At this moment, Du Yu seemed to be completely integrated into the world.

The spiritual power in his body spurted out, and powerful power gathered around Du Yu in an instant.

Then, under Du Yu's control, this powerful force rushed directly towards the glazed lamp.

At this moment, Du Yu felt a huge resistance.

This power is extremely turbulent, like Wang Yang's ocean.

But Du Yu's spiritual power integrated into the glass lamp was as fragile as a small boat.

What makes people feel weird is that Du Yu didn't react at all to the impact of Ye Bianzhou Ren Ping and Wang Yang Dahai.

There is even a vague illusion of riding this huge wave.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the person I, the ruthless emperor, wanted to support would actually devour my power."

When Du Yu's spiritual power was integrated into the glass lamp, the voice of the ruthless emperor suddenly came over.

There was a hint of anger in this voice.

This emotion caused Wang Yanghai, who was originally calm, to stir in an instant.

Looking at this posture, it seemed as if Du Yu was going to be blown to pieces.

Du Yu heard what the ruthless emperor said, but ignored it.

In fact, Du Yu had such an idea in his mind when he was preparing to make the glazed lantern.

You know, the ruthless emperor was a powerful existence thirty thousand years ago.

If you can devour such people, your own strength will definitely increase quickly.

If that were the case, Du Yu would not go to war.

After all, devouring the power of the ruthless emperor can improve his own strength, but such strength is unstable for Du Yu.

After all, along the way, Du Yu's cultivation relied entirely on himself.

If it weren't for Du Yu's strong Taoist heart, there would be no way he could have reached this point.

With Du Yu's humble starting point, it was a huge miracle that he was able to climb up.

Although Du Yu has been accompanied by countless opportunities along the way. ,

But you must know that every opportunity has a huge crisis.

If Du Yu cannot resolve these crises, there will be no way to enjoy the opportunities.

And this is also the fundamental reason for Du Yu to improve his strength.

Obviously, directly devouring the power of the ruthless emperor is not a good thing for Du Yu's practice.

It is precisely because of this that Du Yucai is not very interested in devouring the power of the ruthless emperor.

But compared to worrying about being controlled by the ruthless emperor, Du Yu still thinks that it is a good thing to directly devour the ruthless emperor.

Although the ruthless emperor is very powerful, Du Yu, who has had countless experiences, already knows how to deal with such a strong man.

Especially this kind of strong man who doesn't even have a physical body, but only has a soul left.

It can be said that if he devours the ruthless emperor, Du Yu will be able to gain countless benefits.

The most important thing is naturally what the ruthless emperor saw and heard.

The experience of 30,000 years ago is a huge wealth for the present.

Thirty thousand years ago, it was an era where strong people were like a forest. It is only now that this era has gradually declined.

If he could know what happened, Du Yu could also find ways to improve his cultivation.

Although his current cultivation level is good, it is not enough in Du Yu's eyes.

This is a world filled with strong people, and Du Yu's goal is to raise his strength to the top level.

Only in this way will there be no more powerful existence behind him.

That's how Du Yu felt that he was truly alive.

After all, the longer he lived, the more his strength improved, and Du Yu felt as if he was being kept captive by a strong man.

And these people are as weak as ants in the hands of these strong men.

It seems that this strong man can destroy everything with a flip of his hand.

Of course, Du Yu had never seen such a scene with his own eyes, but his heart was still full of desire.

Only in this way did Du Yu feel the weakness of his own strength and the pleasure of improving his strength.

The pleasure was hard to whisper.

While Du Yu's mind was immersed in this sea of ​​pleasure, he felt the resistance of the ruthless emperor's spiritual power in the glazed lamp becoming even more powerful.

This made Du Yu react immediately.

"Don't be careless, there is such a ruthless emperor in front of you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Yu was completely immersed in his own ocean of cultivation.

At this moment, Du Yu was like a surfing master.

No matter how much the soul of the Pingren Emperor resists, he can still control his small boat to ride the wind and waves.

At this moment, in a corner of the glazed lamp, a beautiful figure appeared.

This beautiful figure looks really good-looking, with her whole body fluttering in white, as if she had been banished to the next world.

Looking up along Qianying's body, she found that there was a white mist surrounding her head.

This white mist seemed to follow her head.

Because of the gray mist, no one could see the face of the ruthless emperor clearly.

This makes Qianying's beautiful scene somewhat discounted.

But no one had any doubt that the pretty face in the white mist must be very moving.

But with the white mist blocking it, it's hard to avoid making people feel a little itchy.

But so what? The person in front of me is the ruthless emperor after all!

"I didn't expect this person to be so cunning. Humph, let's see how I devour you today."

As soon as the words fell, the beautiful shadow disappeared.

But looking at this place, it's as if this beautiful figure has never appeared before.

The ruthless emperor's voice came out from the white mist, giving people a somewhat cold feeling.

At the same time, in this world of glazed lanterns, the entire spiritual power was churning more and more violently.

The powerful force is as terrifying as destroying the world.

In just an instant, this powerful force moved directly towards Du Yu's soul power.

This power was very terrifying, as if it appeared in an instant.

At this moment, Du Yu, who was still looking for the ruthless emperor in the glazed lamp, looked even colder.

He clearly felt the resistance of the ruthless emperor.

This force is so powerful that even Du Yu himself can't stop it.

However, Du Yu was quite familiar with this situation.

Generally speaking, you cannot panic at all in this state.

Only by completely calming down one's heart can one be able to cope with the terrifying scene in front of him.

"You want to devour me? You won't succeed."

Du Yu's expression was extremely cold, and immediately his entire attention was completely integrated into the glass lamp. *

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