The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1919 The arrogant nine-tailed fox

"Okay, it's getting late now. It's time for everyone to pack up and rest."

The nine-tailed fox was stunned for a moment, and then he was about to leave and go back to his room to sleep, but was stopped by Du Yu.

"Senior, I have a question for you."

The nine-tailed fox frowned. He didn't think Du Yu would ask him a good question.

In the end, as Jiuweihu thought, Du Yu asked a question that Jiuweihu didn't like.

When everyone came and only the nine-tailed fox and Du Yu were left, Du Yu was ready to express his doubts directly.

But not yet. When Du Yu said it, the nine-tailed fox beat him to it.

"Do you want to ask me about your master? If it's really about this, then I'm sorry, I can't answer you. If I really answer you, then they know that I won't have any good fruits to eat."

The nine-tailed fox crossed his arms in front of his chest and said with an unhappy look on his face.

Du Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party would directly guess his thoughts.

"I have other questions to ask, that is, what exactly is this game they are talking about? Why are they all so enthusiastic about it?"

If you can't ask the master about their identities, you might as well ask this. After all, Du Yu is also very confused about this matter.

This question made the Nine-tailed Fox a little stunned. He didn't expect Du Yu to ask this question.

"How did you even think of asking this question?"

The nine-tailed fox looked at Du Yu very warily.

Du Yu was also a little overwhelmed by the sudden alertness of the nine-tailed fox. He didn't think what happened to his problem.

"No, no, no, don't think too much about it, senior. My meaning is very simple. I just want to ask the master why they are so keen on playing."

Since Du Yu was like this, the nine-tailed fox had no choice but to rub his hair and then explain.

"Isn't it obvious? Don't you all like traveling around? Everyone likes it."

To be honest, the nine-tailed fox himself didn't know how to explain this issue to Du Yu.

It was obvious that this was a perfunctory statement, but Du Yu thought for a while and found that it was indeed the case.

What the nine-tailed fox said made sense, and looking at the appearance of the nine-tailed fox, he couldn't explain the question clearly, so Du Yu stopped asking further and left.

"Hey, this apprentice Xue Ling is really difficult to deal with."

The nine-tailed fox ruffled his hair and left.

The next morning everyone got up and went to the hall to find breakfast had been prepared.

"Nowadays, it is a bad phenomenon for young people to wake up so late. From now on, I have to get up after I get up. I have to do morning gong."

The nine-tailed fox walked into the hall carrying the last plate of food, glanced at everyone and said.

Although I am angry that I have to take care of these people here, I can also take them as fun.

Thinking of this, the nine-tailed fox couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and laugh. This smile made everyone shiver, and they knew that their life would not be easy.

"Okay, okay, you can all call me senior from now on. If you want me to help you, I might be able to help you if I'm happy."

Xue Ling and Beiyuan are both gone, now it's time for them to show off their power.

Of course everyone knew what the nine-tailed fox was thinking, but no one present could beat the nine-tailed fox, so they had no choice but to succumb to the nine-tailed fox's power.

"Why are you acting like this? It's like I've bullied you all."

Seeing their appearance, the nine-tailed fox couldn't help but curled his lips, feeling a little unhappy.

"Senior, we didn't mean that. Really, we have to thank you for making breakfast for us."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Du Yu quickly changed the topic.

In Du Yu's eyes, the nine-tailed fox is the kind of person who won't give up until he wins or loses.

Saying the word "senior" is enough to make the nine-tailed fox no longer angry.

"Okay, stop talking and eat quickly. After you eat, you can train me immediately. Don't hinder my eyes here."

The nine-tailed fox said impatiently and placed the dishes in his hands heavily on the table.

It was impossible for everyone to continue this topic, and they all gathered around the table and started eating.

Because everyone moved very quickly, they finished eating in a short time, and everyone didn't stop, they just took their own things and went to practice.

The nine-tailed fox glanced at the people who were leaving in a hurry, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and finally had no choice but to stay and clean up the food.

"Brother Du, who is this senior? Why are you all so afraid of him?"

Wushuang and Du Yu were the same, so they started to ask Du Yu some questions.

Du Yu felt that this question was nothing. Everyone had to doubt the identity of the nine-tailed fox.

"You are talking about him. He is one of our seniors. We don't know his specific identity. I'm afraid we have to ask my master, but I don't think my master will tell us."

Of course Du Yu knew and maintained his identity, but things like mythical beasts should still be hidden.

"Okay then, brother Du, what kind of skills are you practicing? Can we practice together?"

Wushuang was able to find every opportunity and never let go of an opportunity.

Du Yu was also a little stunned by this question. He didn't expect that this Wushuang had so many questions.

Wushuang seemed to realize that his question was very rude, so he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, if it's not convenient for Brother Du to answer, then it's okay not to answer. I was rude."

Since the other party has said this, if it seems uncomfortable to not answer him any more, he hesitates a little and chooses the most appropriate answer.

"Mine is just an ordinary sword manual. It was given to me by my master. I just read it according to what it said. I don't know exactly what it is."

Du Yu said this and scratched his head in embarrassment, as if he really didn't know what it was.

Wushuang lowered his head slightly, his eyes darkened, of course he knew what Du Yu was thinking.

Wushuang could easily guess what people like Du Yu were thinking.

But he couldn't betray his face at this time, so when Wushuang raised his head, he was back to his original innocent look.

"In that case, fine, but although I know what weapon I should use now, I don't know how to use it. Can I ask you for advice then?"

This question was really simple. If Du Yu didn't agree, it would be unreasonable, so he had no choice but to nod his head and agree.

When Wushuang saw that Du Yu agreed, everyone started laughing.

It seems that we can first observe this person named Du Yu. *

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