For a moment, all the monks around him were stunned.

Although they were still on the boat, these monks all understood that the monk in front of them was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Not to mention that one person resisted the attacks of six or seven monks, but also used such a method to bring the dead back to life.

"If we can get to know such powerful people, it will definitely be of great benefit to us."

Immediately, many monks began to make calculations in their minds.

To be honest, in the world of cultivation, it is surprising that one person can defeat many monks, but it is not shocking.

But it's different when Du Yu saves people and brings them back to life.

This method is completely a second life.

If in the future, during training, your life is in danger, as long as you find such a strong person, you can save yourself.

In a disguised sense, it completely gave me two lives.

Of course, apart from these thoughts, the happiest monks were those who were not charged protection fees.

Because these people are behind Du Yu, the protection money has not yet been received from them. But now, with Du Yu's resistance, these people believe that more and more people will resist in the future.

Following this trend, Du Yu directly united these casual cultivators.

Of course, some people are happy and some are sad. On the one hand, those monks who have paid protection fees are very upset.

The other group of people who were worried were naturally the leading monks.

"Hmph, anyone who dares to hit me is seeking death."

Suddenly, the leading monk walked over, and at the same time a powerful force burst out from his body.

At the same time, a huge explosion came from his body.

Then, a mask actually fell off his face.

As soon as the mask came out, all the monks on the boat were shocked.

"How, how is it possible, Ghost King!"

"Ghost King, why is he here? It seems he will die today."

"Fellow Taoist, is this Ghost King very powerful?"

"You don't know something. The Ghost King has a rule. Anyone who sees it must die."

"S-so, he, he wants to kill us?"

Each of these monks was horrified, and their heads were looking forward blankly.

Sure enough, the moment the Ghost King appeared, the boat that was flying rapidly stopped.

At this moment, the boat just stopped in chaos.

Although everyone is still in the magic weapon.

But one can clearly feel the powerful power fluctuations outside the boat.

At this moment, he was completely in the midst of the waves of the Sea of ​​Death.

Generally speaking, when encountering this kind of road section, the monks would urge the magic weapon to leave here as soon as possible, but unfortunately, the small boat magic weapon not only did not leave here, but stopped.

You know, this sea of ​​death is very dangerous.

As the boat moves forward, it still has the strength to break free from the constraints of these waves.

But now, the boat stopped directly, and everyone might be trapped here directly. After that, even if the ghost king did not feel them, the boat would be unable to withstand the impact of the sea of ​​death outside day after day. When the magic weapon was broken through , that is when everyone fell.

It can be said that the situation of these monks is very dangerous now.

To be honest, Du Yu was the calmest person on the entire boat.

He didn't even look at the Ghost King.

In Du Yu's eyes, this ghost king was not worth mentioning at all.

I haven't seen what kind of character he is in such a long time.

On the contrary, Du Yu's attention was now entirely on the green-robed monk.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life."

As soon as the monk opened his eyes, he saw Du Yu and immediately thanked him quickly.

Du Yu nodded when he saw this. He didn't say much, but looked at the green-robed monk with an angry face.

At the same time, while repairing the body of the green-robed monk, Du Yu also integrated his power into the green-robed monk's body.

Not long after, he finally discovered the similarity between the green-robed monk in front of him and the ruthless emperor.

In the sea of ​​consciousness of the green-robed monk, Du Yu actually saw the source of power belonging to the ruthless emperor.

This is a very scary thing.

You know, it was 30,000 years ago when the ruthless emperor galloped across the continent, and now, no one knows how long it has been, the source of the ruthless emperor's power can still be found in the body of the monk in front of him.

Generally speaking, there are quite a lot of sources of power in the first generation, and then, as generations pass on, these sources of power become less and less.

Unless people later realize their own martial arts and have their own source of power, they can reach the current state.

Although the source of power in the monk in front of him is not very much, judging from the inheritance, the monk in front of him is also in the second generation state.

This is a very amazing thing.

Thirty thousand years later, descendants of the ruthless emperor actually appeared here.

"What is your relationship with the ruthless emperor?"

Du Yu asked directly without any nonsense.

The ruthless emperor in Du Yu's sea of ​​consciousness looked forward with shock on his face.

There is absolutely no way that the monk in front of her is her grandson, otherwise, she would definitely be able to recognize him.

The green-robed monk looked at Du Yu with a blank expression.

Because Du Yu had saved him, he did not reject Du Yu's inquiry.

Suddenly, the green-robed monk shook his head, "I have never heard of any ruthless emperor. I don't know who the ruthless emperor you are talking about, senior. If he is very important to you, then I will definitely repay him well." .”

After finishing speaking, the green-robed monk looked at Du Yu with a pious face.

Du Yu didn't say much when he saw this. On the contrary, the ghost king behind him ignored him when he saw the monk in front of him, and even urged powerful force to bombard Du Yu.

Although Du Yu's back was facing the monk, the spiritual power in Du Yu's body had already been activated.

In fact, Du Yu became vigilant when the Ghost King appeared.

The time he has been here is not short. Although Du Yu is not very clear about many things, he has seen news about this ghost king before.

He knew that this monk had killed many people, so his reputation was very resounding.

It was precisely because of this that Du Yu became a little wary.

Feeling the powerful power of the Ghost King, Du Yu didn't even look back. With a wave of his hand, a powerful force bombarded directly towards the Ghost King.

This powerful force directly sent the Ghost King flying backwards.

"If you want to deal with me with your strength, I'm afraid it won't be enough."

Du Yu still didn't raise his head and spat out a few words faintly from his mouth. *

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