
Among the black clouds, Du Yu only felt bursts of thunder wandering around his body.

Give him a lazy feeling in his body.

To be honest, in this dark cloud, apart from the initial discomfort of being bombarded by the thunder of enlightenment, Du Yu now not only does not feel uncomfortable, but also feels very comfortable.

In fact, the whole person has already adapted to this kind of pleasure.

Under this feeling, Du Yu only felt that the power in his body was growing rapidly.

The pleasure of this increased strength made him secretly happy.

"Sure enough, the bet was right this time."

Du Yu's face showed a bit of excitement.

Now, it is impossible for the thunder in the black cloud to cause any harm to Du Yu.

On the contrary, Du Yu's body had already absorbed the thunder as nutrients.

It was at this moment that Du Yu had some time to pay attention to what was going on below.

Du Yu felt helpless when he thought of his previous action of blasting out the thunder.

It was such a waste just now.

If I can absorb all the power of these thunders of enlightenment, I believe that my strength can still be improved a lot.

But now, Du Yu no longer cares about these details.

It's good if you can come out alive.

As Du Yu absorbed the power of the thunder of enlightenment in the black cloud.

The black cloud that originally seemed very powerful gradually dissipated at this moment.

A full three months.

When the black clouds completely dissipated, everyone could clearly see Du Yu's appearance in the black clouds.

However, many monks looked shocked.

Because the monk in the black cloud is a monk they don't know.

You know, in this world, some powerful monks have attracted the attention of many monks.

However, Du Yu was so strange.

But even though the monk in front of him has never seen him before, many people know that he is very powerful.

Being able to endure such a long period of time in the dark clouds is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

As for those forces, they originally planned to rob Du Yu of his treasures.

But when these people noticed Du Yu coming out of the black cloud, these forces had completely given up on such an idea.

"I can't afford to offend him. I definitely can't afford to offend this monk."

The elders of many forces had such thoughts in their minds.

Thinking of the power of thunder, these elders were afraid. If this monk took action at this moment, I believe that the person in front of him would not be his opponent at all.

For a moment, the whole atmosphere became very strange.

Du Yu, who woke up from his cultivation state, could tell what these monks were thinking just by looking at him.

However, Du Yu didn't take these people seriously at all.

In fact, Du Yu absorbed the power of the ruthless emperor in the glazed lamp, and then absorbed the power of the thunder of enlightenment in the black cloud, which greatly improved his strength.

It can be said that the Du Yu at this moment is basically on two levels from the Du Yu who had planned to absorb the glazed lantern before.

At this moment, Du Yu only felt that his body was full of power.

He didn't even look at the monk in front of him, he just snorted coldly, and then flew away directly outside.

This cold snort was made inadvertently by Du Yu, but it was no less than thunder in the ears of the monks around him.

Of course, having absorbed so much power of the thunder of enlightenment in this black cloud, Du Yu's body itself contained some of the power of thunder.

In this state, although it was an inadvertent snort, there was also thunder in this snort.

It wasn't until Du Yu left that the monk below came back to his senses.

"Quick, go to the front and take a look. Maybe this great power has left some treasures."

Many forces shouted anxiously as soon as they reacted.

After hearing this man's cry, many monks used the power in their bodies to rush forward.

Maybe the things that might be looked down upon are rare treasures.

This is the idea of ​​many forces.

The most important thing is that these forces simply do not dare to take action against Du Yu.

And in this way, if you miss out on a fat guy like Du Yu, you will naturally have to find a way to get something back.

Otherwise, if they came out with so many monks in a mighty manner, not only would they lose soldiers and generals, but they would still get nothing.

This is absolutely unacceptable to these forces.

For a moment, many monks rushed forward in a swarm, expecting to find some treasures in their hearts.

However, what makes these monks feel depressed is that there are no treasures here, not even bird feathers.

Many monks even made a mistake because ordinary objects were treasures, which caused many struggles between forces.

After all, before this, no one thought that an ordinary stone could contain so many treasures.

With the attacks of several monks, the whole place became very chaotic.

Some monks who thought they were not strong enough fled towards the outside.

And those forces that were originally displeased directly started a fierce battle under such a fuse.

It can be said that the scene before him is enough to be remembered in the hearts of countless monks.

Because this scene is so terrifying.

It took a full ten days for the battle between these forces to come to their senses.

Some forces have even made a life-and-death decision. Now all the monks they brought out have been killed, and what they want to do is to return to their own forces and lead the monks to attack the opponent again.

Du Yu, who had left long ago, didn't care at all about what was happening in front of him. Whether these monks were alive or dead was not important to him at all.

Now Du Yu has only one goal, to go to the hometown of the ruthless emperor.

This was his promise to the ruthless emperor, so he naturally had to find a way to fulfill it.

In Du Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, the ruthless emperor looked at the surrounding scenery very quietly.

Having been trapped in the glazed lamp for 30,000 years, she had long forgotten what the outside world was like.

Although this place is very far away from her hometown, the fierceness and resentment of the ruthless emperor have dissipated a lot.

Anyway, she was on her way home.

I believe it won't be long before she can see her hometown.

"It seems that to get there, you must first pass through the Sea of ​​Death."

Du Yu, who was escaping, frowned slightly, but flew forward at a slow speed.

Although Du Yu has never been to the Sea of ​​Death, he understands the danger here.

But now, Du Yu has no fear.

It was nothing more than the Sea of ​​Death, which could not stop Du Yu from moving forward.

At this moment, there are many monks gathered in the Sea of ​​Death. These monks have various reasons to pass through the Sea of ​​Death. The reason why they are still staying here is just to gather enough people! *

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