Du Yucai approached this place, and many monks in the Sea of ​​Death suddenly became excited.

These people are all waiting here in the Sea of ​​Death, ready to poison and pass through.

But because the Sea of ​​Death is very dangerous, these monks have no way to move forward when they get here.

The best way is of course to go together.

But the world of monks is so big, and not all monks have to pass through the sea of ​​death every moment, so these monks were lost.

But now, because of Du Yu's arrival, the number of monks gathered here has reached one hundred.

Finally, we can set off.

Here, the monks who had been waiting for more than a thousand years were already excited.

Although time is meaningless to a monk, waiting for a thousand years in one place is still very persevering.

After all, a thousand years are enough to change many things.

"This monk's luck is really good. I have been waiting here for eight hundred years."

"Eight hundred years is nothing. Do you know the martial arts idiot in front of you? He has been waiting for four thousand years."

"Four thousand years, my cultivation time is only three thousand years. This kind of power is really too powerful."

Several monks started talking one after another.

But here, with the arrival of Du Yu, these monks all opened their eyes.

At this moment, behind these people, a monk in green robe came out.

The green-robed monk glanced at Du Yu and others, and then said with a proud face, "Everyone, we have gathered enough people, everyone, come up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the monk threw a small boat out of his sleeves.

This boat looks like it is made of paper, and it looks very small.

Then, the boat quickly grew in size in front of Du Yu and others.

In just an instant, the boat directly became more than ten meters long.

When many monks saw this scene, they already had envious looks in their eyes.

You know, in the world of practice, there are all kinds of magic weapons.

These magic weapons include weapons, defense types, and some special types that protect souls and have increased their cultivation.

There are even some auxiliary magic weapons.

At first glance, the boat in front of me is an auxiliary magic weapon.

However, it is still difficult for ordinary magic weapons to achieve this effect. It can be seen that the magic weapon in front of you is not something ordinary people can possess.

Seeing this, many monks boarded the boat without hesitation.

Only after following many monks on board the ship, Du Yu discovered that there were exactly one hundred seats in this magic weapon.

"Everyone, let's go now. It will take a hundred years to leave the Sea of ​​Death from here."

As the monk finished speaking, the door of the boat began to close.

After closing the door, Du Yu hurried to the boat and started flying forward.

However, at first, the boat did not fly very fast, but after a while, the boat flew towards the front area very quickly.

Du Yu evaluated the flight time of the boat, and soon discovered that the speed of the boat was similar to the speed of his full flight.

But the difference is that the boat can keep flying forward at this speed.

If Du Yu flew with all his strength, he would need to expend a huge amount of spiritual power.

In this way, in comparison, the flying speed of this small boat magic weapon is naturally faster than Du Yu.

"It seems that getting a magic weapon like this will make traveling much faster."

Du Yu's face showed a thoughtful look.

Of course, although Du Yu had such thoughts in his mind, he did not pay attention to this small boat.

After all, Du Yu really looked down upon such a magic weapon.

After all, Du Yu has experienced ups and downs along the way.

Naturally, there will be no ill intentions because of this magic weapon.

Of course, Du Yu wouldn't mind if these monks provoked Du Yu.

This is Du Yu’s way of practice.

From Du Yu's point of view, he would not provoke other monks at will, but if other monks provoked him, Du Yu would naturally not show mercy.

"I didn't expect this magic weapon to fly so fast."

"Yes, only such a powerful magic weapon can cross the sea of ​​death."

"The Sea of ​​Death. It will take a hundred years to cross the Sea of ​​Death. I don't know what I will experience in these hundred years:"

"No matter what it goes through, with the existence of this magic weapon, we are very safe."

"That's right. I heard that the monks who directly entered the Sea of ​​Death before were basically dead. However, the monks with this magic weapon can safely cross the Sea of ​​Death."

Listening to the murmurs of several monks, Du Yu suddenly lost interest.

On the contrary, at this moment, Du Yu was absorbing the power of the ruthless emperor with all his heart.

In fact, when Du Yu agreed to return to his hometown, he clearly felt that absorbing the power of the ruthless emperor was not that difficult.

Even when the ruthless emperor saw that Du Yu was really heading towards her hometown, he not only did not stop Du Yu, but also gave Du Yu guidance on some key points.

In this way, Du Yu's cultivation speed will be faster.

Along the way, Du Yu was completely in a hurry. He had no time to absorb the power in his body.

But now, sitting on this small boat magic weapon and spending a hundred years to reach the Sea of ​​Death, Du Yu thought it was pretty good.

After all, this hundred years was just enough time for him to absorb the power left by the ruthless emperor.

These forces can be described as extremely powerful.

Du Yu is confident that although his current strength has improved a lot, it is still a bit frivolous and his foundation is a bit unstable.

But Du Yu believed that after he absorbed all the power, his realm would be able to improve to a higher level again.

This level of strength is simply not comparable to that of ordinary monks!

Du Yu had no fear at all about the danger of the Sea of ​​Death.

Even today, Du Yu hopes to encounter some problems to sharpen himself.

Of course, it would also be a good thing if we could reach the hometown of the ruthless emperor safely on the way.

After all, Du Yu was also very curious about what the ruthless emperor's hometown was like.

Under these thoughts, Du Yu's mind gradually calmed down.

And his whole person was completely integrated into the state of cultivation.

As for the scene outside the boat, Du Yu didn't care at all.

As for the ordinary monks, they looked at the Sea of ​​Death out of curiosity at first, and then started practicing after feeling bored.

The remaining monks gathered together and talked about something.

These monks were the first to come here, so they are still very familiar with each other. At this moment, they are a small team on the boat. *

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