The group passed through the door and officially entered the Nebula Palace.

"Wow, this is so luxurious!"

Yue'er looked at everything with shining eyes.

All that catches the eye are shining crystals reflecting the aqua-blue light, and there are many gems inlaid on the pillars.

"Oh, this really suits the peacock."

Xueling said disdainfully.

Du Yu glanced at his master and understood why he said that.

Xue Ling has always been simple since the beginning, so you should probably hate prosperous things.

"Yes, my little ancestor is right! That peacock is just flashy."

Beiyuan's mission is to constantly echo Xue Ling.

There is a chair in the center of the hall, and the color of the chair is more pure.

"Go over and take a look. Maybe that chair will allow you to find the answer you want, and then you will be able to better understand what everything is for."

Beiyuan didn't even look at Xingyu and the others, and pointed directly at the chair.

Xingyu glanced at Beiyuan, then looked at the chair, and then slowly walked over.

As soon as Xingyu approached the chair, a woman jumped out.

"Who are you? Since you dare to break into the palace without permission!"

A man in white armor suddenly rushed out.

This man looks average, he looks like a middle-aged man, after all, he has a year-old beard.

But the strength and righteousness between this man's brows cannot be ignored.

Xingyu paused in his steps and looked up at the middle-aged man.

"Hey, isn't this the white guard? Why are you here? The peacock forced you to do it?"

Beiyuan walked towards the middle-aged man leisurely with a smile on his face.

"It turns out he is from Beida. I wonder what the people from Beida have to do here."

Guard Bai bowed respectfully after seeing Beiyuan, and then asked.

"It's not because of what this peacock did. I want to clean up the stall for him."

Beiyuan shrugged helplessly, suddenly feeling that it was not worth it.

"I see," Guard Bai nodded half-knowingly, and then looked at Du Yu and others, "I don't know who they are and why they want to get close to this. I believe you, Mr. Beida, know the importance of this chair. "

After Guard Bai finished speaking, he clenched the halberd in his hand.

Seeing that the other party was like this, Beiyuan knew that the other party wanted to go somewhere else, and quickly waved his hand to explain.

"What are you thinking? Besides, you can't tell whether I am myself or not? They are just here to solve what the Peacock has done before."

After Beiyuan finished his brief explanation, he stared at Guard Bai, wanting to see his final choice.

Since Guard Bai was here, of course he knew what happened in the past. After taking a look at Xingyu and the others, he got out of the way.

"Since Mr. Beida said so, you can go ahead, but don't touch anything else."

Xingyu didn't say a word during the whole process, and just cooperated calmly.

"What answer can be found here? It's just a broken chair."

Not to mention how bad Hongying's mood was now, how could she have the mind to search for any results.

However, Xingyu searched very patiently.

It didn't take long for Xingyu to find a small note and open it.

"I'm afraid you have seen this note. What I want to tell you is that the reason why I locked you up here is just to let you wait for a young man named Du Yu. If you follow him, you will have good luck. Live your life, of course, this is also your destiny. If you were not locked up here waiting for that person, you would probably have died long ago. Don’t thank me too much~"

Beiyuan closed his eyes and said all the words on the note without even looking.

The usual indifference on Xingyu's face also cracked a bit at this time.

The nine-tailed fox beside him also slowly closed his eyes, with a trace of relief on his face.

Hongying couldn't help but cursed, "What does he mean? Do I have to thank him for saving me and Xingyu? Ha?"

Hongying cursed, a hint of ridicule appeared on her face, her eyes turned red, and her whole person exuded a sense of decadence.

In the end, Hongying collapsed and covered her face, sitting on the ground and crying.

Du Yu saw that it was because of himself that he tortured the three of them like this. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he had to stand aside and look at the three of them with his lips pursed.

Is destiny really hard to disobey?

Shen Yunxi glanced at Du Yu and saw that Du Yu didn't say anything and just stood there, feeling a little confused for a moment.

"Okay, don't look like that. There's nothing else. That peacock likes to hide some treasures, so I'll just treat it as temporary compensation for you."

Xue Ling glanced at Hongying, then looked at the chair and said.

Since this peacock made her face these things, she must be prepared for her revenge.

Of course Beiyuan understands Xue Ling's thoughts and will naturally bear the brunt of it.

"Aren't you Ling'er's apprentice? Now I'm going to give you a task. Just get rid of that chair!"

Beiyuan commanded without any guilt.

After Du Yu experienced all this, he naturally had no sympathy for that peacock.

Du Yu walked directly to the chair, a long sword appeared in his hand, and then slashed at the chair.

Before Guard Bai could stop him, he was blocked by an invisible barrier.

"Master Beida, what should I do if the Peacock God knows about it?"

Although this peacock has no offensive power, it is still positioned here.

Beiyuan curled his lips, as if he didn't know anything.

"If this peacock finds out, just explain it to him directly. Do you think he dares to cause trouble for me?"

Xue Ling couldn't help but speak.

Xue Ling now wants to pluck all the peacock's feathers.

Of course, Guard Bai knew who Xue Ling was, and he didn't dare to disobey, so he had to step aside and stop blocking her.

After the chair fell down, a huge hole suddenly appeared underneath.

Looking through the hole, it can be seen that all the gold and silver jewelry hidden inside are sparkling and look very beautiful and dazzling.

"Since my Ling'er wants to tell you, let me tell you too. That peacock, you like to collect rare treasures from all kinds of worlds. Maybe you will find some better things in it."

Beiyuan said and pointed at the hole.

Hongying also calmed down under Shen Yunxi's comfort.

"Since that person dares to treat me like this, I won't be polite. I will empty out all his treasury!"

After Hongying heard this, she jumped down directly, and of course the nine-tailed fox followed.

Xingyu glanced at Du Yu before jumping down, and then jumped down too. *

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