The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1918 Qingling Medical Book

Du Yu couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the silver needle in Shen Yunxi's hand. If he remembered correctly, Shen Yunxi should be better at swords.

Shen Yunxi also noticed Du Yu's gaze, turned his head and saw Du Yu?

"What's wrong? Is it weird? Or are you curious why I chose this?"

Shen Yunxi smiled, feeling that Du Yu's reaction at this time was a little cute.

"No, I thought you would choose a sword, but I didn't expect you to choose a silver needle."

Du Yu, who was caught, rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

But at the same time, Du Yu also expressed his doubts.

"Are you so unbelievable? I just thought it was a silver needle..."

As Shen Yunxi spoke, her eyes became a little lonely, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Du Yu was slightly stunned. He immediately knew that what he said had touched the other person's pain point, and he immediately began to comfort the other person.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask."

Sure enough, comforting people is still a bit difficult for Du Yu. For a while, Du Yu became a little confused because of a word of comfort.

"You want to learn silver needle, please tell me why?"

Xue Ling glanced at Shen Yunxi and said.

Xue Ling didn't want to know what the reason was for Shen Yunxi, but she just wanted to know how to adapt the acupuncture method to the other person in the future.

Of course Shen Yunxi knew what Xue Ling meant, so she just hesitated before saying it.

"I just saw those who died of illness and felt very powerless for a while, so I came up with this idea. I thought I could not only heal people but also..."

Shen Yunxi didn't finish what he said, but it was enough for Xue Ling to know what the other party meant.

"In that case, I understand."

Xue Ling spread her hands, and a seemingly ordinary book appeared out of thin air.

The book says "Qing Ling Medical Book". This name makes Shen Yunxi a little suspicious. Did Xue Ling write it herself?

"Senior, what's the name of this book?"

Shen Yunxi's temperament is different now, so he naturally dares to ask. If it were before, I'm afraid he would just suppress his own idea.

Xue Ling glanced at Shen Yunxi and replied, "As you thought, this book was indeed written by me. What? You don't want to learn?"

Of course, Shen Yunxi didn't mean this. He quickly shook his head and explained anxiously.

"No, no, no, senior, you got it wrong. That's not what I meant. On the contrary, I admire you very much!"

She originally thought that Xue Ling was only good at some skills with swords, but she didn't expect that she was also good at medical skills.

Now Xue Ling is an all-powerful person in Shen Yunxi's eyes.

Seeing the admiration in Shen Yunxi's eyes, Beiyuan felt a little funny for a moment. Of course, he also understood Shen Yunxi's inner thoughts, but she would be very disappointed if she knew that the person she admired could even blow up the kitchen just by cooking. Bar.

After Xue Ling noticed Beiyuan's thoughts, she directly stepped on Beiyuan's foot.

Beiyuan, who was already in a trance, didn't pay attention at all and had no defense. Being stepped on like this, it felt like his whole foot was almost useless.

"Ling'er, how can you be so cruel?"

This little pain is of course nothing to Beiyuan, but this little pain is enough for Beiyuan to use the excuse.

"Okay, don't come at me like this. If you have any ideas, just tell me. Just pretend!"

Xue Ling could only say angrily to Beiyuan like this. After all, Xue Ling was too lazy to deal with it.

"Okay, let me tell you straight, Ling'er, if you give them the things directly, will we both have time to play?"

Beiyuan became angry when he thought of this.

It's not because Xue Ling has little time to spend with herself after having her apprentice.

Thinking like this, Beiyuan looked at Du Yu with anger in his eyes.

Du Yu was also stunned by this sudden anger.

Xue Ling did not reply, but looked at Du Yu, as if throwing the topic to Du Yu.

"If master wants to, then don't worry about me. Isn't there a nine-tailed fox here anyway?"

Firstly, Du Yu couldn't bear Beiyuan's anger, and secondly, he wanted to train himself.

Xue Ling turned her head away after hearing this.

"In that case, fine."

Xue Ling's reaction was very indifferent, as if she had expected all this.

However, the nine-tailed fox on the side was very unconvinced and quickly jumped out to resist.

"Why are you going to be happy? I have to take them here, a bunch of brats!"

The nine-tailed fox is a mythical beast after all, so he naturally knows how long they can go on a trip.

Who knows if these two people may have forgotten that they are here because of their excessive play.

But no one listened to what he said, and no one cared about what he said.

Wushuang felt that the nine-tailed fox was very pitiful, so he walked to the nine-tailed fox and patted the nine-tailed fox to signal him to calm down.

"Nine-tailed fox, if you do well this time, I will consider giving you a promotion."

There are very few people in the world who can resist the temptation of power and money, even the nine-tailed fox is no exception.

Even though the nine-tailed fox has seen many things in the world, it is still easy to be tempted when it comes to this.

"This is what you said. I didn't force you. Don't be irresponsible then."

Jiuweihu quickly ended the topic without waiting for the other party to bring up other topics. He didn't want Beiyuan to suddenly regret it.

Next, everyone has a handy weapon and a music score suitable for practice, except for Wushuang of course.

"Wushuang, do you want to learn?"

The nine-tailed fox felt that Wushuang was the one who came here after all. Seeing that the other party was so lonely, he felt a little distressed, so he asked.

Wushuang was a little stunned when he was suddenly asked this question. After all, he had never been cared for by anyone.

"Are you asking me?" Wushuang looked at the nine-tailed fox in disbelief. After seeing the nine-tailed fox nodding to him, he became excited.

"Of course I want to learn. I found a fan on my body. It seems that I was very suitable for using a fan in the past. I don't want to throw this away, so can you teach me how to use it better?"

Wushuang looked straight at the nine-tailed fox, his eyes full of pleading. The nine-tailed fox couldn't stand this kind of look, so he agreed after feeling a little embarrassed.

Du Yu took one look at this Wushuang and felt that there was something wrong with the other party, but now he had no evidence, so it was not enough to prove.

Wushuang was naturally aware of Du Yu's eyes, but it was impossible for him to turn around and look back at him right away.

"Okay, now that you have finished choosing, Ling'er and I will leave first."

After Beiyuan finished speaking, he and Xue Ling disappeared.

Then it was just them again. *

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