But this greedy look dissipated in an instant, and instead, the greedy look turned directly into piety.

To be honest, so far, Hansen only knows Du Yu's name. As for Du Yu's origin and strength, he has no idea at all.

What makes Hansen feel most incredible is that Du Yu's realm is not as high as his own.

And at this rate, Du Yu's strength still has room for improvement.

Hansen couldn't even imagine Du Yu's future achievements.

This kind of thing is really a chance.

"I must follow this fellow Taoist. I believe that by following him, my monks can continue to make breakthroughs."

This thought came to Hansen's mind.

As soon as this idea came up, it took root and sprouted in Hansen's body like a seed.

In just a moment, this seed firmly captured Hansen's mind.

At this moment, Hansen had only one thought in his mind, that is, he must seize this plan.

While Hansen was thinking wildly, several monks came from behind.

Looking up, Hansen found that it was the five people who came to look for the purple monk.

As soon as he saw the menacing appearance of these five people, Hansen's face showed a bit of joy.

Originally, Hansen didn't know what excuse to use to stay with Du Yu, but at this time, the arrival of these five monks completely created opportunities for Hansen.

"Good man, good man."

Hansen's face showed a bit of excitement.

Immediately, Hansen directly activated the power in his body and said to Du Yu at the same time, "Senior, there are a few clowns coming to make trouble, I will clean them up."

After saying that, Hansen flew directly towards the five monks regardless of whether Du Yu agreed or not.

The powerful power immediately attracted the attention of these five monks.

To be honest, when we were in Dragon City just now, although they were blocked by many red-armored monks, these five monks were not ordinary monks after all, so after a brief battle, they rushed out from the surroundings of many red-armored monks. .

This can only be blamed on the past tranquility in Dragon City, which made today's reaction a bit slower.

I remember that when Longcheng first established its rules, it was despised by many monks, so Longcheng used iron-blooded methods to set such rules.

To this day, no monks dare to come and cause trouble.

Even speaking, those monks who were fooling around were not as powerful as the monks who appeared today.

At most, the strength of Hill and others is similar.

It was precisely because these ordinary monks were not strong enough that Longcheng easily captured these people.

However, today, with so many strong men appearing all at once, Dragon City's power is somewhat insufficient.

And because of the lack of training, those strong men did not show up.

It can be said that the Lord of Dragon City has been completely embarrassed this time.

If Du Yu, Zi Yi and the other six monks cannot be caught, Longcheng's face may be truly despised.

But no matter what, what the Lord of Dragon City does in the future is a matter of the future, but now, these monks have all run away.

The only ones left in Longcheng were the fallen red-armored monks.

At this moment, the entire Dragon City was already in panic.

In the palace of the Lord of Dragon City, the monks who were excited about the return of the Great Elder were now completely deceived.

However, no matter how slow Longcheng's response was, there was still no doubt about its own strength.

All of a sudden, many monks with strong cultivation levels came out of the city lord's mansion.

The red-armored monks in Dragon City also stepped up their patrols.

This caused many casual cultivators in Dragon City to be questioned by the red-armored cultivators.

Although many monks are stronger than these red-armored monks.

But the scene outside was seen by everyone.

Although the red-armored monks were the ones who died the most in the battle just now, there were countless strong men emerging from Dragon City, so these monks did not dare to make mistakes.

At most, he could complain where the red-armored monks couldn't see him.

But after these monks complained, they looked around with a guilty conscience.

Talking about Longcheng's fault at this moment is tantamount to opposing Longcheng. If someone doesn't hear it, the consequences will be very miserable.

Of course, there are also monks who saw what happened in Dragon City and wanted to leave here.

However, as soon as these monks arrived at the city gate, they were arrested by the monks guarding the city gate.

After that, many monks knew clearly, and the entire Dragon City was directly blocked.

"The city lord has ordered that Dragon City be sealed off from now on. All monks are only allowed to enter and not leave. The blockade will be lifted after the opening order is issued."

Many monks heard the shouts of the red-armored monks at the gate of Dragon City.

There is also a notice posted at the city gate.

It’s just that the notices in the world of monks are not ordinary notices.

This notice looks exactly like a jade slip.

When the monk integrates his spiritual power into the jade slips, he can view the information left in the jade slips.

This is a small means for a monk.

Those monks who checked the jade slips immediately clearly saw the portraits of Du Yu and the six monks.

"It seems that these six monks are in complete trouble. Back then, in order to hunt down a scorner, Longcheng even killed the monks protected by the True God."

"Although these six monks are strong, Longcheng will definitely get their dignity back."

Here, the atmosphere in Dragon City has become very solemn, and many monks are talking about it.

Over there, the moment the five monks saw Hansen rushing over, they directly activated the power in their bodies.

The five people originally used special secret techniques.

Although their own strength is not very strong, if five people come together, they can combine into a powerful force.

It is very difficult to learn this formation.

Only the unity of five people can achieve such an effect.

Otherwise, as long as anyone has distracting thoughts, it will cause a decline in power and even cause the formation to collapse, causing backlash to the five people in the formation.

From ancient times to the present, such formations have been very rare, but in Wujin, these five monks united to mobilize their strength, and the spiritual power emanating from the entire space was terrifying.

The war is about to break out.

"Bang bang bang..."

Several bombardments were heard in succession, and in just a short moment, Hansen fought against these five monks several times.

When facing these five monks, Hansen regained his confidence a little.

"This is the strength a monk should have."

Thinking of Du Yu's strength, Hansen said depressedly. *

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