For a month, many monks followed the dark cloud and finally arrived at the place where it stopped.

"I didn't expect this dark cloud to end here."

Several monks said with curiosity on their faces.

In fact, when these people followed the dark clouds, they were still a little uneasy. After all, the dark clouds were very strange, and the power of thunder in them was also so terrifying.

Although it seems that the black cloud is drifting forward for the time being, these people are also worried that the black cloud will suddenly drift back, and if this happens, these people will be the first to suffer.

Although they were some distance away from the black cloud, if the black cloud suddenly turned around, it would still be difficult to escape based on their words.

It was because of this worry that everyone named this dark cloud Black Cloud.

Under this pressure, everyone gradually discovered that the black cloud was floating forward without looking back. The only thing that made many monks curious was that the speed of the black cloud also slowed down a lot.

Initially, it was very difficult for many monks to follow, but later, many monks discovered that the black cloud was moving at a relatively slow speed, and they could keep up without even deliberately following.

Even by the end, the black clouds were barely moving.

It is precisely because of this that black clouds have been floating for a month just five hundred kilometers away.

It can be said that in this month, the outside world has already been abuzz.

Naturally, many monks were full of curiosity about the place where the black cloud stayed, and they immediately began to investigate the mystery here.

However, after reading countless classics, these monks learned that the place where the black cloud was in front of them was a very ordinary place.

There are even many monks who practice hermitage here, and naturally they know the entire area best. But even so, these people still don't know the mystery of the place in front of them.

This made many monks feel upset.

If I had known that things had changed so much here, I should have explored it from the beginning.

However, these monks can only feel sorry in their hearts. Now, looking at the place shrouded in black clouds, these monks have nothing else to do except lament.

At present, the only thought in the minds of many monks is that after waiting for the black cloud to leave, they must go in and investigate.

There are not a few monks who have such thoughts, and this has also led countless monks to start practicing here directly.

Of course, these monks are also very afraid of the power of the black cloud, so they don't dare to get too close.

After all, if something unexpected happens, everyone will suffer.

If there are careful monks, they can find that the monks in front of the black cloud are the smallest, and the monks in the remaining three directions are the largest.

Only those brave monks dare to practice in front of the black clouds.

Although the black cloud has stopped at this moment, if it suddenly floats forward, the monk in front of him will suffer.

Time passed like this day by day. A year later, many monks who came after hearing the news rushed over and took many monks directly to escape into the black clouds.

These monks' information about Hei Yun also came from other monks.

Therefore, the fear of Hei Yun in my heart is naturally lessened.

Not only that, many monks became even more disdainful after hearing that the fatality rate caused by the black cloud was only 30%.

You know, the practice of monks is originally to fight against the sky.

Under this situation, the fatality rate of many monks is unknown.

It can be said that if a secret realm has a 30% survival rate, many monks will flock to it.

But now, the fatality rate in this black cloud has actually reached an astonishing 70%. This is not what the Paradise Paradise is.

It was precisely because of this impulse that many monks poured into the black cloud.

Even the monks who had survived the black cloud bombardment in the city couldn't help but come over.

With a 70% chance of survival, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After all, no one believed that they were among the 30% unlucky ones.

Immediately, many monks entered the black cloud one after another.

It seemed that the large number of people emboldened them, and there were countless monks who entered the black cloud.

And as these monks entered it, the originally calm black clouds also bombarded with bursts of thunder at this moment.

Whenever the thunder fell, the screams of the monks were heard.

There is no doubt that a monk was shattered by thunder.

Of course, these screams were not caused by the monks who were hit.

On the contrary, all the monks who were hit by the thunder could not even scream. As for these sounds, they were made by their companions.

Outside the black clouds, everyone looked at the thunder within and hesitated in their hearts.

At this moment, such a vision appeared. It was obvious that some treasure had appeared. However, the number of treasures was limited.

If it is taken away by the monks who enter it, then the remaining monks will naturally be unable to get anything.

In this state of mind, many monks also entered the dark clouds.

The final result is that the fatality rate caused by the black cloud in front of us is not low, but there are still countless monks who continue to enter the black cloud.

These monks went on and on, trying to find something in the dark clouds.

At this moment, Du Yu was shrouded in the center among the black clouds.

At this moment, there is only a bare stone in the entire center.

As for the vegetation around the stone, it had already been shattered by the thunder of the black cloud.

Because so much vegetation was removed at once, a rare fertile land was formed around the stone.

In the outside world, many monks have already noticed this.

After all, the first goal of these monks is to go straight to the center of the black cloud.

But now, a bare stone was discovered.

This made many monks curious.

"The strange rock in front of you must be an artifact."

Many monks swallowed their saliva, not caring about the thunder from the outside world.

However, there was a reason why these monks did not dare to enter rashly despite the thunderous pressure from the outside world.

Because the thunder next to the strange rock in front of you didn't have a 30% fatality rate, but an astonishing 10% fatality rate.

This is also the conclusion drawn by these monks who left many lives behind.

In the dark clouds, these monks have already figured out some rules. If ten monks set out together, there will be three unlucky ghosts left behind.

But things were different in front of them. As soon as dozens of monks rushed in, dozens of thunderbolts fell directly from the black clouds, killing every single one of these monks.

This is also the reason why many monks stay here.

Dead silence, the whole world fell completely into death silence. *

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