At first, Du Yu thought Bai Ling'er said he wanted to eat just to find an excuse to leave, but it turned out that he really wanted to eat.

After leaving those saints and monks, Bai Ling'er stopped.

"What's wrong, senior? Maybe there's something that just occurred to you."

Seeing the person in front of him suddenly stop, Du Yu was still a little curious and didn't know what the other person wanted to do.

"Do you have anything delicious in this world? Take me there quickly."

After waiting for so long, I didn't expect Bai Ling'er to say such words in a cold voice.

This sentence successfully stunned Du Yu. Bai Ling'er didn't get a response for a long time, so he turned his head.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"I heard that woman say a long time ago that there are many delicious things in your mortal world."

Seeing Bai Ling'er being so obsessed with eating, Du Yu suddenly suspected that the other person was not a nine-tailed fox but a Taotie.

Had he not seen the other party transform from a nine-tailed fox to what he is now in front of his own eyes, maybe Du Yu would have really thought that the other party was a Taotie.

Bai Ling'er turned around and saw Du Yu staring at her with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

This made Bai Ling'er instantly dissatisfied.

"What's that look in your face?"

Du Yu, who was aroused by Bai Ling'er's words, also noticed that his eyes were not very good now.

"Senior, you misunderstood. I don't mean anything else. Just tell me what you want to eat and I will take a look at it for you."

Du Yu only felt that the woman in front of him would be unreasonable if she got angry, and he couldn't fight her, so he had to obey her.

But in this situation, if they want to eat delicious food casually, it may not be possible.

It is estimated that the group of saints and monks have already exposed the situation of the little girl in his hands. Now that they have become a piece of cake, they must not be able to run away anywhere.

"I don't think it matters. I haven't eaten anything from your mortal world for a long time."

It's true that Bai Ling'er hasn't eaten it for a long time, and even if she has, she has already forgotten the taste.

"By the way, the little thing in your arms must have a name."

Bai Ling'er said, focusing on the little girl in Du Yu's hand.

The little girl seemed to be very afraid of strangers. When she saw the other person looking at her nakedly, she hid in fear.

Seeing the little girl like this, Du Yu sighed. To be honest, he didn't expect that the other party would call him father when he saw him when he came out.

"I'm not very good at naming. Senior, please tell me what his name should be."

Du Yu posed this question to Bai Ling'er, but in fact Bai Ling'er didn't know how to choose a name. The only people he had seen in these years were probably that woman and her family.

"You said he called you father first, so let's take your last name."

"The weather is quite good today, why not call me Du Qing."

Seeing Bai Ling'er's perfunctory way of naming, Du Yu couldn't help but curl his lips.

Although he really couldn't think of a name for this little girl.

Du Yu glanced at the little girl in his arms.

The little girl was wearing very simple clothes, and Bai Ling'er had conjured these clothes out of thin air.

The little girl has blond hair, even her eyelashes are golden, and her whole person exudes a divine feeling, but such a divine little girl is actually a charm beast.

Du Yu was unconsciously looking at it.

"Hey, wake up quickly."

Bai Ling'er didn't expect that this little girl would dare to be so charming in front of him.

But now the little girl is still young and doesn't know how to control it, she only knows how to release it.

So for a while, even if Bai Ling'er kept calling, Du Yu and Du Yu didn't show any emotion, and still looked at the little girl blankly.

Seeing Du Yu's appearance, Bai Ling'er became a little angry.

He looked at the little girl angrily, his eyes full of ferocity, and his previous casual look was gone.

In fact, the nine-tailed fox doesn't have any good nature. It's just trivial things in the world, so it has always been very casual.

"I'm telling you, if you don't put away your disgusting charm tour, I will kill you!"

Bai Ling'er became angry, and his face even showed some signs of disgrace, but this only added to the horror.

Sure enough, when the little girl saw Bai Ling'er's appearance, she was even more frightened and shrank into Du Yu's arms.

If they meet some of Du Yu's enemies here and take this opportunity to attack Du Yu, it will be hard to say.

"You really don't understand people's words. You are obviously not young yet, so you are still pretending to be young with me?"

Bai Ling'er was too angry, so he pinched the little girl's cheek.

The little girl's eyes were filled with confusion and fear. She didn't understand why the woman in front of her suddenly became angry.

And the other party said a lot of things that she didn't understand.

"Hmph, if you keep pretending to me that you don't know anything, I'll eat you right up."

Bai Ling'er didn't have the patience to say anything else like Du Yu.

Sure enough, when she heard what the other party said, the little girl was so frightened that she didn't dare to think about anything, and Du Yu's control also disappeared.

What Du Yu saw when he came back to his senses was Bai Ling'er pinching the little girl's cheeks.

"Senior, what are you doing? Why are you pinching her face?"

After Du Yu woke up and saw this scene, he was naturally a little dissatisfied. After all, the little girl called him father, so he must bear this responsibility.

But he couldn't say anything to his elder, so he just pulled away the other person's hand.

"Do you know that you have just been seduced by this little girl, and you actually dare to do this to me? If it weren't for me, you would have been seduced your whole life!"

Bai Ling'er was already dissatisfied with this little girl, but now coupled with Du Yu's attitude towards her, Bai Ling'er became even more angry.

"Senior, what do you mean?"

Du Yu was a little confused. He felt a little used to it just now because he seemed to have walked into a wonderful dream.

"Didn't I tell you that this little girl is a charm beast, so he can charm you if he wants to, especially when you don't notice it."

"And she is an ancient mythical beast. How can she be so innocent? It's just you guys who think she is a very cute person."

Hearing what the other party said, Du Yu frowned. If this was really the case, it would not be good.

Thinking of this, Du Yu looked at Bai Ling'er.

"Then senior, how can I resist this?"

"Actually, there is a magic weapon that can help you get rid of it. If you really want to, I will take you to find it."

Du Yu became excited when he heard this. It seemed that there was hope that he could get rid of this state. *

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