Mei Ling thought about it, and after pondering for a moment, she decided to tell Du Yu. They had already said the importance of trust when they chose each other, so it was necessary for him to know everything.

"It is a kind of spiritual beast that can create emotions. What they are best at is mental illusion. It can make you enter the illusion when you are unable to prevent it, and then make you die without distinguishing between reality and reality."

Du Yu looked at Mei Ling with a solemn face and took a breath of cold air unconsciously. There was such a powerful attack technique in this world. Does that mean that once you encounter that kind of spiritual beast, there is no way to escape and you will definitely die?

"But, didn't you say that the other party has become extinct? Why has it reappeared now? It also attacked the spiritual beasts in Mingcheng, causing them to kill each other, making their lives worse than death. With such a poisonous spell, how could the other party be related to Huo? What kind of injustice can a spiritual beast do?"

Du Yu really couldn't figure out how the fire spirit beast, which was the purest and most benevolent spirit beast, could cause such trouble.

Mei Ling pursed her lips and glanced at Du Yu, wondering whether she should tell Du Yu what happened a long time ago. She was not worried about what would happen to Du Yu, but she was just worried about the great shame and humiliation of the Fire Spirit Beast clan at that time.

"Do you really know something?"

Du Yu looked at her reaction and asked quickly.

Mei Ling nodded, her thoughts gradually drifting towards the stories passed down from generation to generation.

According to Mei Ling's account, in ancient times, the fire spirit beasts had not yet eliminated the ugly part of the spirit in their bodies. Ugliness, truth and goodness coexisted in their bodies, but they just did not disturb each other's time when they were kings.

Therefore, at that time, you could say that the Fire Spirit Beast was the King of Evil, or you could say that he was an angel. In short, demons and angels coexisted in the Fire Spirit Beast's body.

"So, at that time, you couldn't control what the vicious Yuan Ling did?" Du Yu frowned, while Mei Ling nodded and sighed helplessly.

"Yes, so the relationship between us and practitioners is also very subtle. Some practitioners choose different paths of practice because of their different spirits. At that time, they were divided into good and evil. At that time, because of the symbiotic Relationships, good and evil cannot completely eliminate each other.”

Du Yu felt a little blocked after hearing this. There was another Yuanling living in his body, and he would occasionally come out to control his thoughts. What a terrible thing.

"I heard what you mean and the expression on your face when you mentioned that kind of spiritual beast just now. Those spiritual beasts that have become extinct will not become extinct because of you."

Du Yu made the point, and Mei Ling lowered her head apologetically. Although she had never participated in those things, after all, they were done by her ancestors, and they were indeed very disgraceful.

"Yes, the fire spirit beast was because we encountered a genocide. Moreover, with the cooperation of the practitioners and the fire spirit beast, they drove the remaining spirit beasts into the Twilight Forbidden Forest, and then..."

Mei Ling really couldn't say the following words. Those, she felt cruel just hearing them.

"Eternal Immortal? Immortal is the gathering of spirits after the death of those spiritual beasts. What is the purpose of the racial massacre of those spiritual beasts?"

Du Yu really couldn't figure it out. Since the spiritual beasts had been slaughtered, what about the practitioners they belonged to?

"I heard that the leaders of the territory here hurt those fire spirit beasts in order to explore immortality and greatly improve their cultivation. Some people say that it was to expand the territory, and the reason why our fire spirit beasts cooperated is because Someone has penetrated it, and the blood of the spirit beast can help us get rid of the symbiotic state of the two spirits in our body."

"So, for the sake of their own immortality and cultivation, and for the sake of monopolizing the body of the fire spirit beast, they massacred a living being? Or even drove the other party to death?"

Du Yu stood up angrily, and Mei Ling took a few steps back in fright.

This was not what she wanted, and she had never thought that her ancestors had such a cruel side. She even selfishly sometimes blames all her ideas on the evil spirit in her body.

"Then, those spirit beasts were massacred. At that time, because the fire spirit beasts and practitioners had the upper hand, the other party's practitioners had no choice but to give up their own spirit beasts in order to protect themselves."

Du Yu suddenly understood why the spiritual beast hated the practitioners so much, and also understood the red rain. A living race was destroyed because of some private interests.

"What I'm worried about now is that the extinct spiritual beast seems to be back. Only the phantom beast can do illusions that interfere with emotions."

Mei Ling immediately changed the topic, seemingly because what her ancestors did was really unspeakable.

Du Yu shook his head. If there were really survivors at that time, they would definitely have been sensed by the practitioners and the fire spirit beasts at that time. Furthermore, if you do something like that, you will definitely be worried about the consequences, and you will definitely check it carefully.

"I'm worried that it might be the Immortal? In order to take revenge on the cultivator and the fire spirit beast for their actions back then, he chose Ling'er's home first."

Du Yu guessed that the Immortal was originally formed by the gathering of the spirit beasts. Maybe after so many years of hard work, he had enough ability to take revenge, so he came back.

Mei Ling shook her head repeatedly. She didn't believe it, and she couldn't believe it even more.

After a while, the dark clouds in Yun Ling gradually dispersed, and the sky returned to clear skies.

"What's going on?" Du Yu pointed at the sudden change in the sky.

"If I hadn't pulled your spirit back in time, I'm afraid we would have met underground. The illusion of the phantom beast cannot enter the spirit world, so we should be safe now. Let's get out quickly. Come on. Let’s see what’s going on outside.”

After Mei Ling finished speaking, the two of them left the Luck World one after another.

At this time, Du Yu had been carried back to the house by Ling'er and Qiguan'er.

"You finally woke up. When Qi Guan'er and I rushed over just now, you stood there blankly, refusing to wake up no matter how we called you. So, we quickly brought you here. In that cave, we always felt Very uncomfortable."

Ling'er said with a frown.

"The two of them have no reincarnation of the Fire Spirit Beast, and their spiritual power is very low. In the eyes of the Phantom Spirit Beast, they are not worth attacking."

Mei Ling explained, and then Du Yu understood.

"I'm fine, just seal the cave for now. No one should go in."

Du Yu ordered, but the remaining spiritual skills almost made Du Yu die inside. It seemed that he was really capable of handling phantom beasts.

This made Du Yu doubt again that everything was done by the immortal, otherwise how could it be so powerful. *

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