Immediately, Hansen activated the power in his body again. It was only at this time that Hansen felt something abnormal in his body.

It seemed that the ancient being was bombarded by the power of the ancient bloodline. Hansen actually felt that the power in his body was moving a bit slowly.

This slowness is very obvious.

You must know that in the past, Hansen's spiritual power moved very quickly during battles.

But recently, this slowness has given Hansen a sense of unreality.

Although Hansen mobilized the power in his body to counteract this situation, the feeling of suffocation in his body was still very slow.

Although a moment passed in reality, Hansen felt as if a century had passed.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Finally, when Hansen felt that the spiritual power in his body was functioning normally, he once again mobilized his power to attack the purple-clothed monk.

This time, because Hansen knew the power of ancient bloodline, he would not show mercy.

In any case, Purple Friar Hansen is bound to win, and Du Yu is right behind.

There was no time to delay at this moment.

At the same time, Du Yu, who was behind Hansen, also speeded up.

Although Du Yu didn't know much about ancient bloodlines, he obviously knew more than Hansen.

At the moment when the purple-clothed monk resisted Hansen's attack, Du Yu noticed a very powerful aura of ancient power coming from the air.

This ancient power is somewhat similar to the power of the ancient monsters encountered in the Sea of ​​Death.

However, the power within the ancient monster beast has a somewhat violent aura.

As for the ancient power in the purple-clothed monk's body, it was a bit messy.

This mess is obviously caused by the fact that the purple-clothed monk has never used the power of ancient bloodline.

To be honest, since Du Yu met the ruthless emperor, the whole world has become a little different.

But now, the ruthless emperor who used to come out to have fun has no idea where he has gone.

Originally, Du Yu had many questions that he wanted to ask the ruthless emperor, but when the ruthless emperor stopped appearing, Du Yu didn't know who to ask.

"No matter what, let's grab the purple monk first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the power in Du Yu's body began to circulate rapidly.

In just an instant, Du Yu rushed forward as fast as a small nuclear bomb.

In less than a few breaths, Du Yu saw the Han people blasting towards the purple-clothed monk.

The moment he saw this scene, Du Yu mobilized the spiritual power in his body to blast forward.

The target of this powerful force is Hansen.

Du Yu believed that Hansen would definitely suffer a lot if he ignored this power.

Sure enough, as soon as Hansen, who was attacking the purple monk, felt Du Yu's power, his whole face changed drastically.

"It came so quickly."

With Hansen's eyes agitated, his attack force became even more ruthless.

However, feeling the powerful force behind him, Hansen had to let the purple monk go, and instead mobilized his strength to resist Du Yu's attack.

To be honest, although Du Yu is stronger than Hansen, Du Yu doesn't dare to gamble.

After all, Hansen is not an ordinary weakling. If he really robbed the purple monk, he would definitely have some way to resist his attack.

And if this happens, Du Yu will not only catch the purple monk.

On the contrary, Du Yu can only obtain the purple cultivation level by killing Hansen.

In order to avoid trouble in this process, Du Yu decided to grab the purple-clothed monk directly today.

Here, after Hansen resisted Du Yu's attack, the purple-clothed monk also felt that the power in his body was drained.

Just now, the purple-clothed monk had no idea what was happening.

He only felt like there was a whirlpool inside his body.

This vortex is frantically absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy in the purple-clothed monk's body is also integrated into this vortex.

Then, under the control of this vortex, the purple-clothed monk launched a powerful blow.

However, although the power of this blow was very powerful, it was obviously not within the range that the purple-clothed monk could withstand.

Just like this, the purple-clothed monk only felt extremely weak at the moment. Not only was there no trace of spiritual power in his body, he even felt huge pain coming from his body.

Not to mention moving to stimulate spiritual power, the purple-clothed monk felt that even breathing was very painful.

This feeling made the purple-clothed monk wake up from his coma.

Suddenly, the purple-clothed monk groaned and looked ahead blankly.

At the same time, a bad feeling emerged in the purple-clothed monk's heart.

This unpleasant feeling made his heart twitch slightly.

I originally thought that entering the mysterious realm would further improve my cultivation.

It was only now that the purple-clothed monk realized the gap between his own strength and a truly strong person.

"If he hadn't stopped Hansen just now, I might have died here."

The purple-clothed monk whispered softly in his heart.

When he saw Hansen and Du Yu fighting, the purple-clothed monk felt a little more at ease in his heart.

In any case, the battle between these two strong men was to snatch themselves. Thinking of this, Hansen felt a bit proud.

Who else can do this.

In the past, the appearance of one such strong man could cause a huge sensation, and now, the battle between two such strong men is completely for themselves.


There was a loud noise.

Du Yu only felt that his whole body became paralyzed.

The fight between Du Yu and Hansen just now caused Du Yu to be in a state of paralysis.

Hansen, who was fighting Du Yu, was even more horrified.

Hansen clearly felt that the monk in front of him was not as good as himself, but his strength was so powerful.

You know, this is almost impossible for monks who have been practicing all the way.

You must know that the realm can determine the strength. Generally speaking, there is still a certain gap in strength between the same realms, but the monk in front of him has a realm that is obviously lower than himself, but his own strength can actually suppress him.

Hansen's face was very ugly, and his heart was full of disbelief.

On the contrary, Du Yu, who was fighting Hansen, became excited. As for the purple-clothed monk, he had already forgotten about him.

Powerful spiritual power was activated in Du Yu's body one after another, and each of Du Yu's attacks became extremely powerful. Under the huge offensive, Hansen, who was at a higher level than Du Yu, found it difficult to parry. *

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