The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1905 Chapter 1905 Bickering

Beiyuan on the side frowned when he saw that Yue'er was very dissatisfied with this move.

"What are you doing? It's inappropriate to hug and hug each other as soon as we meet. After all, you are also a girl. Can you please pay attention to your image?"

Beiyuan said as he slapped Yue'er away and hid Xue Ling behind him.

Shen Yunxi on the side couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

I didn't expect that someone as beautiful as an immortal would be jealous over a trivial matter.

But thinking of this, Shen Yunxi looked at Du Yu. When will the other party treat him like Beiyuan?

Of course Du Yu noticed Shen Yunxi's gaze on him, but he also knew that he could not respond at this time.

Although he also had a good impression of Shen Yunxi, after experiencing this scene, he knew that he was not strong enough and could not give Shen Yunxi a complete sense of security for a while, so he could only show his feelings properly when he became stronger.

Seeing that Du Yu didn't respond to him, Shen Yunxi felt a little depressed for a moment.

After Yue'er was taken down, she noticed that Shen Yunxi was in a depressed mood next to her, and she was a little curious for a moment.

Yue'er has no other bad feelings towards this Shen Yunxi, so when she sees him acting like this, she can't help but comfort him.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Yue'er looked at Du Yu who was standing aside, and could probably guess what was going on between the two of them.

Beiyuan on the side smiled when he saw this scene and said with an evil look on his face.

"Asking what love is in this world, it only means cherishing each other in life and death. This kind of love is really a headache."

This sentence was said very leisurely, but it penetrated directly into the hearts of the four people present.

Both Shen Yunxi and Hongying couldn't help but lower their heads.

Du Yu and Xingyu turned their heads away.

Seeing the four of them like this, Shirling felt that he was really unsatisfied, so he frowned and then glared at Beiyuan.

Seeing the suddenly depressed atmosphere, Beiyuan also felt that he might have found the wrong time to speak. In addition, he received Xue Ling's anger, so he turned his head away in embarrassment.

Yue'er was very happy to see this, she wished Xue Ling would leave Beiyuan in the cold.

"Huh, let me talk more."

After staying here for so long, Xue Ling doesn't want to continue to watch them fall in love and suffer from love.

"Okay, don't talk so much, let's go. If I keep you here any longer, I'm afraid you will all forget what you are supposed to do."

Hongying also suddenly remembered her purpose, and quickly stood up, patted the dust on her body, and then stood behind Xingyu.

"Let's go, I don't want to delay any longer."

Xue Ling glanced at a few people, then took out the key and put it directly into the keyhole.

What was waiting for him was not the door opening, but a huge eye suddenly appeared on the door.

This eye is not a pair, but only one.

"Who are you? What is your purpose?"

The door made a heavy sound.

The sound was like a strong man wielding a big axe.

Xue Ling frowned, she was not going to answer this stupid question.

Beiyuan on the side naturally noticed Xue Ling's irritability and stepped forward to answer.

"Take a good look at who we are. Do we still need to answer your stupid questions after we are here?"

Although the words were threatening, Beiyuan still had a smile on his face.

Seeing Beiyuan like this, Du Yu and the others couldn't help but feel that a smiling tiger like Beiyuan was very scary.

The guardian of the door seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly became very timid.

"I was reckless, please forgive me."

The originally majestic voice began to become trembling.

At this time, Du Yu had to begin to doubt Bei Yuan's identity.

Not to mention that he easily broke through his master's barrier in the beginning, and now that something that made him feel dangerous actually became so fearful when facing Beiyuan.

It seems that this Beiyuan is not simple. Du Yu even doubts whether this Beiyuan is the same as his master.

Beiyuan in front had his back to Du Yu, but as if he noticed something, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Du Yu with a smile.

For some reason, Du Yu always felt that this smile made him feel a little creepy.

"Open the door quickly, my little ancestor can't wait any longer."

I am afraid that only in front of Xue Ling would Beiyuan lower his attitude.

After hearing what the door god said, he opened the door and let a few people in.

What comes into view is a magnificent aisle. There are many pillars in the entire aisle. The pillars are all made of water blue and carved from crystal. There are many gems of various colors on them, and these gems are all glowing with light of their own colors.

Those who didn't know thought they had entered the fairy world.

"As long as you pass through this corridor, you can enter the Nebula Sea. I hope you can take care of yourself."

The door god said the last words and did not speak again, and then closed the door.

The group of people walked towards the end of this corridor.

Although this corridor doesn't look very long, it feels very long.

I don’t know how long I walked, but I finally saw a white light in front of me.

"Finally it's almost here!"

Not to mention how excited Hongying was at this time.

But when it comes to such exciting times, something bad will always appear, like now.

Suddenly a plump-looking woman wearing clothes with less fabric and a veil appeared.

The woman is very charming, and just by looking at the half of her face exposed, you can guess how beautiful the other person is.

Seeing this, Shen Yunxi's eyes darkened.

From the moment she entered this place, she didn't know how many women she saw more beautiful than her.

This made Shen Yunxi feel very unstable.

Xueling on the side looked directly at the woman and patted Shen Yunxi's shoulder with one hand.

For some reason, when Xue Ling's hand patted her shoulder, Shen Yunxi always felt that her mind had calmed down, and the jealousy and imbalance before had disappeared.

At this time, Shen Yunxi naturally realized what happened before, and fell in love with Xue Ling gratefully.

But Xue Ling didn't look at Shen Yunxi, but still looked at the woman.

"Hey, where are you guys going? Can you take the little girl with you?"

The woman twisted her waist and walked towards Du Yu and others in small steps.

Du Yu obviously didn't like this kind of woman. He frowned when he saw her approaching, and so did Xingyu beside her.

On the other hand, Beiyuan on the side had a smiling face from the beginning, and he didn't know what his stance was.

Xue Ling always felt that she could smell the stink of that woman from thousands of miles away, and couldn't help but frown.

However, Yue'er was not unreasonable at all and directly covered her nose.

For a moment, no one could see this woman who suddenly appeared. *

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