In the entire Dragon City, not only the ordinary monks were excited, but even the city lords and senior officials in Dragon City were excited.

"The Great Elder is back?"

"I didn't expect that the great elder would come back. It's really incredible."

At this moment, in the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion, many senior officials of Dragon City gathered together, and everyone was discussing this matter.

In the meeting hall, some people were happy about the news that the Great Elder was back, while others were upset.

Even though the Great Elder didn't pay much attention to the affairs in Dragon City, the Great Elder's prestige among the people was still very high.

It was this extremely high prestige that caused mixed reactions from the senior officials in Dragon City.

Of course, although some monks were dissatisfied with the return of the Great Elder, these people did not dare to show it.

No matter how prestigious they are in Dragon City today, just one word from the Great Elder can turn everything they have into ashes.

While these people were talking, the Lord of Dragon City walked out with excitement on his face.

"Everyone, I believe everyone knows the good news. The great elder has returned."

Long Cheng stood eight feet tall and looked very majestic.

His words caused many monks below to start talking.

After waiting for a moment, the Lord of Dragon City continued, "However, when the Great Elder came back, Dragon City discovered some uninvited guests, so everyone should be prepared to deal with them."

As soon as he finished speaking, the city lord began to make arrangements. In just the blink of an eye, he had all these things arranged.

Because the city lord personally arranged things, these monks moved extremely fast.

Are you kidding? This is something arranged by the city lord, and it concerns the great elder. Many monks don't dare to be careless.

Even if you don't like the return of the Great Elder, you can't go wrong by working harder and leaving a good impression on the Great Elder's Xinmu.

It was at this time that the red-armored monks in the entire Dragon City took action.

Because of what happened at the city gate, the entire Dragon City became very strict.

In this state, some monks with evil intentions were caught by these red-armored monks.

Of course, due to various excuses, some normal monks were also caught and imprisoned in the prison of Dragon City.

For a moment, these monks felt as if they were dead.

Being thrown into the sky prison of Dragon City, I'm afraid the future life will be difficult.

Suddenly, the entire atmosphere in Dragon City became very tense.

Although this made the atmosphere in Dragon City very tense, it also had the advantage that the monks with evil intentions also restrained themselves a bit.

In any case, running into a gun yourself is a stupid thing to do.

Time goes back to the same day.

After Hansen blasted away a lot of power like Du Yu, he chased after the purple-clothed monk.

Despite being blocked by Du Yu, Hansen's speed slowed down slightly.

But no matter what, the strength gap between the purple monk and Hansen is still huge.

Faced with this huge gap in strength, no matter how the purple monk fled, there was no way to escape Hansen's attack range.

In the blink of an eye, Hansen appeared behind the purple monk.

The purple-clothed monk noticed the scene behind him, and his expression changed drastically.

For a moment, the purple-clothed monk pushed the spiritual power in his body to the extreme, trying to get rid of Hansen's pursuit. However, Hansen's strength was not something that the purple-clothed monk could escape.

In less than a few breaths, Hansen appeared behind the purple-clothed monk.

As soon as they got close, the purple-clothed monk hurried to the icehouse.

Immediately, the purple-clothed monk didn't care about anything. At this moment, he bombarded Hansen with all his power.

"Boom boom boom..."

In an instant, a powerful wave of power attracted the attention of Du Yu from behind.

"I didn't expect these two to fight so soon."

There was no change in the expression on Du Yu's face.

After adjusting his posture slightly, he rushed forward very quickly.

Judging from this flying speed, it won't be long before Du Yu can catch up with Hansen.

"I would like to see what is different about the ancient bloodline!"

Hansen deflected the purple-clothed monk's attack and stretched out his right claw to grab the purple-clothed monk directly.

This seemingly ordinary grasp contains the power of heaven and earth.

The powerful force of heaven and earth blocked the path of the purple-clothed monk in an instant.

From this situation, it seems that the purple monk will be caught by Hansen in less than an instant.

Seeing the purple-clothed monk hiding here and there, Hansen was not at ease either.

In fact, Hansen knew in his heart that the bombardment he just carried out would not be able to interfere with Du Yu for long.

I believe it won't be long before Du Yu can catch up.

However, as soon as this thought came to Hansen's mind, he immediately noticed Du Yu's figure appearing behind him.

"I didn't expect it to come so soon!"

The look on Hansen's face was slightly startled, and his shooting speed immediately increased a bit.

This blow was completely Hansen's desperate move. He wanted to catch the purple monk before Du Yu arrived.

Although I don’t know yet what benefits the ancient bloodline can bring to me.

But this does not affect Hansen's desire for ancient bloodline at all.

Hansen believed that as long as he researched it, he would be able to research the information in the ancient bloodline in a short time.

And after this, Hansen's breakthrough direction naturally appeared again.

At this moment, the purple-clothed monk only felt strong pressure.

Under this huge pressure, the ancient bloodline in the purple-clothed monk's body was directly activated.

In an instant, powerful power burst out from the purple-clothed monk.

This force was like a nuclear bomb, bombarding Hansen directly.

"Boom Kaka..."

The huge force directly tore the void apart.

Hansen suddenly suffered such a powerful attack, and his whole body was directly bombarded and flew backwards.

"No, it's impossible..."

Hansen had a look of disbelief on his face.

But in an instant, Hansen became ecstatic.

"Could this be the power of ancient bloodline?"

After thinking about this, Hansen felt as if he had been given a shot of blood, and immediately looked at the purple-clothed monk with even more eager eyes.

He was just a young monk, but because he had the power of ancient bloodline, he was able to blow himself away.

If you fully understand the secrets of the ancient bloodline, I believe that your strength will be greatly improved.

This huge temptation was placed in front of Hansen's eyes in an instant. *

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