Not long after the three people jumped down, a green light suddenly flashed and a very coquettish-looking man appeared.

The man was wearing green clothes with some peacock feathers on them. There were also some peacock feathers on his head. There was even the mark of a peacock feather in the corner of his eye.

The man has willow eyebrows and peach blossom eyes. The green eye shadow does not make the man ugly, but makes the man's skin fairer. There is also a tear mole, which makes the man even more charming. His thin red lips are slightly raised.

"See the Peacock God!"

When Guard Bai saw this man, he bowed and stood up.

"Hey, Hua Peacock, I thought you wouldn't come to deal with this matter, but I didn't expect you came anyway in the end."

Beiyuan raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the peacock sound with a smile.

The Peacock God was a little creeped out by Beiyuan, and he didn't know what to say even though he had prepared the words.

"Don't look at me like this. I'm here just to pave the way for your Ling'er's apprentice. Then you can spend more time with your Ling'er. Can't you just leave that kid to those few people?"

The Peacock God shook the feather fan in his hand, feeling slightly embarrassed and not knowing how to continue.

Beiyuan was mentioned in this way, and of course he understood the reason. He rubbed his chin and had some thoughts.

"Then I still have to thank you?"

When Du Yu heard the conversation between the two, he was very confused for a moment, and he didn't know what was going on. This topic involved him again.

Shen Yunxi walked up to Du Yu and grabbed the corner of Du Yu's clothes, also very confused.

"By the way, don't you care about your own things?"

Beiyuan said with a smile and pointed at the hole.

The Peacock God suddenly realized why he was here.

He had noticed that his treasure house had been pried open, so he couldn't help but come over. Unexpectedly, it was Beiyuan who was behind it.

"You guys are really..."

The Peacock God held a feather fan and pointed at Beiyuan with an angry look.

But facing the smile on Beiyuan's face, the Peacock God really had nothing to do with him, so he had no choice but to throw his hands away angrily, and then jumped down the hole.

"Don't you people touch my things!"

The Peacock God has always liked to travel to various dimensions, so he has naturally collected things from various dimensions, many of which are not even found in this world. How could he let those people touch his treasure.

Just as the Peacock God thought, as long as he becomes a god, he can travel to various dimensions, and these dimensions are all in different eras, so many gods like to travel everywhere.

Hongying, who was originally searching for various treasures, suddenly turned her head when she heard the man's voice, and what came into view was the colorful appearance of the Peacock God.

"Are you the Peacock God?"

It's really a shame to be unable to tell the difference based on the other person's appearance.

"Hmph, you little monster actually knows my identity. Why don't you put down my things quickly?"

The Peacock God snorted and said with a proud look on his face.

Yes, Hongying and Xingyu were originally two carp spirits practicing in the mountains, but unexpectedly one day they met an ordinary-looking man who said he would take them to a place where they could practice better, and they followed him believing it.

The result is this.

"You've let us stay here for thousands of years, what's wrong with me getting some compensation? Besides, it's not us who came here, it was the man outside who asked us to come in and get it!"

Not only did Hongying not let go of the things in her hands, she even packed them into her own space.

Now that Hongying thought about it, she had already lived for thousands of years. No matter how angry she was, she couldn't go back to the past, so she might as well think about how to compensate herself.

Xingyu was already numb, but the nine-tailed fox was the most open-minded, from the anger at the beginning to the greed for jewelry now.

The nine-tailed fox has always liked these jewels the most. Naturally, he kept picking up the jewels with his head lowered without even looking at the Peacock God.

"Okay, okay, stop picking it up. It took a lot of effort to collect my things. If you keep going like this, it won't take long for them to be emptied out by me."

Although the Peacock God said this, he never stepped forward to stop the two of them. After all, he was indeed sorry for the three of them in this matter.

The Peacock God didn't come up to stop them, so Hongying and the others couldn't stop either.

Finally, when they couldn't pretend anymore, the two stopped their hands.

But even so, there are many gold and silver jewelry throughout the cellar.

This also made the Peacock God breathe a deep sigh of relief.

"Okay, now that we're almost done, we're leaving."

Hongying sighed, moved her body and bones, and then jumped out of the hole.

Xingyu and the nine-tailed fox followed, while the Peacock God took a look at his things and then jumped out.

"Okay, now that you've taken all my stuff, is it time to leave?"

The Peacock God covered half of his face with his feather fan, looked at Du Yu and said.

Du Yu was a little confused by this inexplicable look.

Why are you looking at yourself again? Because you have no involvement in the whole thing, but everything has to do with you.

"Um, how about we leave."

Du Yu touched the back of his head and said hesitantly.

"No, I have to make it clear to you here. Are you willing to go out directly and stay in the ordinary world or reach a new continent full of the former, some even more powerful than you? Are you willing to take a Do you want to be a strong person in a low-level place, or are you willing to study in a high-level place with all your heart?"

At this time, Xue Ling's expression was no longer as casual as before, she became serious, and her eyes were directed towards Du Yu.

"Master, I am willing to learn."

Du Yu only hesitated for a moment before giving his answer, but after giving the answer, he saw Shen Yunxi and the others.

Shen Yunxi no longer has any nostalgia for her original place. Now she just wants to follow Du Yu.

"I follow you."

Next is Hongying's side.

"Look at what I do, do I have any choice? Huh..."

Hongying still didn't know how to feel when facing Du Yu, so she said something casually and turned her head away.

Xingyu finally just nodded and expressed his thoughts.

However, the nine-tailed fox had not had any interaction with Du Yu yet, so he was very confused for a while.

"Forget it, I don't have anywhere to go now, I might as well go see a new world."

The nine-tailed fox hesitated for a moment and came to his own conclusion.

Du Yu was a little nervous at first, but after receiving the nine-tailed fox's affirmation, he also smiled.

Du Yu was relieved, and Shen Yunxi was naturally relieved as well. *

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