Before Du Yu could think more, he immediately saw the monster flying towards the monk in front of him.

Before these monks could withstand the pressure brought by the Sea of ​​Death, the monster opened its huge mouth, and then a ball of flame shot out from the monster's mouth.

The intense flames directly roasted the fleeing monks into charcoal.

Under the impact of the Sea of ​​Death, it turned directly into powder and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

If it weren't for the smell of blood in the air in front of him, Du Yu would have thought that these monks had never been here before.

After easily killing these monks, the monster immediately turned its head and looked at Du Yu with its huge eyes.

There was a bit of greed in these eyes.

This trace of greed made the atmosphere around the monster become very strange.

This look gives people the feeling that they are looking at their own food.

Du Yu noticed the appearance of the monster and felt a bit strange in his heart. However, he was very curious about the monster in front of him.

"I didn't expect to encounter ancient monsters here, and I didn't know what kind of opportunities we would encounter this time."

Du Yu's face was full of smiles.

At the same time, Du Yu was even more looking forward to what would happen next.

Obviously, all this started because Du Yu met the ruthless emperor.

After all, before meeting the ruthless emperor, Du Yu had never seen these ancient monsters or ancient monks.

Now, Du Yu is speculating in his mind that his next experience may be shocking.

Before Du Yu could think about anything, the monster in front of him rushed over.

Judging from this momentum, it seems that he is planning to devour Du Yu directly.

Seeing this, Du Yu didn't talk nonsense. A thought occurred in his heart. Immediately, the power in his body began to rotate rapidly. In just a moment, Du Yu's body gathered countless powerful spiritual powers.

Under Du Yu's control, these spiritual powers bombarded the monsters ahead.


A clear voice came, and the power Du Yu just exploded was actually directly blocked by the monster.

However, what makes people curious is that Du Yu's power just bombarded the monster's body and directly tore off the monster's scales.

The crisp sound just now was the sound of the monster's scales breaking.

"Ho ho ho..."

At the moment when the scales shattered, the monster in front of him also let out a frightening roar.

The sound resounded throughout the heavens and was deafening.

But Du Yu before the monster had no influence at all.

Of course, Du Yu was also thinking about the monster's strength.

After all, Du Yu's blow just tore off the monster's scales, but did not cause any substantial damage to the monster.

On the contrary, the monster was extremely angry.

Over the years, he has devoured countless monks in the Sea of ​​Death.

And among so many monks, no monk has ever been able to hurt himself.

But today, all this has changed because of the monk in front of him.

This monk not only hurt himself, but also tore off the scales on his body.

This kind of pain was something the monster in front of me had never experienced before.

Although he was hurt by the monk in front of him, the monster couldn't help but feel no fear in his heart. Instead, it inspired the monster's bestial nature.

The violent energy emanating from the monster beast came straight towards Du Yu, and the powerful fluctuations in power made Du Yu feel sick in his heart.

Seeing this, Du Yu had a thought in his heart, and immediately a force appeared directly from Du Yu's body.

This power directly blocks the violent energy emanating from the monster beast.

This time, Du Yu would no longer be affected by the evil spirit of monsters.

At the same time, Du Yu actively mobilized his power to bombard the monsters ahead.

Suddenly, Du Yu's whole body seemed to have turned into a sharp sword.

Fierce murderous intent emerged from Du Yu's body.

"The monster in front of us is so extraordinary. If we can kill it, we will definitely get a lot of suitable materials."

You know, as the strength of the monsters increases, the materials on the monsters in the later stage are very precious.

For example, the blood of dragons can improve the cultivation of ordinary monks.

Of course, if a strong person like Du Yu uses it, it won't be able to improve his cultivation level, but the effect on ordinary monks is still good.

It was precisely because of this that Du Yu knew in his heart that the material on the monster in front of him must be good.

For example, the bones of monsters can be made into suitable weapons.

The scales can be made into armor or the like.

As for other organs, they can all play a good role.

The most important point is that the monster in front of him is an ancient monster.

Just being related to the ancient times made Du Yu excited.


When Du Yu was excited, his powerful power also directly came into contact with the monster.

A huge explosion sounded, and the huge monster was blown away by Du Yu.

Even Du Yu himself couldn't believe this powerful force.

Of course, it's good to be strong, but Du Yu also felt that this rebound force was very powerful.

At this moment, Du Yu only felt his hands were numb.

"The ancient monster is indeed an ancient monster."

Du Yu ignored his numb hands, and his eyes became even more excited.

This excitement led him to find the direction of spiritual practice.

Originally, Du Yu's strength had almost reached a bottleneck.

Judging from Du Yu's current cultivation level, it will be very difficult to continue to improve.

But now, after discovering the existence of ancient monsters, Du Yu suddenly understood that the direction for him to improve his strength was to move closer to the ancient times.

Du Yu still had some confidence in choosing this routine.

On the one hand, it is because Du Yu's strength has reached the point of opening up a path.

On the other hand, Du Yu had the help of the ruthless emperor.

Although today's ruthless emperor is not as good as the ruthless emperor in the past, ruthless emperor is ruthless emperor. As long as she is willing to guide Du Yu, Du Yu believes that his strength can be improved quickly.

Especially now, Du Yu has encountered the ancient monster in front of him again, and directly absorbed the essence and blood of this ancient monster. Du Yu has begun to embark on the ancient road.

In this way, Du Yu's strength will be greatly improved again.

However, the journey of cultivation was originally extremely difficult, and now, Du Yu has taken an even more difficult path to move forward.

But even so, Du Yu was still full of confidence.

The decision made Du Yu's momentum change drastically. Seeing the angry beast coming, Du Yu once again mobilized his strength to meet it. *

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