From the perspective of the bearded man, the unknown monk in front of him was looking for death.

Almost all the monks on the boat did not resist, but now, the monk in front of them actually dared to resist.

In fact, these people had made similar preparations before setting off, so they naturally paid some attention to Du Yu.

What surprised these people the most was that Du Yu was the last one to arrive here. In other words, Du Yu didn't know any of the monks in front of him at all.

Those monks who had their own teams didn't dare to resist, but this monk in front of him dared?

"Hmph, looking for death."

The bearded man sneered, and immediately a burst of power from within his body struck towards Du Yu.

"This little monk is finished."

"I originally thought he was very lucky. He went directly to the Sea of ​​Death as soon as he arrived, but he didn't expect that he would die here."

"Let's all take a look. It'll be fine once it's over."

In the surrounding area, many monks who noticed this started talking in low voices.

Although these people were uncomfortable with beards, these monks naturally didn't say much because they were so powerful now.


Suddenly, a loud noise came, and the powerful momentum attracted the monks from far away.

To be honest, because Du Yu appeared at the latest, these monks had no impression of Du Yu.

Those monks who came here in advance to prepare for departure would not even think of making friends with Du Yu.

What happened to Du Yu in the black cloud has not yet reached here, so these monks naturally don't know how powerful Du Yu is.

Following Beard's attack, everyone immediately saw a black shadow flying backwards.

However, this person is not Du Yu, but has a beard.

After smoothing out his beard, Du Yu closed his eyes and rested his mind.

As for his eyes, there was no trace of worry at all.

Looking at this, he was calm and composed, as if he didn't even notice the monks in front of him.

The bearded man still doesn't understand how he was knocked away.

But at this moment, the bearded man only felt that his whole body was extremely sore, and he didn't even take a breath, as if he was about to die half of his life.

Several other monks were collecting protection fees, but when they heard what happened with Bearded Beard, they all became furious. They didn't even collect the protection fees in front of them, and instead gathered together and approached Du Yu.

"You will definitely die today."

One of the leading monks rushed to Du Yu and shouted.

In fact, monks like Du Yu must be dealt with, otherwise, their prestige will weaken in the hearts of these people.

If this happens, they will naturally have no way to collect the protection fees later.

Of course, these people have been doing this kind of thing for a long time, so they are familiar with it.

As long as Du Yu is killed, it will naturally have the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

In this way, the protection fees from the rear can still be collected.

The power of several monks locked onto Du Yu without hesitation.

The other monks suppressed by the powerful Qi machine were unable to move.

You know, although some monks resisted before, they only attracted attacks from three or four monks.

But now, because Du Yu's appearance directly attracted the attention of six or seven monks, such huge pressure is naturally not something ordinary monks can bear.

"Didn't I already pay the protection fee you asked for?"

Du Yu looked at these people with a smile on his face.

Although the monks in front of him had murderous intentions on their faces, they were not noticed by Du Yu at all.

From Du Yu's point of view, it would only take a matter of minutes for him to kill these monks.

"Where's your protection money?"

The leading monk asked angrily.

Hearing this, Du Yu took out the spiritual stone again.

This time, let alone the leading monks.

Even the monks rushing around couldn't help it.

It seemed that the young monk in front of him was determined to cause trouble with these people.

No one had noticed this before, and no one expected Du Yu to resist.

But now, Du Yu, who had attracted everyone's attention, took out an ordinary spiritual stone, which naturally made these people think that Du Yu was provoking these people.

However, the monks who were on their way did not stop Du Yu.

For them, if Du Yu kills these monks, the people behind them will not have to pay protection fees, which is also a good thing.

If Du Yu is killed, then their obedient teaching protection fee will be enough, and it will not have any impact at all.

"court death."

When the leading monks saw Du Yu like this, they all became furious, and powerful forces directly bombarded Du Yu.

Du Yu, who was surrounded by several people, did not feel any fear in his heart.

Even when Du Yu faced the bombardment of these forces, he did not activate the spiritual power in his body.

"Bang bang bang..."

Several sounds were heard in succession, and the monks were blown away by Du Yu.

"Your strength is not enough."

Du Yu looked at these people with a smile on his face.

At the same time, his eyes also fell on the green-robed monk who initially resisted.

"Du Yu, he seems to be my descendant, please save him."

In Du Yu's mind, the voice of the ruthless emperor came over.

Du Yu nodded slightly after hearing this, and immediately became more curious about this green-robed monk.

This is the descendant of the ruthless emperor. Du Yu never thought that he could see the descendants of the ruthless emperor here.

Ignoring the monks around him, Du Yu walked towards the green-robed monk.

Because this person resisted at first, he was seriously injured by these monks.

He is not dead now simply because he still has one breath to hold on to.

Without any hesitation, Du Yucai integrated the spiritual power in his body into the green-robed monk as soon as he came over.

In just the blink of an eye, the green-robed monk's energy, which was hanging on by a thread, became stronger.

Not long after, a groan came from the mouth of the monk in green robe, and then, his consciousness gradually woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Du Yu inputting spiritual power into his body.

The green-robed monk didn't waste any time, and immediately regained consciousness and began to repair the injuries in his body.

Du Yu just glanced at it and looked at the monk with admiration.

"The descendants of the ruthless emperor are indeed beyond the comparison of ordinary monks."

Du Yu stopped injecting the spiritual power into the green-robed monk's body, and then focused on those monks.

This time, not only these monks, but also the monks on the way understood.

It turns out that the last monk who came here is so powerful.

He had just fought off six or seven people without using any power, and then he even showed off his ability to bring the dead back to life.

This practice is so terrifying. *

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