The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2163 A shocking incident

Although Du Yu is moving forward, he is still considering the current state in his heart.

For Du Yu, he would never act rashly without knowing the strength of both parties.

In just a moment, Du Yu's front was blocked by a wall.

To be precise, what was blocking him was not a wall. On the contrary, there was no road at all.

"Little doll, as long as you break it open, you will be able to find the glazed lamp."

Still in his mind, the voice of the ruthless emperor came over.

Hearing this, Du Yu didn't say anything. On the contrary, he glanced in front of him and said with a smile, "It's just a small trick."

As soon as he finished speaking, a powerful energy spurted out from Du Yu's body.

This powerful force seemed to have tens of millions of kilograms of power. Under Du Yu's control, the powerful force suddenly bombarded the stone wall in front.

For a time, countless dust scattered down in the entire passage.

At the same time, many cracks appeared on the earth wall in front of Du Yu.

These cracks are like spider webs, enlarging little by little.

After a while, these spider webs covered the entire earth wall.


A faint voice came over, and then, the earth wall in front of him collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The entire earthen wall began to tremble.

"That's right, it's this breath. It's been 30,000 years. I've been waiting for it for 30,000 years."

The voice of the ruthless emperor came from Du Yu's mind.

The laughter was so crazy that Du Yu even heard a trace of expectation in the voice.

This kind of expectation is beyond words.

Through the gap in the earth wall, Du Yu also felt a faint light coming from it.

This glimmer of light was very weak, spreading bit by bit like ripples.

However, this earthen wall does not seem to be as unbearable as it looks.

After Du Yu saw these cracks stopped again, his expression changed slightly, and immediately, a strange thought appeared in Du Yu's mind.

At the same time, Du Yu once again destroyed the power in his body.

Powerful power appeared between Du Yu's palms in just a moment.

This powerful force gathered in an instant.

Then, Du Yu used this powerful force to blast forward.

The powerful force hit the earth wall again.


The whole world began to shake.

Countless amounts of dust fell from Du Yu's head.

At the same time, the roaring outside also stopped.

For a moment, Du Yu heard many miserable screams coming over.

These miserable cries were like waves of sound, getting louder and louder.

Among the screams of these people, Du Yu even heard a few familiar voices.

But at this moment, Du Yu had only one thought in his mind, which was to take down the glazed lamp first.

After practicing until now, Du Yu is no longer the young monk he was when he first entered the path of practice.

At that time, Du Yu still had some compassion in his heart.

However, along the way, Du Yu did not know how many lives and deaths he had seen.

These life and death events bombarded Du Yu's heart every time.

It is precisely because of this that Du Yu is very resistant to what is happening in front of him.

Only without these interruptions can Du Yu's mind of cultivating Taoism be stabilized.

This kind of stability cannot be explained simply in a few words.

But it was in this stable state of mind that Du Yu was able to insist on ignoring the outside world and get the glass lamp in front of him first.

Of course, Du Yu was only thinking about getting the colored glaze lamp back, and had no intention of directly breaking it.

After all, the being imprisoned by the glazed lantern is the ruthless emperor.

This person was someone he couldn't afford to offend.

Although the two of them had not met each other, Du Yu knew that the person in front of him was not someone he could provoke due to his reputation as a ruthless emperor.

Under this situation, Du Yu decided that he could only make the next step by getting the glazed lamp first.

After all, the glass lamp in Du Yu's hands is equivalent to Du Yu controlling the ruthless emperor.

And after this, what he wants is not very simple.

Even after Du Yu confirmed that the ruthless emperor posed no threat to him, he could naturally release it.

It can be said that in a short period of time, Du Yu already had the best plan in mind.

This plan seems to be the most perfect decision at present.


In an instant, the entire earth wall in front of him collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, a passage appeared in front of Du Yu.

Of course, this channel is not a real channel in name only.

On the contrary, the passage in front of you may have received resistance from the power of the glazed lantern, so a vacuum zone appeared around the glazed lantern.

The whole space is not very big, but Du Yu can confirm it just by looking at it. The space in front of him is very suitable for monks' practice.

Here, not only will he not be disturbed by the outside world, Du Yu can even feel that the surrounding space has become very stable, perhaps due to the influence of the power of the glazed lamp.

Moreover, this power seems to be very suitable for the monk's practice.

Under the baptism of such power, Du Yu believed that even an ordinary monk could practice extremely fast.


Du Yu glanced ahead and murmured.

Such a good place became shattered the moment I took off the glass lamp.

Even though he was under the ground at this moment, after Du Yu took off the glazed lamp, it was as if the space had collapsed in front of him.

Countless space cracks appear directly here.

Even in these space cracks, Du Yu could feel the existence of space turbulence.

These spatial turbulences are so powerful that just a trace of them overflowing directly crushes the sand in front of them into pieces.

It only took a moment for Du Yu to realize that the place in front of him looked like it had turned into a huge black hole.

And this black hole is constantly devouring everything around it, thereby filling the cracks in space.

Not long after, the commotion outside became louder and louder, because the black hole appeared directly on the ground.

For a time, the area covered by the black hole was turned into ruins.

Countless houses were directly turned into nothingness under the black hole. Many monks were even swallowed directly by the gravity of the black hole because they could not avoid it. In just an instant, these monks fell into the black hole.

Then, only a scream was heard that suddenly stopped, and then the monks disappeared directly, as if they had never appeared. *

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