The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 905 The Divine Weapon Becomes 2

During the period when the magic weapon was being cast, Du Yu and Nangong Qin had been staying in the Huangyun Mountains.

With so many precious materials used, he could not rest assured. If the creation of the magic weapon failed this time, he would not know how to get together the ten demon power crystals for the second time.

After all, according to the news that Feng Qingyang passed to him, after the Immortal Killing Sect also surrendered to the Heavenly Punishment, the resistance from other forces was obviously much smaller. Even those super forces should think carefully about going against the Heavenly Punishment at this time. The possibility of surviving.

Du Yu's battle outside the Immortal Killing Sect was really too shocking, and Du Yu didn't even make any moves, he just broke the formation.

The four Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian of the Immortal Killing Sect were all killed by Nangong Qin, who had been the dean of Dao Dao Academy and was newly promoted to the intermediate Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. This made them deeply feel the gap between the intermediate and elementary levels. .

According to their intelligence, Heavenly Punishment has four intermediate-level Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals, and they also have a way for people to break through to the intermediate level.

When the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, the only remaining member of the Immortal Killing Sect, appeared again and was also an intermediate-level person, no one would question Du Yu's words.

Almost most of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian are excited. The temptation of continuing to improve their strength is very great for them.

Under such temptation, and the continuous expansion of the Scourge's army towards the dark side, almost all forces gave up resistance, just waiting for the Scourge to come and take over.

At this speed, it is only a matter of time before the world of reincarnation is completely unified.

So in a short time, Du Yu will no longer be able to find Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to kill. After all, they will all become one of his slaves. Although Du Yu is not a good person, he is not so crazy that he even kills his own men. .

He pays special attention to the rules of destruction in the sea of ​​consciousness of several casting masters. As soon as they have an idea, Du Yu will activate the destruction runes and directly obliterate the opponent before he can take action.

The reason why these forging masters were allowed to refine the runes of destruction before refining the weapons was not only because they wanted to take several forging masters into their own hands, but also had this plan.

Du Yu didn't want to make mistakes because of a certain person at this most critical time.

Of course, he was not idle during the waiting period. Instead, he accompanied Nangong Qin to compete and hone her combat experience. Although Nangong Qin now has few opponents in the reincarnation world, when facing powerful people of the same level, But there are some shortcomings. Nangong Qin will definitely participate in the subsequent battle with the ancient demon clan. Instead of being restricted everywhere by then, it is better to improve his strength now.

Of course, during this period, the Evil Soldier Ghost Eye once again provided Du Yu with an innate soul. If there was a way to extract the soul of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he could continue to condense it, but a strong man of this level would not have the resources if he did not have the resources. , it is simply impossible to extract the soul, and even if they have the ability to let the soul escape, they may not be able to find a formation of the same level as the counterfeit Zhuxian Sword Formation of the Immortal Killing Sect.

With this innate soul, Du Yu called Du Long, who was staying at the Heavenly Punishment Headquarters, over. Its strength had always been at the level of a mid-level Tiandao Saint, and its defense was comparable to that of a lower-level Tiandao Saint.

But for Du Yu now, this strength has no effect and cannot help him at all. Improving Du Long's strength has become something that must be put on the schedule.

After all, innate souls are very precious, and Du Yu doesn't want to waste them in vain, so now he has another one, and his understanding of the rules of destruction has reached a level where he is not weak, and he can give Du Long a major transformation. , and can even incorporate other supreme rules he has mastered to make Du Long more powerful.

Du Long came very quickly, almost after receiving Du Yu's order, he rushed over as soon as possible. Looking at Du Yu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Du Long seemed a little excited, and his huge body was very intimately wrapped around Du Yu. Beside Yu.

"Master, what do you want to see me for?" Du Long's dull voice came out slowly from his ferocious and majestic mouth. Nangong Qin looked at it very curiously.

This was the first time she had seen a creature like Du Long, and she could vaguely feel that he was extraordinary.

Du Yu touched Du Long's head, took out the innate soul sealed in the evil soldier's ghost eyes, brought it to Du Long's mouth and said: "Swallow and refine this, and I will improve your strength. "

Du Long naturally did not doubt Du Yu, nor did he look at what it was. He opened his mouth and swallowed it directly. It was not until the innate soul power exploded that it reacted. Du Long didn't have time to tell Du Yu his gratitude, so he started to practice directly. change.

The innate soul is the purest soul in the world. For Du Long, who is also an innate soul, it is definitely a great supplement. After it swallows the innate soul, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Du Yu looked at Du Long who had closed his eyes and crossed his arms. A trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. The next step was to transform Du Long's body. This was the first time for him to do such a thing. He didn't want to There was a slight mistake.

He turned his head and looked at Nangong Qin aside and said, "Qin'er, protect me for a while and don't let anyone get close to me or disturb me."

Looking at Du Yu's serious look, Nangong Qin knew the seriousness of the matter, and she nodded.

Du Yu felt relieved and then set up a barrier with Nangong Qin as the guardian. As long as the ancient demon didn't appear now, no one in the world of reincarnation could disturb him. Du Yu was very relieved.

He walked to Du Long's side, and various colors of light surged around him, and all the rules in the chaotic world within his body emerged. This power even directly pushed away the surrounding world of reincarnation, as if a world had been created. After all the rules except the supreme rules were upgraded to the realm of saints, the chaotic world became different.

Du Yu's power has also become different. Living creatures can already exist in the chaotic world. This is a huge improvement compared to before. If Du Yu improves a little or masters some supreme rules, I am afraid that the chaotic world will Living things can be born directly.

Looking at the huge Du Long in front of him, he raised his hand and poured all his strength directly into Du Long's body. Du Long's body instantly became a bloody mess, and then quickly began to reorganize. Du Yu then used the Chaos World's Strength, transform Du Long's body. If successful, Du Long's physical defense will definitely be improved by several levels.

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