Things were just as Du Yu expected. All the fire beasts raised by Mingcheng had been killed, and the other party's methods could be described as steady and ruthless.

"Ugh..." Ling'er was really frightened by the bloody scene in front of her, and couldn't help but ran to the side and vomited.

It had only been a day since they left Ling'er's home, but the body of the fire spirit beast was already extremely decomposed. The stink wafted to the tip of the nose, making one's stomach twitch.

"How could it be like this? The other party's attack was too cruel. How should he hate my kindred spirits? Do you know that after the death of the fire spirit beast, the body will transcend itself and then dissipate into the air. I hope that after the next life You can live in peace."

Mei Ling lowered her head and moved closer to the corpse. Du Yu heard fear, sadness and hatred in her voice. After all, they all came from the same race. Seeing such a tragic death scene, Mei Ling was really sad.

"Then, what is the purpose of this method?" Du Yu was confused. If the fire spirit beast will transcend itself after death, and the corpse will dissipate and merge into the air, then what are the corpses of these fire spirit beasts in front of him? Condition.

Mei Ling turned her head and looked at Du Yu sadly.

"This is about forcibly using magic to leave the corpse in the world, allowing it to undergo decay like a practitioner, and eventually turn into a withered skeleton, and then slowly be polished by the wind of time until it can enter reincarnation. This is considered to be a counterattack against fire. The greatest punishment for a spiritual beast is also the most vicious curse.”

As she spoke, a line of tears fell from the corners of Mei Ling's eyes.

"But..." Du Yu still didn't understand, but judging from Mei Ling's state, this curse should be considered particularly vicious.

"Should we find a place to bury them? After all, you have followed my brother for so long, and now they have ended up like this. Alas..." Ling'er endured the discomfort and turned to ask Du Yu.

Suddenly, Du Yu thought about whether he could help these dead fire beasts to die peacefully in the form they should have with such a high level of spiritual power.

"Can I help them? Use my spiritual power to achieve salvation? However, I don't know how to do it yet, and I don't know if I can succeed, but I am willing to give it a try."

Du Yu and Mei Ling had a spiritual communication. When Mei Ling heard this, her eyes lit up. These fire spirit beasts are also cursed by humans, which can definitely be resolved by the power of practitioners.

"Try, I can't help you with this kind of thing. I can only rely on you to see if you can communicate with these dead souls? Or, or..."

Mei Ling's tone was a little panicked.

"Don't be afraid, no matter whether we can succeed or not, we have tried. The rest will be left to their own destiny."

Du Yu comforted Mei Ling, who nodded, then jumped on Du Yu's shoulder. She rubbed Du Yu's neck affectionately twice, and then went to the Luck World.

He knew that Mei Ling didn't want to watch this process. Although she appears to be very tough, she is actually as fragile as a little girl on the inside.

"Ling'er, please go back and check on Qi Guan'er first. He is fine. I'm worried that he will wake up later and find us when he sees that we are gone. At this time, let's not get separated again. What happened at your house? What it is, it’s not clear yet. So, it’s better for us to stay together.”

"Okay, then be careful. If Qi Guan'er wakes up, we will come to you immediately. If he doesn't wake up, I will accompany him and wait for you to come back. You must ensure your own safety."

Ling'er turned back three times in one step and left reluctantly.

After Ling'er left, Du Yu closed his eyes slightly. He tried hard to exercise his spiritual energy to sense the existence of the soul here.

I don't know if it was because he couldn't use his spiritual power properly, or it was something else. He didn't even sense the slightest hint of the soul's prayers, but instead felt endlessly sad.

There is no hatred, only sadness.

The sadness suppressed Du Yu's heart, and tears kept flowing out of the corners of his eyes. Du Yu was trapped in it and couldn't extricate himself. He seemed to feel that he would keep tossing and turning in endless time and space. In short, nothing he prayed for would come true.

It was a feeling of being unable to live and unable to die.

"Du Yu, Du Yu, don't be swayed by those negative emotions. What you perceive is the life those fire spirit beasts lived before they were alive. You must wake up, otherwise, you will really indulge in that sadness. inside."

In Yun Ling, Mei Ling looked at the sky. At this time, the aura of Yunling Realm also changed due to Du Yu's emotions, and the dark clouds in the sky were so dark that they seemed to be pressed to the ground in the next moment.

"Du Yu, Du Yu, you can't continue to use your spiritual power. The inner elixir in your body has begun to reject you. If you continue, you will be finished."

Mei Ling shouted, but at this time Du Yu was completely immersed in that sadness.

Mei Ling immediately jumped out of the spirit world, and at this time, Du Yu grabbed one of the fire spirit beast's sharp claws and pointed it towards his throat.

Mei Ling immediately jumped up and knocked the thing out of Du Yu's hand.

She grabbed Du Yu's Yuan Ling and jumped into the Yun Ling.

At this time, the world of Yunling was already thundering loudly, and the huge raindrops and hailstones were constantly hitting the ground. It was so dark that the entire Yunling world seemed to be experiencing the end of the world.

Du Yu, who had calmed down, was shocked by the scene in front of him, and quickly asked what happened to Mei Ling and how he came to Yun Ling.

"I knew it. When I looked at the wound, I felt strange. But I didn't think about it. After all, that kind of spiritual beast has been extinct for a long time."

Mei Ling paced back and forth, her face full of anxiety and worry.

"What? What kind of spiritual beast?" Du Yu was confused. He looked out the window. The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier. If it continued like this, his world of luck would turn into a sea of ​​​​Wangyang.

Mei Ling sighed, and then said to Du Yu: "It seems that you have failed to save these fire beasts. They all kill each other. Do you know? Even if the most evil ones are not eliminated, That part of the fire spirit beast, no matter how ferocious the fire spirit beast is, will not harm its own kind. This is a rule we have left since ancient times."

"Killing each other? Do you know something?"

Du Yu looked at Mei Ling. She was worried. The situation in front of her was completely beyond what Mei Ling could imagine.

"Also, what are the extinct spiritual beasts?"

Du Yu asked a series of questions, what happened to Ling'er's home? Not to mention the disappearance of the whole family, even the death of the fire spirit beast was caused by fratricide. *

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