After Du Yu noticed the inquiring eyes of everyone, he knew that they were suspicious of the little girl in his arms.

Although he also suspected that the problem was with the little girl in his arms, she couldn't expose her little thoughts now.

If even she cannot stabilize her position, then this little girl may be attacked by everyone.

"Why are you looking at her? She's just a little girl."

That's what Du Yu said, but Bai Ling'er beside Du Yu has already set his sights on the little girl.

To be honest, Bai Ling'er also suspected that it was the little girl's problem. From the beginning, she was more suspicious of the other party's identity.

If it were an ordinary beast, it would look like a beast when it came out of the shell, but when the opponent came out, it directly transformed into a human form. It seemed that the opponent was not simple.

Bai Ling'er squinted her red phoenix eyes, a dark light flashed under her eyes, but she didn't say a word.

This was interesting, but should she tell this guy?

Bai Ling'er glanced at Du Yu and said nothing, but the answer had already come out.

Du Yu immediately noticed Bai Ling'er's gaze and looked at him curiously.

But when he looked at the other party, the other party didn't seem to be looking at him.

"Fellow Daoist Du, I think there may be something wrong with the little girl in your arms. Ever since she appeared, Daoist Ning has been a little out of control."

At this time, a monk stood up with a look of ambition and dissatisfaction.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Du Yu found it very funny.

In his eyes, the other party is like a clown, generally looking for a sense of existence in front of him.

Thinking of this, a hint of sarcasm appeared in Du Yu's eyes.

Moreover, there was no cover up for this trace of ridicule, so the other party directly sensed Du Yu's disdain.

"What kind of look are you looking at? Am I right? After this little girl appeared, Ning Bai became a little strange."

The monk who was ridiculed by this sneer was obviously a little angry.

The other monks on the side frowned, as if they were dissatisfied with the other person's appearance.

"That's not what I meant."

Now of course Du Yu noticed something was wrong. He could clearly feel the call from everyone.

At first, the monk was just standing aside as if watching a show, but now it suddenly started to become obvious that there was something weird going on.

"I advise you to take this person back quickly and don't embarrass yourself."

Bai Ling'er really couldn't stand such an occasion, and she didn't know when it would end if it continued like this.

It was like the aunts at the entrance of the village quarreling over food.

"I believe you have seen it now, Fellow Daoist Du, because this little girl has been losing control of our people one after another, so we still hope you hand her over. After all, it is too dangerous."

Now the saint finally had a clue, which allowed him to take the little girl over with confidence.

But it was obvious that the saint's reason was not enough to sway Du Yu.

"Okay, okay, don't you just want to know what kind it is?"

As soon as Bai Ling'er said this, everyone focused on her.

"This should be the ancient charm beast."

Everyone was very confused when they heard this answer, because they had never heard of the existence of this species.

"Of course you don't know that this kind of thing is a good stock, and it has disappeared for a long time."

In fact, Bai Ling'er also learned about it based on a pattern he just saw on the little girl's left shoulder.

At any rate, Bai Ling'er has been alive for a long time and knows about the existence of some monsters.

"Senior, what exactly do you mean by the charm beast?"

Du Yu was very curious because he had never heard of the existence of this species.

"Can you read more when you have nothing to do?"

Bai Ling'er is quite helpless. Why don't these juniors like to study more?

"If this kind of monster is handled well, it is a kind of mythical beast. If it is not handled well, it is a murderer, because he can control people's emotions. To be precise, he can stir up emotions."

"Of course it's not just humans, some modifications with a little less willpower will also stir up emotions in his heart."

"He can seduce everyone and magnify the dark side in everyone's heart."

After Bai Ling'er finished speaking, a trace of greed flashed in everyone's eyes. After all, if there was a little girl, wouldn't it be easy for them to rule?

Everyone now was aroused by Bai Ling'er's words and their eyes were filled with fierce light.

It looked a little scary, and the little girl shrank into Du Yu's arms in fright.

Du Yu was still a little stiff at this time. He didn't expect that the little girl in his arms was so scary.

"Don't think about owning her. She only identifies with Du Yu now. She has regarded Du Yu as her father from the first moment she was born, so she will only obey Du Yu."

"It's also because she regards Du Yu as her father, so she will target anyone who is malicious towards Du Yu. You should also be careful."

After Bai Ling'er finished speaking, she didn't want to stay any longer. She had heard the woman say before that there were many delicious foods in the world, and now she wished that Du Yu would take her to eat them right away.

Bai Ling'er turned around and took Du Yu in hand to leave, but Du Yu was also in a somewhat hazy state.

"Why are you still standing here waiting for them to snatch this little girl away? I heard that there are many delicious things in this world. Please take me to see them."

Du Yu was a little helpless. He didn't know how to explain the current situation to this senior, but it was time to leave here.

After all, everyone's eyes were filled with greedy green light, and they felt uncomfortable looking at him.

With so many people coming up, he couldn't guarantee whether he could escape unscathed.

Now everyone is very helpless, not to mention two people who have lost their minds.

And they already knew from what the woman just said that even if they snatched the little girl over now, they might just have to make a huge fuss with the other party.

Now they can only make do with it, but it is impossible for them to let this little girl go.

How could they leave such a powerful thing to Du Yu for exclusive use.

At this moment, the monks and saints seemed to have reached a consensus.

The old men on both sides looked at each other, and then left with the people on their side.

Of course the other people also knew what they should do next. After all, everyone had achieved the same goal at this moment, which was to snatch the little girl from Du Yu's hand. *

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