Although the five monks were not defeated, Hansen regained his sense of balance.

The actions of the five monks in front of him were very similar to one, which made Hansen feel a little bit pressured.

This is the weirdness of this formation.

In normal times, Hansen might still have a headache.

But now, after seeing Du Yu's weirdness, Hansen has become accustomed to it.

No matter how weird these five monks are, can they be weirder than Du Yu?

In front of Du Yu, a freak, Hansen could accept any weird thing.

Hansen's originally shattered self-confidence, which was criticized by Du Yu, has been restored at this moment.

Even if these five monks are strong with the blessing of the formation, so what?

In Hansen's eyes, this formation was simply flashy.

Such a formation relies on the power of five monks, not the strength of one person.

Immediately, Hansen directly activated the power in his body, and powerful power burst out directly from Hansen's body.

As these powers bombarded the five monks every time, Hansen immediately felt an indescribable sense of pleasure.

And here, the five monks were even more unpredictable when facing Hansen's attack.

Every attack of these five people seemed to be calculated.

If it weren't for the five real people in front of them, everyone might have thought it was a monk.

"Fuck me."

The red monk looked at Hansen in front with a livid face. With a scream, the offensive of the five monks also changed.

Originally, these five monks were mainly focused on defense.

Although the formation they formed could resist Hansen's attack, the whole process was very passive, and it seemed that they were completely suppressed by Hansen.

In this way, everyone will be angry.

Especially when these five monks saw that the purple-clothed monk was in a very dangerous situation, they became even more anxious.

Although they first saw Hansen fighting Du Yu, now, these people have no idea why Hansen wanted to help Du Yu.

But no matter what, the most important thing in their eyes is the purple monk.

After all, there is a special connection between the six people.

If the purple-clothed monk dies, even if the monk does not die, his strength will be severely damaged.

After all, these six people have practiced this formation from the beginning, which means that the six people are equivalent to a monk.

Sure enough, after the five monks joined together and changed the formation, the power emanating from the five people was somewhat different.

These forces became very powerful. After dodging Hansen's attack, the five people also began to fight back.

Powerful spiritual energy fluctuations emanated from the bodies of these five monks.

These spiritual powers seemed to be bombarding Hansen like ferocious beasts.

Facing the attacks of the five monks, Hansen's expression did not change at all, and then he used his strength to blast forward.

To be honest, in Hansen's eyes, there was no resistance at all, especially when facing five people.

Facing Du Yu, due to the strength gap between the two sides, Hansen was still trying to find a way to resist, but what could the five monks in front of him mean?

There is no need to resist in the face of their attacks.

Just attack directly with force.


The void was almost torn apart by the two attacks. After one blow, Hansen and the five monks continued to attack.

And here, facing Du Yu's bloodline suppression, the purple-clothed monk also revealed the secret in his heart.

"I, I got the ancient bloodline in a secret realm."

The purple-clothed monk muttered in his heart.

In fact, the purple-clothed monk was already on the verge of crying at this moment.

When he saw the explosion of strength, the purple-clothed monk was still secretly happy.

The benefits brought by this increase in strength are unimaginable. If you are lucky enough to escape today, your strength will be greatly improved in the future.

However, Du Yu's appearance directly shattered the purple-clothed monk's thoughts.

At this moment, the monk in purple clothes was also complaining secretly.

If there is no ancient blood in his body, he can still think about how to escape.

But because the power of the ancient bloodline in the body was suppressed by Du Yu's bloodline power, there was no way to think.

It can be said that because of the power of this ancient bloodline, the monk in purple has completely become meat on the chopping board.

Even Du Yu, who looked at the purple-clothed monk, was curious in his heart.

If he had been using the power of ancient bloodline to suppress the purple-clothed monk, I am afraid that the purple-clothed monk would have been frightened to death.

"Secret realm?"

Du Yu's face immediately showed an expression of interest.

Immediately, Du Yu asked about the location of the secret realm.

After figuring out the direction, Du Yu smiled and said, "Guys, why don't we go to the secret realm to explore together."

After finishing speaking, Du Yu ignored Hansen and the five monks who were fighting, picked up the purple-clothed monk, and then Du Yu rushed forward very quickly.

Here, Hansen, who was fighting with five monks, heard Du Yu's voice and couldn't help but look back. At this glance, he saw Du Yu leaving with the purple monks.

Thinking of Du Yu's words before leaving, Hansen felt a little happy. It seemed that this cultivator named Du Yu did not exclude him.

Immediately, Hansen stopped entangled, let go of the five monks, and followed directly in the direction Du Yu left.

On this side, when the five monks saw this, they also put away their strength and chased forward.

No matter what, the lives of the purple monks must be saved, otherwise the problem will be troublesome.

Seeing Hansen leaving, the five monks also hurriedly chased after him.

In fact, these five monks also knew about the purple-clothed monk's practice, so they pursued him forward without any hurry or delay.

"Xiaoqi's current situation is not too bad, we still have a chance."

After the five of them glanced at each other, they chased forward very quickly.

These five people knew very well that what Du Yu and Hansen wanted was just the power of ancient bloodline, and other reasons had weakened a lot.

As long as these two people don't figure out where the secret realm is, they have a chance.

Only this time, even the five monks felt a little headache.

If they face Du Yu or Hansen alone, they think they still have a good chance of winning.

But now, facing these two people at the same time, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

What these five people didn't know was that Hansen was impressed by Du Yu, so he followed Du Yu.

For a moment, the place became silent, and all the monks who were fighting disappeared in an instant. Except for the traces of the battle left on the ground, no other monks could be seen at all. *

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