At this moment, in the world of Liuli Lantern, Du Yu fell into a very passive scene.

Although the power of his soul was constantly encroaching on the territory of the ruthless emperor, now, Du Yu actually found that he was beaten back by the ruthless emperor. In fact, the place he occupied was not as big as before. This made Du Yu feel a little anxious.

After all, the accumulation of the Ruthless Emperor over the past 30,000 years is no joke. If time goes by, I am afraid that he will not kill the Ruthless Emperor in the end, but will be killed by the Ruthless Emperor.

This scene made Du Yu anxious, but he couldn't help but calm down.

At this moment, the battle between the two sides is very balanced. If they are careless, they will fall into a place of eternal disaster.

After making up his mind, Du Yu immediately stopped expanding and instead responded effectively.

When Du Yu first entered the world of Liuli Deng, he relied on harassment to seize the territory of the ruthless emperor.

But now, when Du Yu's territory reached a certain extent, it turned into a ruthless emperor harassing Du Yu endlessly.

This made Du Yu have to concentrate on dealing with it.

After all, if Du Yu doesn't stop these beings harassing Du Yu, they will definitely turn into a real invasion.

If that happens, Du Yu's situation will be very dangerous.

It is precisely because of this that Du Yu has an even bigger headache.

The ruthless emperor was completely using his own moves to attack himself.

However, in desperation, Du Yu had no choice but to think about how to deal with it.

Du Yu's clones are all his own spiritual power.

Anyone who loses any spiritual power will weaken Du Yu's strength.

But the ruthless emperor was different. Over the years, he had devoured countless monks.

And the spiritual power of these monks is completely preserved here.

This made Du Yu feel that if the ruthless emperor needed it, he could release the soul power of these monks.

Releasing the soul power of these monks will not weaken the ruthless emperor at all. In fact, with the restraint of the soul power of these monks, Du Yu will be more troublesome.

However, now, Du Yu couldn't care about this anymore. He had to tighten his defense to prevent being beaten down by the ruthless emperor.

During this process, Du Yu also began to target the ruthless emperor in a targeted manner.

It's not a good thing to keep going like this.

However, so far, Du Yu has no better way.

Of course, on the premise of replenishing his own strength, Du Yu also tried to attack the ruthless emperor.

After all, the ruthless emperor was suppressed by Liuli Deng, and his actions here would definitely be more troublesome than Du Yu's.

This is one of the places where Du Yu feels slightly at peace.

Otherwise, it would have been all over, and the ruthless emperor would have shown up long ago. However, now, the ruthless emperor did not dare to appear in front of Du Yu at all.

Even the voice that originally appeared in Du Yu's mind disappeared.

Of course, during the confrontation with the ruthless emperor, the ruthless emperor's voice also appeared, but Du Yu didn't pay attention to it at all.

Are you kidding me? Talking to this kind of people is putting myself in a desperate situation.

And the ruthless emperor didn't waste any words after knowing Du Yu's intention.

Now, the situation between the two sides is one of death and death, and only one of them can survive.

If Du Yu is killed by the ruthless emperor, then the ruthless emperor can invade Du Yu's body and escape the restrictions of the Liuli Lantern.

And if Du Yu kills the ruthless emperor, his cultivation will reach a higher level.

It can be said that this battle, whether it is against the ruthless emperor or Du Yu, is full of countless benefits.

Under the temptation of such benefits, the danger of the battle between the two sides can be imagined.

As for these two people, they have no idea what is happening in the outside world.

At this moment, many monks were looking at where Du Yu was sitting with their eyes shining brightly.

Although his body was baptized by countless dust and turned into a rock-like existence, even because Du Yu completely hid his breath, Du Yu's existence was not visible at all in the eyes of these monks.

After this, these monks became even more excited because they could not understand the stones in front of them.

In normal times, no monk would care about such a rock. However, now, this rock has attracted the attention of countless forces.

Among these forces, there was a young monk who was most upset.

I think that when he was practicing here, he rested on this rock.

Because he saw the writings he carved on the rock.

But at first, in the eyes of this young monk, the rock in front of him was a very ordinary thing, so he didn't pay attention at all.

Unexpectedly, this rock has attracted the attention of so many powerful people now.

This made him hesitate. On the one hand, he wanted to reveal his findings.

But if he said it, and he couldn't explain why, he would definitely be suppressed by other monks.

Some monks may even think that he is hiding something, so they will search for his soul. But in such a situation, this little monk will definitely be killed by these forces.

Shaking his head and throwing away these random thoughts, he had decided that no matter what, this matter could not be told at all.

"It must not be said out loud. It must not be said out."

The young monk murmured something.

At this moment, a female cultivator next to him suddenly came over and said, "Junior Brother Zhuo, I remember that you passed by here before, but did you notice the rocks here?"

There was no concealment in the female cultivator's voice.

As soon as she finished speaking, several eyes gathered over her, and everyone's eyes fell on the little monk.

The young monk suddenly felt nervous in his heart, and couldn't help shouting, "I didn't even pay attention to this rock when I passed by here."

After finishing speaking, the young monk felt that the pressure around him had eased a bit.

When the young monk saw that no monks were paying attention to him anymore, he felt a little relieved, but there was still a somewhat nervous look on his cheeks.

In any case, what happened this time is too weird. No matter what, the reason must be found.

"So that's it. It seems like Junior Brother Zhuo, you don't know anything."

There was a look of disappointment on the female cultivator's face. *

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