While Du Yu was deep in thought, suddenly, a huge roar came.

For a moment, disturbing shouts came from outside the entire secret room.

Seeing this strange phenomenon suddenly, Qi Mingwei and others felt their hearts sinking, and immediately hurried outside.

This place is their lair. Now there is a huge roar outside the lair. Who can not be nervous?

Du Yu was also secretly amazed. At the same time, he felt a shock in his heart, and immediately an old voice came out.

"Thirty thousand years, exactly thirty thousand years!"

This voice sounded very vicissitudes of life, but in the voice, Du Yu could hear a sense of vicissitudes of life.

You must know that Du Yu's experience from the beginning of his cultivation to the present is no more than that of an ordinary monk. However, this voice directly spoke of thirty thousand years of time.

It is difficult for Du Yu, who has not practiced cultivation for such a long time, to understand what kind of changes thirty thousand years will bring to a person.

While he was at a loss, the voice came over again, "Little baby, I've waited for you today, let me out quickly, and I will give you the power to dominate the world."

This vicissitudes of voice also revealed a bit of excitement, which made Du Yu even more wary.

Generally speaking, these people are lunatics. They promise all kinds of benefits at this moment, but they don't know what kind of crazy behavior they will do in the next second.

"Who are you?"

Du Yu's eyes flashed with brilliance, and his eyes became sharper at the same time.

This state is Du Yu's instinct after practicing for many years.

The entire world of cultivation is so dangerous. Du Yu's ability to survive until now is naturally not comparable to those children who have just entered the path of cultivation.

The vicissitudes of voice seemed to realize that the monk in front of him was not as excited as he imagined, and soon his voice gradually became calmer.

"Who is it? Think about it, I haven't thought about it for 30,000 years, and I almost forgot about it all of a sudden."

After the vicissitudes of life finished speaking, he fell into a brief silence.

Compared to the commotion outside, it seems a bit peaceful here at the moment.

But this kind of calm didn't last long, and soon the vicissitudes of life came out again.

"I am a ruthless emperor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Yu felt his head shake.

No reason, this name is really too amazing.

The ruthless emperor was the most powerful existence in ancient times.

I think back then, the ruthless emperor single-handedly disrupted the entire world. Such legends are still circulating even today.

It's just that for today's monks, the spread of the ruthless emperor is completely regarded as a legend.

Many people don't even think that the ruthless emperor is real.

After all, there were so many powerful people in ancient times, so how could a mere ruthless emperor stir up the whole world?

However, the ruthless emperor that countless people could not believe appeared directly in front of Du Yu.

"No, although this junior has not experienced anything from ancient times, I also know that the so-called ruthless emperor is not a man at all."

Du Yu still believed in this.

After all, judging from some of the information Du Yu has come across, the ruthless emperors are all women.

It's just that this woman is very mysterious, and because of her strong strength, she has killed too many people, so no one knows her face at all.

But no matter what, everyone still firmly believed that the ruthless emperor was a woman.

Who knows, just after Du Yu finished speaking, the old voice in his mind snorted and laughed, "Who said I'm a man!"

After Cang Shang's voice finished speaking, Du Yu immediately felt a bit of coquettishness in it.

But this voice clearly belonged to an old man.

For a time, the information about the ruthless emperor in Du Yu's heart also changed dramatically.

He knew that the information he had come across before about the ruthless emperor was simply wrong.

Maybe the people who left these messages have never seen the ruthless emperor.

After all, thirty thousand years is enough time to change everything.

And all of this was left behind by the person in front of me.

"Senior, I wonder how the juniors can help?"

Du Yu's face showed a somewhat solemn expression.

To be honest, it is not easy to deal with a character like the ruthless emperor.

Although I knew from his words that the ruthless emperor might have been imprisoned for thirty thousand years.

But Du Yu couldn't guarantee how much the ruthless emperor's cultivation had changed in these 30,000 years.

Although the ruthless emperor is imprisoned at the moment, who can guarantee that releasing him will not kill him directly?

If this was really the case, it would be too late for Du Yu to cry.

Although Du Yu was very confident in his own cultivation, what he saw in front of him was the ruthless Emperor who was extremely powerful!

"It's very simple, you just need to break the glass lamp in the crypt."

There was a bit of excitement in Vicissitudes' voice.

Even though she was a ruthless emperor, she could not bear the pressure of being imprisoned for thirty thousand years.

In the past 30,000 years, all the ruthless emperor could do was watch everything around him silently.

Originally, the ruthless emperor also tried to awaken others, but these people's cultivation was simply not enough, so naturally they were unable to sense the ruthless emperor's thoughts.

And this did not make the ruthless emperor slack off.

Only in the end, when the ruthless emperor discovered that the spiritual power between the entire world had become even weaker, did he realize the seriousness of the problem.

You must know that when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was strong, no powerful monk could hear his thoughts. After the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became even weaker, it was almost impossible to give birth to such a powerful monk.

This made the ruthless emperor even more frustrated in the following time.

The masters he originally looked down upon became almost as rare as a rare being after the spiritual power of heaven and earth became weak.

And all this was broken because of Du Yu's arrival.

The ruthless emperor could tell at a glance that the monk in front of him had not been practicing for a long time, but his strength was indeed very powerful.

It was precisely because of this that he used the accumulated spiritual power to directly destroy everything outside, thereby achieving the result of contacting Du Yu.

"Break the glass lamp." Du Yu remembered the request of the ruthless emperor in his heart, and at the same time, a sense of arrogance emanated from his heart.

This is a ruthless emperor. If he had the means to imprison her, wouldn't it be worth it to release her for his own use?

After thinking like this in his mind, Du Yu gritted his teeth and immediately fled forward. *

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