"If you keep stalling like this, I won't have time to wait for you."

Xue Ling said coldly, she already hated vixens, let alone spending such a long time with a vixen, she couldn't wait any longer.

Beiyuan on the side noticed that Xue Ling was unhappy and naturally wanted to appease Xue Ling.

"Don't be angry, little ancestor. If you really don't like it, I will solve it right away. But now you also know that the situation is different."

Seeing Beiyuan's dog-legged look, Du Yu suddenly felt a little relieved.

Although I don’t know why I feel this way in my heart, it’s just great.

"Waiting for you? Humph, I might as well count on Du Yu!"

After hearing Xue Ling's words, Beiyuan felt extremely sad. He didn't expect that he couldn't even compare to that boy in Xue Ling's heart.

"Yes, it's just like what she said. Can you deal with it quickly? I can't bear it anymore."

Hongying was on the same front as Xue Ling now, and she didn't want to go on like this anymore.

Xingyu on the side did not speak, but had already begun to mobilize the spiritual power in his body.

"Since you are so impatient, I can't wait to taste you, so come on."

There was a look of eagerness in the eyes of the nine-tailed fox, and now she was eager to eat everyone present.

Those present could not help but feel nauseated after hearing these words.

"You vixen is so brave. You really don't know how high the sky is. It seems you won't remember it if I don't punish you today!"

Beiyuan took a step forward, and his body was gradually enveloped in a black mist.

After Beiyuan walked out of the black fog, his whole body changed.

I saw that Beiyuan was extremely handsome, his face was as clear as a sculpture, and his angular face was extremely handsome. He looks like wild and unrestrained on the outside, but the casual reveal in his eyes can't be underestimated. Three thousand silver threads are draped around her waist, and under a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows are a pair of slender peach blossom eyes, which are full of amorous feelings and will make people fall into them if they are not careful. The tall nose and moderately thick red lips now revealed a dazzling smile.

Even the nine-tailed fox was bewildered for a moment when he saw Beiyuan's appearance.

"Who are you? Why do you have divine power in you?"

After reacting, the nine-tailed fox took a few steps back in surprise, and fear began to appear on his face.

How could she, who was suppressed by divine power, not feel the divine power of the man in front of her.

It was because she had been suppressed by this divine power for thousands of years that she was so afraid of it whenever she felt it. It was all because of that man.

"Why was it that I was suppressed by that man thousands of years ago, and now I am suppressed by the same man? Why is this unfair!"

The nine-tailed fox lost its previous charm and became angry, with a ferocious look on its face.

The veil on her face was torn off by her at some point, revealing her alluring face.

At this time, the nine-tailed fox seemed to be roaring out all the anger she had felt for thousands of years.

When Hongying heard what the nine-tailed fox said, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Shen Yunxi.

She asked why she felt a sense of familiarity after this man changed his voice.

"The man you are talking about has black hair and is dressed in green clothes like a peacock."

Hongying's impression of that man only stopped there.

To put it bluntly, he is a peacock!

When the nine-tailed fox heard Hongying's words, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Hongying. This was enough to prove that the man they met was the same man.

"You know him? Where is he?"

The nine-tailed fox couldn't restrain his inner impulse, so he rushed towards Hongying, trying to catch Hongying and ask.

However, Beiyuan blocked the nine-tailed fox with a wave of his hand.

"So it turns out you are talking about that man. Who did I think it was? That peacock has caused so many troubles in the mortal world. Hum, something has happened now!"

Xue Ling on the side understood clearly who the man Jiuwei Hu and the others were talking about, and disdain appeared on his face.

Seeing Xue Ling's understanding look, both Hongying and Nine-tailed Fox couldn't help but cast their eyes on Xue Ling.

But they did not act rashly, they also knew that they could not defeat Xue Ling.

Xue Ling noticed the gazes of Hongying and Nine-tailed Fox, but did not respond to them.

"It turned out to be the flowered peacock. I thought it was who it was, but I didn't expect that he would offend my little ancestor because of what he caused. I will definitely pluck out his flowered feathers when I go back."

Beiyuan once again lost the affectionate look he had before, and instead came to Xue Ling looking like a dog-legger.

Seeing that Beiyuan had the same understanding, Hongying turned her attention to Beiyuan again.

"Do you know that man? Who is he? Tell me quickly!"

At this time, something was obviously wrong with Hongying. She no longer had the unique calmness she had before, but was as crazy as the nine-tailed fox who went crazy before.

But everyone knows that Hongying is very sober at this time, and is not controlled or guided by anyone.

"That painted peacock likes to come down to the mortal world and do all kinds of things when it has nothing to do. I guess you are just two of them. But that painted peacock is not as simple as you think. Everything he does is There's cause and effect, so you don't have to complain so much."

Beiyuan spread his hands and said helplessly.

Du Yu on the side watched the conversations between several people. Although he didn't particularly understand it, he was able to understand some of the twists and turns.

For some reason, Du Yu suddenly felt a sense of inferiority in his heart. He felt that the world he knew was too small and the whole person was too weak.

Xue Ling glanced at Du Yu, then turned back.

"There is no need to feel so inferior. You will have plenty of time to grow up in the future."

There is a kind of cause and effect between her and Du Yu.

After listening to Xue Ling's words, Du Yu no longer felt as inferior as before, but became more confident.

Beiyuan seemed to notice something and glanced at the two of them but did not speak.

"Cause and effect? ​​Just because of these two words, I will be trapped for thousands of years. I asked why I would be treated like this just because I sucked the souls of a few people. That's it! I have been chasing the truth for so many years. But it’s just these two words, so what’s the point of living like this? I have regressed in some behaviors over the years because I didn’t absorb souls. Now, I don’t have other thoughts.”

The nine-tailed fox looked very crazy at first, then calmed down, and finally lowered his head with a lonely look on his face, then turned around and left.

Is all this really just a matter of cause and effect? Just because of these two simple words, I endured all this. *

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