Seeing that Du Yu and the others were resisting her so much, the woman still walked towards them step by step.

Xue Ling's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. If she could, she would leave here right away.

Beiyuan on the side noticed Xue Ling's resistant expression, so naturally it was impossible for him to just watch with a smiling face.

"Don't you know that you smell filthy?"

Beiyuan said this, looking at the woman who was getting closer and closer with smiles in his eyes.

He didn't want his little ancestor to be unhappy. Wouldn't he still be the one who suffered?

The pressure on Beiyuan's body suddenly stopped being restrained, and he rushed directly towards the woman.

How could the woman withstand such strong pressure? Naturally, she was forced to take several steps back.

The woman's face was slightly pale, and she looked at Beiyuan in shock.

"Who are you? How could there be such strong air pressure?!"

Beiyuan smiled after hearing this and did not answer the other party. Instead, he kept looking at Xue Ling beside him, his eyes full of doting.

Seeing such a scene, the woman bit her lip, her eyes a little unhappy.

She waited for such a long time just to be able to devour people's souls so that she could continue to live.

"Do you think I would give up like this? No, this is impossible. How could I give up after waiting for so long!"

The woman said through gritted teeth, looking unconvinced.

Du Yu saw the woman being so persistent, and for a moment he was a little curious about the other party's identity.

Du Yu glanced at his master, but his master didn't even look at him.

Beiyuan, on the other hand, became jealous after seeing Du Yu go to see Xue Ling.

"Why are you looking at Ling'er? If you don't look at your family, why are you looking at mine?"

This sentence made Du Yu scratch his nose in embarrassment, and then turned his head away.

Shen Yunxi blushed when she heard this. She didn't expect that Beiyuan would be so unrestrained.

Hongying in the back was very impatient and couldn't stand these people flirting.

"Hey, can you do it quickly? Don't flirt here. If you want to do it, wait until we get there."

Hongying's words reminded Du Yu what to do now.

Du Yu immediately noticed the alert look on the woman's face, and secretly mobilized all his spiritual power.

"Who are you? Why are you so persistent in stopping us!"

The woman laughed when she heard this, Scarlet said crazily.

"You ask me why I am so persistent. I have been sealed in this corridor for thousands of years and have been struggling to survive. Now I finally have a chance to survive. Why don't I seize it but let you go?"

Shen Yunxi became more and more crazy as he spoke, and his eyes even started to turn scarlet.

The half of the face covered by the veil became even more ferocious, and the nails painted with Danko gradually became longer.

"Boy, it won't work for you to talk to this thing so much. People like this who have been imprisoned for so many years are crazy monsters. Do you think that just by saying a few words, the other person will convert to Buddhism or something? "

Beiyuan said casually, and quietly put a hand on Xue Ling's shoulder.

Of course Xue Ling noticed Beiyuan's movements and opened Beiyuan's hand directly.

Even so, Beiyuan still smiled as if nothing had happened in a year.

Du Yu glanced at Beiyuan speechlessly, and then turned his eyes to the woman opposite.

Suddenly the woman seemed to remember something again, and then calmed down.

"Brother, all you need is a puff from me. I don't want much."

The woman's whole body was gone, and the madness she had before became very charming, seducing people like a fox.

But no one present agreed with her.

However, Xue Ling frowned, she was very tired of this situation.

"Why don't you deal with this stinky woman quickly? Don't you know that what Xue Ling hates the most is vixens?"

When Yue'er next to Xue Ling noticed Xue Ling's annoyance, she directly pointed the muzzle at Beiyuan.

She really didn't have any good senses about this man who was trying to steal the snow spirit from her.

"What? Vixen?"

After Du Yu heard these three words, he looked at Yue'er in surprise.

Although he had seen many monsters, most of them like vixens were charming and would usually be eliminated by cultivators, but the one in front of him seemed different from the ones he had encountered before.

What he didn't understand was why this vixen was imprisoned here instead of being eliminated directly.

"Yes, this is not a simple vixen, it is a nine-tailed fox, otherwise it would not be sealed. If it were an ordinary fox, it would be eliminated directly, but who knows that the nine-tailed fox is also a divine beast? Planting."

After listening to Beiyuan's explanation, I suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

He felt that he had been exposed to too many things about God these days, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a misfortune.

However, his master, the man, and Yue'er all looked familiar. It seemed that their identities were more complicated than he imagined.

"What happened to the nine-tailed fox? Huh, isn't it still being imprisoned here by those stinking gods?"

The woman sneered after hearing Beiyuan's words and said with disdain.

But if you look carefully, you can see the resentment deep in the woman's eyes.

"Why are you locked up here? Don't you have any idea? Really."

Yue'er felt most helpless towards this kind of person and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Of course the woman knew why she was being held here, but she just refused to accept it.

After all, she is also a saint. She just sucks the souls of a few people. She is imprisoned here. Is it possible that her identity is not enough to suck some souls? Besides, some gods' private deeds are even more disgusting than hers.

The woman thought so, with hatred in her eyes.

Du Yu felt very helpless about the woman's thoughts.

This kind of person is basically the kind of person who kills someone but feels that he has done nothing wrong. This kind of person does not deserve his sympathy.

"Now that everything has been said, I can't let you leave."

The woman took a few steps back as she spoke, and nine huge tails appeared directly behind her.

If it was just the two pairs of men and women and the single woman, it would be okay, but the other pair of men and women made her feel a little uneasy.

She always felt that the man and woman were of extraordinary status and she couldn't afford to offend them, but now she had no other choice. If she didn't suck the soul, she wouldn't be able to live on at all.

"Oh? Really? Are you sure you want to fight us?"

Beiyuan looked at the nine-tailed fox with a smile on his face, but his smile was full of threats and another kind of oppression.

A group of people were in a stalemate like this, without any movement for a while. *

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