You know, when the great elder came back with the two monks, the entire Dragon City began to be on guard.

It's just that due to the great elder's strength and status, these people didn't show it obviously, but now it's different. The great elder's wild beast-like cry originally attracted the attention of many monks.

But now, the battle in the entire mansion is not covered up at all, which makes many monks have doubtful looks on their faces.

"Look." At this moment, the monk coming from behind exclaimed.

It turned out that in the void, Hansen, who was covered in black scales, was receiving a blow from Pangu in the crotch.

Pangu struck Hansen's arm with the mountain ax in his hand, and the powerful force caused many scales to fly out.

For a moment, Hansen's arms were already dripping with blood, but the black blood looked extremely oozing, so the monks below were stunned.

These monks were first looking for the figure of Great Elder Hansen. However, after taking a look, they did not find where Hansen was. Instead, they saw Pangu fighting in the void and Du Yu watching the battle.

In this way, the monk covered in black scales is the great elder.

These monks looked at the Great Elder in the void with incredulous expressions. They could not imagine how the Great Elder could become like this. Suddenly, their faces became very ugly.

You know, the Great Elder is the spiritual pillar of Dragon City. If the Great Elder becomes like this, I believe it won't be long before Dragon City will completely decline.

And if this happens, they will also be in crisis.

There are many forces around here, but they have been eyeing Duanduan Dragon City for a long time. Without the protection of the great elder, I believe these forces will come over soon.

After all, Dragon City's location in the modification world is really great.

Long Aotian's face was gloomy, but he still looked at everything in the void quietly.

Judging from the fluctuations in the battle in the void, it is obvious that this level of fighting is not something he can participate in.

Are you kidding me? If a monk in the Dzogchen realm fights and joins in, isn't he looking for death?

Of course, Long Aotian, as the city lord of Dragon City, is not a free man.

Although the situation in the void is unclear at the moment, there are too many unexpected situations that have occurred as the great elder brought these two monks back.

In fact, many current rumors are about Dragon City.

This makes the rules that Dragon City finally established not so important.

After thinking about it, Long Aotian waved to a monk behind him, "Go and gather all the guards in the city, keep them in fighting condition, and attack at any time."

The monk began to get busy after hearing Long Aotian's instructions.

After seeing that the arrangements were in place, Long Aotian looked deeply into the void.

Although the monks in this Dzogchen realm are very powerful, they are also very dangerous in the human sea tactics.

Especially since these two monks are now in the center of Dragon City, they will be surrounded by many guards.

At this point, if an accident really happens, there is no telling who will win and who will lose.

But Long Aotian had a headache, that is, if such a battle really happened, the target of these two monks would definitely be himself.

Although Long Aotian's own strength is good, he has no confidence that he can survive the pursuit of two monks in the Great Perfection realm.

But now, he can only do this. After all, Long Aotian has devoted his efforts to Longcheng, so naturally he can't bear Longcheng to decline like this.

Of course, at this moment, Long Aotian also had a plan in mind, which was to cultivate as many powerful monks as possible after this storm passed.

Although the individual strength of these monks is not comparable to that of the Great Elder, their own strength is strong. In this way, such an embarrassing situation will not occur.

Because Long Aotian had the illusion of being kidnapped by the great elder.

This illusion was like a shackles, tightly wrapped around Long Aotian, making him very uncomfortable.

At this moment, in the void, Pangu was fighting very hard.

Although the Hansen in front of him looked very embarrassed, the black armor on his body was too out of place.

If Pangu's power were smaller, he would not be able to break through Hansen's defense.

But when he pushed his power to the extreme, he could only cause slight damage to Hansen.

At the beginning, Pangu felt very refreshed when fighting. After all, Hansen could resist his own attacks, so Pangu felt very refreshed.

But when they got to the back, Pangu stopped attacking Hansen. His arms were numb every time the strong force was shocked.

As of now in the battle, Pangu has been completely suppressed by Hansen.

This made Pangu very frustrated.

But no matter how much Pangu used his strength, he couldn't defeat Hansen, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Damn it, with the blessing of ancient bloodline power, this hairy guy is really powerful."

In the void, Pangu couldn't help but cursed and yelled.

Suddenly, many monks below looked over curiously.

To be honest, Pangu didn't hide anything when he spoke just now, so the monks below heard it clearly.

"The power of ancient bloodline?" Everyone's faces showed confusion. This was the first time they had heard of this term.

But regardless of whether they understand it or not, these people have kept this word in their hearts.

Are you kidding me? How can this be said by a strong man in the Dzogchen realm?

In the future, if there are enough opportunities, maybe I can get some ancient bloodline power, which will also allow me to improve myself.

As for others, they knew that it turned out that the great elder's strength had improved.

Sure enough, after Pangu finished speaking, Hansen's voice came over, but there was a bit of hoarseness in the voice.

"Your strength is not bad. It really shocks me that you can persist for such a long time."

Hansen's voice was extremely hoarse, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

But there were still bursts of tingling sensations on his body.

The stinging sensation was caused by the flying scales.

Under this tingling sensation, Hansen's mind became very clear, but he suppressed his desire to fight.

"Brother Pangu, why don't we end our competition here today."

When Pangu heard what Hansen said, he immediately became unhappy. Just when he was about to refuse, Du Yu's voice came, "That's almost it."*

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