The monks in the entire boat looked at the scene in front of them with shock on their faces.

The extremely powerful ghost ghost king was bombarded into powder by the monk with a wave of his hand. Such a powerful force was simply terrifying.

Many monks had worried looks on their faces, and they were thinking about how to survive.

It can be said that at this moment, the situation of these monks became very dangerous.

After killing the ghost king, Du Yu then looked at the green-robed monk.

To be honest, he was not interested in any of the monks on the boat. Instead, he was curious about the green-robed monks.

"Senior, you, you are too powerful."

When the green-robed monk saw Du Yu kill the Ghost King with a wave of his hand, he couldn't hide the shock on his face. Apart from respect, he only had admiration for Du Yu.

Du Yu didn't talk nonsense and immediately looked at the monks around him.

These monks looked at Du Yu with awe and secret regret in their hearts.

If these people had resisted directly at first, they would have been favored by this senior.

But now, all this has changed.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that this senior saved the green-robed monk made these people envious.

Just when these monks didn't know how to express their respect to Du Yu, Du Yu immediately shook his head and said with a smile, "It seems that I still have to control this magic weapon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Yu's power spread towards his surroundings.

In just a moment, Du Yu's power enveloped the boat.

The moment Du Yu's power controlled the boat, Du Yu felt the power attack of the sea of ​​death outside the boat.

This kind of power doesn't feel strong, but it's not weak either.

In just an instant, Du Yu took control of the boat.

Because it was the first time to use this kind of magic weapon, Du Yu was a bit novel about the use of the magic weapon in front of him.

After taking control of the boat, Du Yu mobilized his power to integrate into the boat.

Then, the boat suddenly rushed forward.

Under such a powerful attack, the monks inside the boat felt their bodies shake, and they were almost knocked over to the ground.

Du Yu didn't understand these casual cultivators at all, but instead used his strength to increase the power of the boat to the fastest speed.

During this process, Du Yu also tried to change the direction of the boat.

After half an hour, Du Yu had a complete understanding of the magic weapon in front of him.

But now, Du Yu doesn't need to devote all his attention to controlling the boat magic weapon.

On the contrary, it was enough for Du Yu to just use a bit of his mental energy to look at the boat.

Because the boat was controlled by Du Yu, the speed was increased three or four times compared to before.

This is because Du Yu deliberately controlled it.

Otherwise, with Du Yu's powerful strength, he can make the boat faster.

However, Du Yu also considered that the small boat magic weapon in front of him also had a certain pressure range.

Now, at this speed, it is already within the pressure limit of the boat.

If Du Yu's speed were a little faster, the boat would disintegrate directly.

And when that time comes, Du Yu believes that few of the monks in front of him can survive.

After all, it is still very dangerous in the Sea of ​​Death, otherwise there would be no origin of the name Sea of ​​Death.

At this moment, a huge banging sound came from outside the boat.

"Boom Kaka..."

The small boat magic weapon that originally seemed very solid in the eyes of casual cultivators actually had slight cracks on it.

Du Yu, who was controlling the boat, also changed his expression when he saw this.

Just now, he felt the boat being attacked by something.

Sure enough, the moment the crack appeared, Du Yu discovered that the crack on the boat was getting bigger and bigger.

"It seems that it won't be long before this boat will disintegrate."

Du Yu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Immediately, Du Yu activated his power, and according to Du Yu's consciousness, this power directly turned into a barrier to cover the green-robed monk.

The other monks were also awakened by this sudden change, and they all immediately thought of ways to protect themselves.

At this time, some monks also looked at Du Yu expectantly.

If anyone can survive this sea of ​​death, it must be Du Yu.

Unfortunately, these people discovered that Du Yu had no intention of taking action.

Immediately, every monk became anxious.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the boat exploded.

And many monks also discovered that there was a huge monster outside the boat.

This monster looks to be a hundred meters long.

The scales all over its body make it look like a sea king.

Before these monks could be shocked by the size of the monster, they felt the power coming from the Sea of ​​Death.

These forces are as pervasive as air.

For a moment, many monks felt as if they weighed tens of millions of pounds.

"This monster looks unusual."

Du Yu protected the green-robed monk and then soared above the Sea of ​​Death, looking curiously at the monster in front of him.

Although in terms of body shape, there is a huge gap between Du Yu and the monster.

But Du Yu's aura showed no fear at all.


In the Sea of ​​Death, with the screams of monster beasts, the entire Sea of ​​Death also became turbulent.

Except for a few monks who had life-saving magic weapons, most of the monks were knocked to pieces by this powerful force.

Those monks who did not cultivate enough were directly drowned in the sea of ​​death.

"Run away, run away."

Many monks had no intention of resisting when faced with monsters, and were completely blinded.

However, this monster gave these monks no time to escape.

Just taking one step forward trampled many monks into pulp.

"Senior, this."

When the green-robed monk saw this scene, a look of shock appeared on his face.

Before this, he had considered encountering various dangers in the Sea of ​​Death.

But now, he realized that this danger was actually so real.

If it weren't for Du Yu's protection along the way, he would have perished on the road to the Sea of ​​Death.

"It doesn't matter."

There was a bit of surprise in Du Yu's eyes.

He clearly felt that the monster in front of him was related to the ancient monster.

This made Du Yu even more curious.

On the one hand, Du Yu met the ruthless emperor, and then met the ruthless emperor's descendants.

After that, he encountered a monster with an ancient aura.

Du Yu simply couldn't believe it when he said something unexpected.

"There must be some connection."

Du Yu's eyes became extremely deep. At the same time, Du Yu also looked at the monster in front of him carefully. He still thought that this matter was not as simple as it seemed. *

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