As soon as he came over, Hansen looked ahead with curiosity on his face.

Feeling the aura on Du Yu's body, Hansen looked at the purple-clothed monk more curiously.

"This fellow Taoist, I know that I am no match for you. Today I have given up on this monk in purple clothes. I still hope that you will let me see the ancient bloodline."

Hansen's words were very sincere.

Of course, during the speech, Hansen was also carefully guarding Du Yu.

Although Hansen doesn't want to go against Du Yu now, there were a lot of battles between the two just now, so Hansen can't guarantee that Du Yu won't attack him.

However, Hansen's worries were unnecessary. Du Yu did not hesitate at all, nodded and said, "You can look at it as you like."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he didn't even look at Hansen. It seemed that in Du Yu's eyes, Hansen behind him was not a monk in the Dzogchen realm, but just an ordinary monk.

Seeing that Du Yu didn't care about him at all, Hansen couldn't help but shake his head. The monk in front of him was too weird.

At the same time, there was also a sense of powerlessness emerging from the bottom of Hansen's heart.

Hansen, who thought he had reached his peak state, knew that there were still existences in this world that he could not resist.

Although he felt helpless for Jiefang Nan, Hansen also felt relieved.

Judging from Du Yu's actions, he still had no hostility toward him, but he just felt sorry for the purple-clothed monk.

"You, who are you?"

When Du Yu walked up to the purple-clothed monk and slightly suppressed the ancient blood in his body, the purple-clothed monk couldn't help but ask.

Hearing the purple-clothed monk's words, Hansen also pricked up his ears. To be honest, even Hansen was very curious about Du Yu's identity.

After practicing for these years, Hansen has a basic understanding of the strong people around him.

However, in Hansen's memory, there was no such monk as Du Yu.

The most likely possibility is that after Hansen's cultivation breakthrough for these years, his current cultivation level has reached this level.

The thought came to this, but Hansen himself denied it.

"I don't know how many years ordinary monks have practiced. It is impossible to reach this level of strength in such a short period of time." Hansen rejected his thoughts in his heart.

However, the real situation is that Du Yu made a breakthrough in this short period of time.

Such a thing was impossible to happen in Hansen's knowledge. However, the reality happened in front of Hansen's eyes.

"You can call me Du Yu."

Du Yu looked quietly at the purple-robed monk in front of him.

At the same time, Du Yu was more convinced of his suspicion just now.

It seems that the purple-clothed monk's reaction just now was completely suppressed by the power of blood in his body.

Because Du Yu had absorbed the power of his bloodline in ancient times, the purple-clothed monk's condition gradually recovered.

At this moment, the monk in purple saw that Du Yu no longer felt the same fear as before.

Thinking of the fear just now, the purple-clothed monk felt as if he was living in a nightmare. The power emanating from the monk in front of him was really terrifying.

This fear directly affected his mind.

The purple-clothed monk even subconsciously believed that if he moved even slightly, he would be killed by the monk in front of him.

This kind of shock is based on the soul, not on strength.

If there is suppression based on strength, ordinary monks can still rely on their own reason to resist, but this kind of suppression based on the soul cannot be resisted by reason at all.

"You can call me Du Yu."

Du Yu said calmly, while walking towards the purple-clothed monk step by step.

"Tell me, where did your ancient bloodline power come from?"

There was a bit of curiosity in Du Yu's eyes.

Before Du Yu met the ruthless emperor, he had never heard of the ancient bloodline. But now, since meeting the ruthless emperor, information about the ancient bloodline has appeared in front of Du Yu many times.

According to Du Yu's understanding, there should be no ancient bloodline in this world.

After all, it has been such a long time, and the ancient bloodline has long since dissipated.

As for those monks with ancient blood flowing in their bodies, they have become very weak after generations of reproduction over the years.

Of course, there is another situation that cannot be photographed, that is, the blood in the body suddenly explodes.

This kind of outbreak is very similar to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi didn't know how many generations of descendants he was from the ruthless emperor. Logically speaking, even if there was ancient blood in his body, it would be very weak.

However, in Bai Yi's generation, the blood in his body awakened, allowing his blood to directly reach the concentration of the third generation.

This probability can be said to be extremely slim, and it is impossible for ordinary monks to encounter it in their entire lives.

So Du Yu directly ruled out this situation.

Moreover, when Bai Yi met Du Yu, he did not react like the purple-clothed monk in front of him. In other words, the ancient bloodline in Bai Yi's body was stronger than the ancient bloodline in the purple-clothed monk's body.

In this case, Du Yu could only guess that the purple-clothed monk in front of him might have obtained the power of ancient bloodline from the secret realm by some chance.

It's a pity that this ancient bloodline doesn't look very powerful, or in other words, it's not as powerful as Du Yu's ancient bloodline.

Otherwise, the purple-clothed monk would not have seen Du Yu unable to move.

"How did the blood in your body come from? Tell me carefully and I will protect you from death."

Du Yu's words were very soft, and at the same time they were also very sincere.

Du Yu didn't want the purple monk's life.

For Du Yu, the life of the purple-robed monk had no meaning in his eyes.

The purple-clothed monk looked at Du Yu warily, and when he was about to resist, he suddenly felt the powerful blood power in Du Yu's body.

This time, this powerful bloodline force rushed towards him like a giant beast.

The suffocating feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart again.

The purple-clothed monk fell into fear again.

Under this feeling of fear, the purple-clothed monk could not say anything at all.

As for the original thoughts of resistance that arose in my mind, they have long since disappeared.

This idea of ​​resistance is not worth mentioning before the powerful ancient bloodline.

Behind Du Yu, Hansen looked at everything in front of him with dull eyes.

At this moment, Hansen also understood a little bit in his heart, that is, the ancient bloodline in the monk named Du Yu was stronger than the bloodline of the purple-clothed monk. Otherwise, the purple-clothed monk would not be like this at all.

Hansen looked at everything in front of him greedily, and looked at Du Yu with even more envy. Judging from this look, it seemed that he was planning to get the ancient bloodline power in Du Yu's body. *

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