Before the nine-tailed fox could completely leave, Beiyuan called her.

"I have already said that this is cause and effect. He naturally has his own ideas for letting you stay here, such as letting you meet someone..."

Beiyuan said with a mysterious look.

It is because of this mystery that both Nine-tailed Fox and Hongying can't help but want to explore.

"What cause and effect? ​​You want me to be trapped here for a thousand years?"

The nine-tailed fox turned his head and said with a look of reluctance.

"You can't ask us, you have to ask yourself. After so long, can you still not understand? Now that I have told you why? Why don't you take a look at what is waiting for you here? so long?"

Beiyuan curled his lips and said, looking at Du Yu with an unclear expression.

Du Yu was a little confused by this look. He didn't know why the topic turned to him.

"What's wrong? Does this have anything to do with me?"

Initially, neither Nine-tailed Fox nor Hongying noticed Du Yu, but after hearing what Du Yu said, they both turned their attention to Du Yu.

"What are you looking at me for? It's not me. Why don't you look at Beiyuan more? It's obviously him who is talking, why are you looking at me?"

Du Yu shook his head and waved his hands to express his innocence, but no one believed him.

Even Shen Yunxi felt in his heart that maybe this person was Du Yu.

"Now that the answer is out, why are you still hesitating? You have to deal with such a small matter for so long. What a bunch of losers."

The end result for keeping Xue Ling waiting for a long time is to be scolded.

But these words will only make people feel neither pain nor itching, and there will be no other feelings at all.

"Okay, it's normal for young people to experience this kind of thing for the first time. Don't be angry. We're about to go in anyway."

Beiyuan returned to his original appearance, then walked to Xue Ling's side, hugged Xue Ling and coaxed with a doting look on his face.

Beiyuan was the most helpless against Xue Ling. As long as the other party glared at him slightly, he felt numb all over.

"Humph, you still have the nerve to say that this matter has nothing to do with you!"

Of course Xue Ling understood some of the secrets involved, but it was hard to point them out clearly, so she had no choice but to glare at Beiyuan.

This glare had no power at all. Instead, it made Beiyuan feel that it was a beating, a kiss, a scolding, or love.

"Hey, you two, stop talking about love for now and explain this matter clearly, what's going on!"

Hongying also had a bad temper. Being left alone like this, she was unwilling to watch the two show their affection, so she interrupted them.

She was as unconvinced as the nine-tailed fox. Why did she wait for thousands of years and finally a person like this showed up? She just let it go. What about Xingyu?

"And what should I say? It's all made so clear."

Beiyuan was also a little impatient. He thought he had made it clear enough, and his little ancestor couldn't wait that long.

If I had known that they would be like this here, I would have gone out to play with my little ancestors.

"Is this clear? Xingyu and I have been trapped for so long, and you told me that you were just waiting for such a person. How could I be convinced!"

Hongying refused to believe it, her face was very ferocious, her eyes were a little red, and her eyes were wide open.

Shen Yunxi on the side couldn't stand it anymore. In fact, she also felt sorry for this Hongying. After all, a thousand years is not a small number.

"Calm down first. There's nothing you can do about it now. If he doesn't want to tell you, you can't know, right?"

Shen Yunxi walked up to Hongying and patted Hongying, hoping to calm down Hongying.

Hongying was patted several times by Shen Yunxi, and she slowly began to calm down.

"I beg you to tell me why, why Xingyu and I are suffering so much!"

Hongying staggered to Beiyuan's side and tugged on Beiyuan's clothes, hoping that the other party would tell her.

Xue Ling frowned when she saw this scene and remained calm.

Beiyuan could see Xue Ling's expression with just one glance, and immediately pulled back the corner of his clothes.

"Don't be nagging, I'm a man with a family. Besides, I'm not in charge of your destiny. If you want to ask, just ask that peacock."

Beiyuan patted himself and said indifferently when his clothes were pulled.

Suddenly the gap between the two appeared.

It was only at this moment that Du Yu felt the huge gap between him and Beiyuan.

"How can you be willing to do this?"

Hongying pinched the corners of her clothes tightly, her face full of reluctance.

"Okay, thank you for telling us this."

There was no expression on Xingyu's face, but his eyes were dark and there was even some blood on his hands.

Hongying glanced at Du Yu unwillingly, and then lowered her head severely.

"Okay, don't talk too much here. Can you hurry up? Now that we have made it clear that the destined person that the peacock asked you to wait for is Du Yu, then can't you just follow it? There is no good in disobeying destiny. Eat the fruit.”

Xue Ling really couldn't stand it. They were discussing it coquettishly, so she couldn't help but speak.

If she had known that she would come back just to watch them coy, she might as well have gone somewhere else to play.

Gambling Fish also reacted. Although he was probably the protagonist in this matter, it seemed that he had no role at all.

"Yes, yes, let's not talk so much here. Let's go quickly. Since we finally found it, let's not waste time here."

In fact, Yue'er couldn't wait to go over and have a look. Although her situation was different from that of Jiuweihu and the others, she had not been exposed to the outside world for many years, so she was naturally very happy to be able to go out soon.

"I heard that it's actually a palace inside, and it was built entirely to cater to that peacock."

Beiyuan hugged Xue Ling as if nothing happened.

The two of them were making intimate moves, but no one seemed to notice.

"Get your dirty hands off me."

Xue Ling said coldly, her words full of threats.

Beiyuan smiled awkwardly and took off his hand. He didn't dare to make Xue Ling angry.

"Okay, since my little ancestor has said this, you should follow Du Yu first. Anyway, there will definitely be nothing bad, and maybe some good things will happen."

After Beiyuan finished speaking, he led Xue Ling forward, and Yue'er naturally followed Xue Ling.

Although Du Yu was the protagonist of the whole incident, he had no sense of involvement at all, so he followed behind with Shen Yunxi.

Xingyu was the third to follow, Hongying had no choice but to follow, and the nine-tailed fox had no choice but to follow reluctantly. *

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