The monks on the entire boat were completely shocked at this moment.

"I didn't expect such a strong person to exist."

"It seems that the situation is very passive now."

Several monks looked at each other with incredible looks in their eyes.

On the one hand, because of Du Yu's appearance, everyone was saved from being killed by the Ghost King.

But on the other hand, Du Yu is more powerful than the Ghost King. In this way, everyone's life and death can be said to be completely in Du Yu's hands.

What is life hanging by a thread, what is life hanging by someone else's thought.

This is.

Although Du Yu did not show any interest in the lives of these monks, these monks could not help but feel anxious.

In the final analysis, in the world of spiritual practice, power is the foundation of everything.

Only if you have strong power can you control your own life and death, and even control the life and death of others.

The Ghost King also looked at Du Yu with shock on his face.

The monk in front of him was also the most powerful monk he had encountered so far.

In an instant, a sharp look appeared in the eyes of the Ghost King.

Being knocked away by Du Yu, the ghost ghost king only felt the spiritual power in his body constantly impacting, and it took a long time to stop.

During the reversal of breath, the Ghost King once again activated the power in his body. At the same time, he directly opened a small bottle, and then a black pill was swallowed by it.

The moment he finished swallowing the black pill, the power of the Ghost King also underwent earth-shaking changes.

The Ghost King at this moment looked exactly like two monks compared to before.

Likewise, this strong power fluctuation immediately attracted Du Yu's attention.

After settling the green-robed monks, Du Yu turned to look at the Ghost King.

Du Yu knew in his heart that this time the Ghost King might be using pills to forcefully activate his power.

Although it will improve one's strength in a short period of time, it is obvious that the side effects of this drug are also quite huge.

Generally speaking, when encountering such a monk, it is enough not to confront him head-on in this short period of time.

As long as time passes, he will naturally not be Du Yu's opponent.

But it was obvious that Du Yu's considerations were different from those of ordinary monks.

At this moment, Du Yu did not hesitate to use the power in his body to attack the Ghost King.

Now Du Yu not only did not avoid the powerful attack of the ghost king, but on the contrary, he became extremely excited.

To be honest, Du Yu's cultivation has improved very rapidly in these days.

This also makes Du Yu very eager for opponents.

Only by finding a suitable opponent can Du Yu understand what level his current strength has reached.

At the beginning, Du Yu had not noticed the Ghost King when he showed his figure, so Du Yu naturally had no interest in the Ghost King.

But things were different now. The Ghost King used drugs to forcibly enhance his strength. Such strength stimulated Du Yu's desire to fight.

The powerful force drives the huge aura and bombards forward with a devastating force.

The other monks in the magic boat tried their best to curl up into the corner.

The spiritual power of the battle between Du Yu and the Ghost King is really terrifying.

The fighting spirit of these two people has not spread at all, which can make these monks feel that they are within the scope of death.

If the opponent of these two people is themselves, these monks will only feel despair in their hearts.

However, the size of the boat magic weapon is limited after all.

Although I tried my best to stay away from these two people, I couldn't get very far away in this magic boat.

Some monks with slightly weaker cultivation were even suppressed by the spiritual power of Du Yu and the two of them, making it difficult to move.

"Hopefully we can get out of this sea of ​​death alive."

"The strength of these two people is too strong. If the magic weapon cannot withstand such a powerful force, we will suffer."

Several monks looked forward with horror on their faces, and at the same time they were very uneasy in their hearts.

Today's small boat magic weapon has stopped long ago. It was already bearing the powerful tearing force from the outside. Now, it has to bear the fighting power of two powerful men inside.


In just an instant, a crisp sound was heard, and then the Ghost King flew backwards.

"Okay, so strong."

The ghost king who was blown away had a look of shock on his face.

At this moment, the Ghost King only felt waves of burning pain in his body.

On the one hand, he was injured by Du Yu's powerful power, and on the other hand, the side effects of the medicine gradually appeared.

In fact, according to Ghost King's estimation, he should be able to kill Du Yu before the drug takes effect.

But now, he never thought that after using the drug, he would be unable to resist even a blow from the opponent.

The strength gap between the two sides is really too big.

The ghost king's face was ashen.

Du Yu saw a look of surprise on his face when he saw the Ghost King being blown away in a circle by him.

"I didn't expect the power of the ruthless emperor to be so powerful."

Du Yu was not only shocked, but also looked forward to it.

Du Yu's way of cultivation is to become stronger.

Along the way, Du Yu, who has experienced countless ups and downs, has worked hard towards this goal.

But now, Du Yu discovered that his power was actually infinitely close to the ancient power.

Such joy is difficult to conceal.

From the beginning of Du Yu's practice, he knew that in ancient times, the spiritual power between heaven and earth was very abundant.

In this way, the monks who existed in ancient times were also very powerful.

A pitcher has the power to destroy heaven and earth with just one move of his feet.

Such a powerful force is simply not something that monks in later worlds can imagine.

It can be said that, except for the monks from ancient times, no later monks can reach this realm.

But now, Du Yu actually found that his power was infinitely close to the ancient power.

Although it will be very difficult to improve himself later, Du Yu is full of confidence.

He believes that with his strength, he can still make breakthroughs.

Shaking his head, Du Yu didn't even look at the ghost ghost king who rushed towards him again. With a thought in his heart, countless spiritual powers quickly gathered in his body.

In just an instant, powerful power burst out directly from Du Yu's body.

But before the ghost ghost king even got close to Du Yu, he was melted by the air waves on Du Yu's body.

The whole person turned into powder and disappeared, as if he had never appeared before. *

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