacock God.

It's not that Xue Ling doesn't know, it's just that Xue Ling is too lazy to say anything.

"Well, since Master Xue has entrusted me with this, then I will naturally help others to the end. Come with me."

The Peacock God sighed helplessly, then turned around.

Therefore, no one noticed the pride on his face after he turned around.

"Peacock, if you dare to lead the way for me, be careful and I will pluck your hair."

Before the Peacock God could feel too proud, he heard the threatening voice of Xue Ling.

"Oh, how dare I disobey Master Xue's request?"

To be honest, the Peacock God was really a little afraid that this woman would pluck out his hair, after all, there was Beiyuan behind her.

Beiyuan, who was ignored, was filled with resentment for a while, and the outlet for this resentment was naturally the Peacock God.

"Okay, stop looking at me. You can almost see two holes in my back."

The Peacock God shook his feather fan at Beiyuan, and then walked forward step by step.

Du Yu was a little confused for a moment as to why his master wanted to warn the peacock god, but he did not say anything. Instead, he looked at Xue Ling with doubtful eyes.

"This peacock rope, even though there are so many mechanisms set up, people are afraid that someone will come to him and steal his gold, silver and jewelry, so he thinks that since you are here, don't even think about leaving, so he set up A maze, and only he can get out of this maze, except of course Linger and I."

Beiyuan said this, put his hands on Xue Ling's shoulders, and rubbed Xue Ling's shoulders.

If it were normal, Xue Ling would of course open Beiyuan's hand, but now she was too tired, so she acquiesced to Beiyuan's actions.

"I see."

Du Yu had probably guessed who his master and this man were.

It was just that he couldn't believe it, but it was precisely because of this that he became more motivated.

"You humans are really troublesome. You need someone to lead you out of even a maze."

The nine-tailed fox was twirling his hair and saying helplessly.

After all, the nine-tailed fox can be regarded as a kind of divine beast, even more powerful than some minor gods, so it is natural to look down on this ordinary maze.

Yes, this is indeed an ordinary maze for them. Of course, for mortals, they don't know how terrifying it is.

This also made Du Yu suddenly remember that among the group, only he and Shen Yunxi were ordinary people, while the others were either monsters or gods.

Although I am better than Xingyu and Hongying, the others may not be able to tell.

"Okay, don't think about anything else. Just follow it. Don't follow it and fall behind when the time comes."

The feather fan of the Peacock God covered half of his face, making the whole person look very mysterious.

Du Yu lowered his head slightly and followed behind him, but in his mind he was thinking about his future development. After all, he was going to a new continent, and it was impossible for him to be unprepared.

Shen Yunxi on the side seemed to have noticed Du Yu's thoughts, so he tugged at the corner of Du Yu's clothes, attracting Du Yu's attention.

"What's wrong? Yunxi, what's the matter?"

Du Yu turned his head in confusion and asked softly.

Shen Yunxi blushed slightly and felt embarrassed, but she still said what she wanted to say to Du Yu.

"What I want to tell you is that no matter what you want or do, I will always be there for you."

When Shen Yunxi said this, there was still a hint of determination, but it was also very quiet.

Xue Ling, who was walking behind with squinted eyes, raised her eyelids slightly, glanced at them, and then squinted back again.

Beiyuan has been following Xue Ling, squeezing Xue Ling's shoulders.

"What's wrong? Are you envious of them? How about we find a chance to go out and have a good trip?"

Beiyuan said in Xue Ling's ear. It was a long time ago that they last traveled.

Although Xue Ling was still relatively indifferent at that time, it was much better than now. If I had known this, I shouldn't have done that thing in the first place.


Xue Ling rejected Beiyuan very coldly, and then suddenly took a few steps forward, escaping from Beiyuan's clutches.

The Peacock God in front seemed to have noticed something. He turned his head and glanced back with a smile on his face, and then turned back again.

Beiyuan naturally knew what the Peacock God meant and was very angry for a while, and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Over time, the veins on Beiyuan's forehead couldn't help but bulge.

Next time I get a chance, I will definitely pluck all the fur from this peacock.

In the end, Beiyuan just gritted his teeth and followed Xue Ling.

"By the way, Peacock God, do you live here directly? Or is this a place where you are one of them?"

After walking for a long time, Du Yu couldn't help but find a topic.

Although it was a topic, he wanted to know more about their world, so that he could better guess the more specific identities of his master and that man.

"Oh, Du Yu, you don't know how happy we are. As gods, we are bored in heaven every day, so we go to various places to see and experience various customs. It's fun."

The Peacock God just came back from a place, so he was very energetic when talking about this thing.


Du Yu asked with some confusion.

He also knew that these gods were free, but he didn't expect that these gods actually liked to play around.

"Yes, I have not only played in this world, but I have also visited many times. But it is not convenient for me to tell you now. Maybe you will know when you become a god in the future."

The Peacock God said this, and even winked at Du Yu, giving it a try.

Du Yu blinked unexpectedly, stunned for a moment, and then turned his head away.

After all, the Peacock God was very charming and seemed to be male and female, so for a while Du Yu regarded the other person as a woman.

Shen Yunxi, who had been watching them, became jealous, grabbed Du Yu and pulled him aside.

Of course, the Peacock God knew what was going on between the two of them, so he just shrugged and continued to move forward. *

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