Seeing Du Yu talking, Pangu had no choice but to give up, and then he couldn't help but sigh and said, "Damn, you are so powerful all of a sudden. It seems that I can't slack off anymore."

After Pangu finished speaking, he also reflected on the battle just now.

Over the years, Pangu has been in a state of cultivation, so such fighting opportunities are very rare.

Naturally, Pangu didn't know where the limit of his power was.

But now, after a battle with Hansen, Pangu already knew a lot about his own strength.

Of course, the battle just now seemed extremely exciting, but neither side used their final strength, so Pangu's power should be stronger than this.

After this battle, Pangu's contempt for Hansen was reduced a lot.

Originally, Pangu was still a little proud.

You know, at the beginning, Pangu was not in the Dzogchen realm, but he was able to suppress Hansen.

This also gave Pangu a hint of embarrassment.

But through today's battle, Pangu also suppressed this arrogant mentality.

It can be said that this time, the competition between the two has many benefits.

Not only was Pangu familiar with his own power, but Hansen was also familiar with his own power.

After the two came down from the void, Hansen looked at the monks around him with an unkind look, and said coldly, "Is this your way of entertaining my distinguished guests?"

For a moment, the monks who were watching were stunned, and they immediately looked at each other, and finally they could only focus on Long Aotian.

After receiving the attention of so many people at once, Long Aotian not only did not panic, but stepped forward and said, "Great Elder, I was worried about you, but now it seems that it was a misunderstanding, and I am relieved."

Just after he finished speaking, Long Aotian's eyes fell on the incomplete mansion of the great elder, and he said immediately, "Great elder, your mansion is damaged, why not follow me to Xinyuan, although it can't compare with yours. It’s a mansion, but it’s also a nice place. After the mansion is repaired, you can move back.”

What Long Aotian said was extremely sincere.

The great elder did not get angry with Long Aotian because his strength had just improved.

To be honest, Hansen's concentration is pretty good.

It was just that when my strength improved at the beginning, I was a little surprised, which also made my character a little unstable.

But now, the great elder has completely stabilized.

Du Yu next to him couldn't help but nodded slightly when he saw this scene.

It has to be said that a strong person in the Dzogchen realm still has a few brushes of his own.

Although he is weaker than himself in terms of strength, his determination is really good.

Even Du Yu believed that there was no way to do better than him.

"I'm determined."

Hansen glanced at Long Aotian quietly, and then hurriedly came to Du Yu's side.

Hansen knew very well that the strength of the young monk in front of him was unfathomable.

Maybe the monk's own strength is similar to that of using the power of ancient bloodline, but this monk is also a strong man of ancient bloodline.

And judging from the level of bloodline, it is very strong.

Hansen felt nervous when he thought of the scene where the Black Wind Taoist was unable to move in front of Du Yu.

At this moment, Hansen felt a little nervous when facing Du Yu. This kind of tension was something he had never felt before.

Du Yu did not release the aura of ancient power, but Hansen had felt such aura of ancient power, so his whole body had been invisibly affected by the suppression of bloodline power.

This impact is not insignificant.

"Now that your wish has been fulfilled, we are ready to leave."

Du Yu looked at Hansen quietly.

When Hansen heard Du Yu's words, he was distracted for a moment, and immediately shouted, "Senior, I will never be able to repay your great kindness. I hope you can stay here longer and let me entertain you well." Fan."

Hansen's words were very urgent, making everyone around him extremely moved.

As for Long Aotian and other monks, they looked at Du Yu with curiosity.

No one thought that this Du Yu might be a real strong man. Because of his words, the two monks in the Dzogchen realm were directly separated from the fighting state.

And because of his words, a monk in the Dzogchen realm was extremely excited.

"No need."

Du Yu refused directly.

During these years of practice, Du Yu has been running almost all the time, rarely stopping.

Since Du Yu promised to take many people back to his hometown, Du Yu must do it.

Even though the ruthless emperor has not appeared now, Du Yu will not give up his promise easily.

Perhaps from Pangu's point of view, Du Yu's stay for a few more days didn't matter at all, but in Du Yu's eyes, practice time was very precious. If he stayed today, he would develop a bad habit.

From now on, in the process of practice, he will slack off, and if this happens, it will be somewhat difficult for Du Yu's Shilixiang to continue to improve.

Hansen's face suddenly showed a look of disappointment. After thinking about it, Hansen took out a jade slip from his arms.

This jade slip looks very vicissitudes of life, full of historical atmosphere.

The moment the jade slip was taken out, it caught Du Yu's attention.

"Why does this look so familiar?"

Without waiting for Hansen to react, Du Yu directly took the jade slip in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Where did you get it?" Du Yu immediately asked.

Hansen was stunned when he saw Du Yu's appearance. He was still thinking about how to explain the origin of this jade slip and make Du Yu pay attention to it.

But he didn't expect that Du Yu would recognize him as soon as he took it out.

In fact, the jade slip in front of him was ordinary, and there was nothing different about it at all. However, Hansen had obtained this jade slip not long ago, and he found that there seemed to be a seal on it to seal something.

Originally, Hansen hoped that his strength would rise to a high enough level to unlock the seal on the jade slip.

In this way, we can understand what is recorded in the jade slips.

It was only now, when Du Yu wanted to leave, that Hansen remembered the jade slip and reluctantly handed it to Du Yu.

Immediately, Hansen used his power to create a barrier to block the conversation between the three people.

This made many monks in the distance show regretful looks on their faces. It was just a conversation between strong men in the Dzogchen realm. How could these people make mistakes? *

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