The ruthless emperor in the glazed lamp suddenly felt something was wrong.

If it were said that Du Yu's previous soul power was as unbearably bright as a small boat.

But at this moment, the power of Du Yu's soul was like a rock. No matter how much Emperor Ping Renren controlled the power, he could not crush Du Yu.

This made the ruthless emperor feel frustrated.

This kind of frustration is indescribable, but it actually makes the ruthless emperor miss the time when he had a physical body.

"If my physical body is still intact, your strength alone is not enough to fill the gap between my teeth."

The words "Ruthless Emperor" almost popped out of his teeth.

Unfortunately, these are simply impossible to happen.

If he had a physical body, it would be impossible for the ruthless emperor to be trapped in this glazed lamp.

And the situation in front of him was getting worse and worse for him.

On the contrary, because of the mental fluctuation just now, the resistance of the ruthless emperor became even weaker.

Although after reacting, the ruthless emperor raised his power again, but this power was simply not enough.

Not only is it difficult to reach the previous state, but it also gives people a feeling of being suffocated by the situation.

Du Yu is most familiar with this feeling.

Although he found that the resistance of the ruthless emperor had weakened a bit, Du Yu still did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

The person in front of him was the ruthless emperor, and the methods of such a strong man were very terrifying.

And Du Yu has only one way to devour the ruthless emperor, and that is to be down-to-earth and devour the ruthless emperor step by step.

This is a difficult process.

But it was this difficulty that made Du Yu feel a bit challenged.

Du Yu is a man who becomes more and more courageous as he fights. Countless times, he has found a way out of desperate situations. As a result, not only was he not killed, but he killed those who wanted to kill him.

It is this powerful force that allows Du Yu to survive step by step until now.

Compared with the initial test, Du Yu at this moment could be said to have launched a general attack.

Under the control of Du Yu, the soul power in the body gradually occupied the space in the glazed lamp.

Although the area Du Yu occupied each time was not large, there was no doubt that this was squeezing the living space of the ruthless emperor.

Even though the ruthless emperor doesn't show up at all now, if the place occupied by Du Yu reaches a certain level, the ruthless emperor may have to show up even if he doesn't want to.

The key is that even if the ruthless emperor knew Du Yu's plan, there was nothing he could do about it.

Although this process was very long, Du Yu was still full of confidence.

Originally, Du Yu was somewhat resistant to swallowing the power of the ruthless emperor, but at this moment, after Du Yu felt the resistance of the ruthless emperor, his heart gradually calmed down.

Only with these resistances could Du Yu more firmly absorb the power of the ruthless emperor.

Time passed day by day, and the power of the ruthless emperor became fragile under Du Yu's bombardment.

Although this kind of fragility is nothing compared to the current powerful strength, it is good news for him, because he has gone from resisting with difficulty to being able to distract himself now, which can be said to be a huge improvement.

At this moment, Du Yu split his soul power into two.

Part of the power was used to resist the power of the ruthless emperor.

The other part of the soul power took the form of Du Yu.

At this moment, Du Yu continued to look for the ruthless emperor in the glazed lamp.

This was also a decision Du Yu made after careful consideration.

Although doing so reduced his ability to resist the ruthless emperor, it was more convenient for Du Yu to find the ruthless emperor.

And wherever Du Yu searched, he could reduce the absorption of this part of the power. In this way, Du Yu could focus entirely on devouring the ruthless emperor.

Moreover, Du Yu already had the idea that as long as his little clone found the location of the ruthless emperor, he would be able to control his own power to directly bombard the ruthless emperor.

This can greatly speed up the progress of devouring the ruthless emperor.

Under such circumstances, Du Yu was naturally in some danger.

After all, the power he swallowed became less, so Du Yu's strength did not completely swallow up the power of the ruthless emperor.

In this way, facing the ruthless emperor is still somewhat risky.

Just when Du Yu was making his wishful thinking, at this moment, three monks appeared on a hill in the glazed lantern.

These three monks are dressed in green robes, giving people a sense of immortality.

"It seems that this ruthless emperor is not easy to mess with."

Du Yu's clone couldn't help but smile bitterly.

His soul power on this clone is very weak.

This way, Du Yu had no way to face these three green-robed monks.

Although he knew he couldn't run away, Du Yu's clone couldn't help but struggle.

But the result was still the same. Du Yu was killed by these three monks in just one encounter.

Du Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly after losing this trace of soul power.

Although he could now do two things when dealing with the ruthless emperor, Du Yu did not dare to give his clone too much soul power.

It would be very uneconomical if the ruthless emperor wiped out the group because of the little soul power he had given away.

With such thoughts in his mind, Du Yu did not immediately transform into his own clone.

After thinking about it, Du Yu decided to devour the place he had discovered before making any plans.

Doing what he thought of, Du Yu immediately ignored the three green-robed monks, and instead devoted himself to devouring the soul power of the ruthless emperor.

On the contrary, after seeing Du Yu being blown to pieces, the three green-robed monks also turned into nothingness.

In fact, these three monks are real.

It’s just that these three monks may be monks from ancient times.

I think back then, the ruthless emperor devoured countless monks with his powerful power.

The soul power of these monks has already been controlled by the ruthless emperor.

In this way, he was able to control the spiritual power of these people, allowing these monks to directly appear in the space of the glazed lamp.

After all, it is not a wise choice to let Du Yu's clone look for his own weaknesses everywhere.

Only by killing Du Yu's clone can the ruthless emperor get a chance to struggle.

After all, the confinement of the glazed lantern is a very terrifying existence. Even the ruthless emperor cannot escape from the confinement space of the glazed lantern.

But now, facing Du Yu's devouring was a huge benefit to the ruthless emperor.

Since Du Yu can devour her, then she can naturally devour Du Yu.

Everything depends on the hands of both parties. *

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